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Insteon 6 button keypad: Making button lights sync with scene and lights in that scene

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What is the preferred way to keep button lights in sync with the status of the scenes/lights they trigger? Especially in the case when one of the buttons is a grouping of the others.

As in the following scenario:

Btn A: Lights 1, 2, 3 
Btn B: Light 1
Btn C: Light 2
Btn D: Light 3

If A is pressed, all lights go on and the button lights for B-D should go on too. If any of the lights are turned off by pressing B-D (or turned off via Alexa/Google), the A button should go off. If B-D are each turned on individually, A button should be lit.

i.e., A is lit if and only if all three lights are on. B-D are lit when their corresponding light is on.

Thanks for any suggestions.

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Given you stated requirements, I don't think this can be accomplished entirely via scenes.  You might get by with a scene with A as controller and B,C,D as responders.  That would cause lights 1-3 to come on in response to pressing button A.  The rest sounds like it would need some conditions only available via program.  


(control) button B or button C or button D is switched off


turn off button A



(status) button B and button C and button D is on


turn on button A


It may be possible to combine the logic into a single program, but I was not feeling overly ambitions tonight.

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Thanks. I have a program that watches the status of the lights and sets A accordingly. I was also doing B-D with a program for each. I'll try setting those in the scene to see if I can get rid of that. I have been tearing my hair out with this because it has been very unreliable and unpredictable. I cleared all the settings (re-added with the "Remove existing links" option) and started anew and things certainly seem to be a lot better now. So all my previous dead ends have to be revisited.


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I use programs also for each LED. Each program then operates a scene for each LED.

Make sure you add some time delay. (eg Wait 1 second) Having a device send out a trigger signal and hitting it back with another immediately is suspected of causing erroneous signals due to clashes.

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