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Automatic Query - Every ... minutes option


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It is not very important but is it possible to have an automatic query (& not manually) when we open the GUI (where we see the list of our devices) & a refresh every 5 (for example) minutes when the GUI is opened ? When I am not at home & I connect me to ISY (sometimes) I forget that my switches, ... are on or off on my GUI not because there are really on or off but because their status depending on my programs.


Is it possible to have an option "every ... minutes" where we enter a time (from, after, before, .... ) to program our events. I have some communications prblems with X-10 & Insteon devices, so I have a program like this : if 4PM or 4PM30 or 5PM, ... then....



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Hi Denis,


Unfortunately we do not have the capability of querying repeatedly based on the "GUI being active".


This said, however, you can have a program that queries all your devices every so often. Simply choose an interval for the condition and in the Then, choose the Repeat element.


We have to find the source for your comm issues since querying every few minutes is not optimal.


With kind regards,





It is not very important but is it possible to have an automatic query (& not manually) when we open the GUI (where we see the list of our devices) & a refresh every 5 (for example) minutes when the GUI is opened ? When I am not at home & I connect me to ISY (sometimes) I forget that my switches, ... are on or off on my GUI not because there are really on or off but because their status depending on my programs.


Is it possible to have an option "every ... minutes" where we enter a time (from, after, before, .... ) to program our events. I have some communications prblems with X-10 & Insteon devices, so I have a program like this : if 4PM or 4PM30 or 5PM, ... then....



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