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2413 s Caps all check out


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I was watching a thread about a lot of people changing out caps for the 2413 S and having success in getting green light back and unit working,  but I removed each capacitor from the board and checked there capacitance and found all of them to be good or within .47 micro Farads of there value there supposed to be.

Any other things I can check?


Hi and welcome to the UDI Forums!

What behaviors was your PLM displaying that lead to the repair? LED out only? some functionality dead? completely dead?



Besides the capacitors value. Do you have the ability to measure its ESR?  The PLM has a switching power supply and some of the caoacitors  are best to be rated for switching power supply use or low ESR. It is also possible another component may have failed.

There is a reverse engineered schematic of the power supply area of the 2413S that may help you. Page #12. https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/13866-repair-of-2413s-plm-when-the-power-supply-fails/page/12/


Looked in the manual of my Fluke  Model 233 and I don't see anything about ESR measurements .  So could it be possible that the capacitances come out right but their  ESR's could be bad?   


I would think if the capacity had gone down. The ESR would get worse. Since yours seemed to be in the normal tolerance. I can't say.

Do they show any physical signs? Like bulging,leaking or the rubber seals on the bottom starting to pop out?

Is yours new enough to have the 100uF 35V or 50V  capacitors in C7 and C13?

I had seen some indications the serial daughter board sometimes as issues. I know the V2.4 has a new design with the RS232 interface chip having better ESD raring and some protection on the two serial signals.

If you have a 2.3 or lower revision. You can measure the output of the unregulated +12 volts fairly easy on the serial daughter board. It is around 20 volts DC on one of the unused fuse pads and ground. Off hand I do not remember which pad is the +12 and the other connected to the serial port jack. As the 2412S had it on the port also.


Mine has the 10uF 35v on C7 and C13  I have ordered all 5 cap replacements with the new 100uF 50V for C7 and C13, well see what that does.  And I will check the unregulated +12.

Thank you for all your responses, I will let you know how things come out.


Mine had deteriorated enough for a capacity meter to read way low. A few where swollen or the rubber seals where starting to pop out. I suspect many may not show physical signs like mine did.


Just wanted to let you people know I had removed all 5 capacitors and checked there capacitance each and they were all very close to what they should be.  None of them looked popped or swollen,  yet one or more must have had then an issue with the ESR as I put in all new from the list they gave for the updated capacitors and all is well now with the plm.  LED is back on and it looks like it will be fine but I did not install it in my system yet.



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