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The Red Green Programs

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This is NOT about the Red Green Show on TV.  But it is about my At Home and Vacation folders where their disabled/enabled (red or green) status is opposite what I think the folder conditions dictate.  I was wondering why lighting scenes are not running as they should.

Refer to the attached screen shots and on Jan 30, the VACATION folder is RED.  Yet the variable iday.of.year condition is clearly < 32.

Couple days later iday.of.year is now 32 and the VACATION folder is GREEN. But in may way of thinking, this value does not meet any of the folder conditions.  Is my logic backwards or is there an issue with variables in this ISY version?


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The issue is that you're using integer variables.  Only state variables cause a trigger which makes the IF reevaluate.  The fact that the folder state changed at some point means that something else caused a trigger which made the IF eevaluate.  Perhaps a reboot?

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