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Scene with Zwave and Insteon does not always work


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I have a scene with lights on it.  Various Zwave and Insteon devices.

The zwave devices always turn on/off.  The insteon devices not always, some do all the time and some never do.

If I control the insteon device or any other direct programs they work fine.  So I don't think I have a communication issue.

Any suggestions on why this happens?  Do I need to remove insteon from the scene?

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2 hours ago, theedudenator said:

If I control the insteon device or any other direct programs they work fine.  So I don't think I have a communication issue.

I am not sure one can make this conclusion.  Direct actions on an insteon device can be, I understand, more robust due to repeats and acknowledgements.  I don't believe that these exist in scene commands.


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I don't have any Zwave devices, so can't comment on actual experience, but as oberkc says, when the ISY sends direct Insteon commands to a device, it looks for an acknowledgement from the device and acts accordingly.  When the ISY sends out an Insteon scene command it's done and doesn't look for acknowledgements from the device.  So your symptoms could actually be pointing in the direction of a communication issues.

One way to get a sense of whether there is a communication problem is to open the Event Viewer (Tools>Diagnostics>Event Viewer) and set it to Level 3.  Then execute some programs that send commands to troublesome devices.  Look for statements in the Event Viewer that include (Hops Left=).  If there are consistently "Hops Left" that are less than 3, and especially if there are some equal to 1, then you likely have a communication issue.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 1/29/2019 at 11:19 PM, lilyoyo1 said:

What's your setup? Is insteon or zwave a controller or responder? What are the devices in question? Are you controlling from the ISY itself, devices themselves or programs? The more details we have the better we can help

Not sure how to answer.

I have an ISY99 with zwave module.  I use a PLM.  Program is in the ISY

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You need to narrow down the description of your problem.  You ariginally seened cconcerned that scenes were not working.  Later you introduce programs into the question.  Is there a relationship between the programs and the faulty scenes?  Are the faulty scenes used in the programs?  Are you suggesting that the scenes worked fine when part of the program?

It is unclear to me whether your scene is not working, a program is not triggering when you expect, a program is not running as expected.  Lets focus on the problem that concerns you (orignially stated as devices in a scene not responding).  How do you activate the scene when it does not respond as you expect?

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12 hours ago, oberkc said:

How do you activate the scene when it does not respond as you expect?

To put a finer point on the question...  Are you activating the scene by running a program on the ISY?  Or are you activating the scene by turning on a Zwave device?  Or are you activating the scene by turning on an Insteon device?

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