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Howto Tell if the PLM is Going Bad?


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How can you tell if your PLM is going bad?  I am having an issue (just started) where the ISY is having what appears to be major connectivity issues.  Programs fire but lights do not turn on/off (or if they do they are delayed).  Sometimes I can turn things on and off right away from the console, yet other times the requests are delayed or do not occur.

PLM status shows connected in Console.  It will build a PLM link table.

After a reboot of the ISY when I log in I get this "system busy" "Please do not....." message that stays for a LONG LONG time.

Any ideas?



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Program loops stuck on looping are a common cause for these delays and the message in the admin console.

Bad comms can also cause this.

Check your program tree and look for a program icon flashing green/red. This can be a good indicator of a program in a tight loop transmitting.
Another technique is to view your event viewer on level 3 and look for repeated Insteon addresses. Also look for "Hops Left". If you get a lot of Hops Left=1 it can identify a pathway too long, If the "Hops Left" for a given device varies, you have a winner device having a problem.

My system crippling line noise was from two garage door openers. One has been giving me slight problems for years but the newer one pushed it over the edge and got me out of my chair to find it. FilterLincs fixed both and I'm golden again.

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