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Aeotec Multisensor 6 - Guidance need


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Just got this and want to integrate with ISY-994y. I seem to have successfully added it to my Z-wave network but now am have trouble getting stuff to trigger.

To start here are the device the show up:

  • ZW 025 Binary Sensor
  • ZW 025 Multilevel Sensor
  • ZW 025 Tamper Alarm

Other users seem to indicate that a "Motion Sensor" should also show up but I don't see that.

What I want to do is use the data from this to control home automation tasks including and am looking for a cookbook approach to managing this from the ISY994Y admin console. For instance I'd like to get a control status change when motion is detected so I could set a variable indicating when the last occupancy event was detected. I'd like to get luminance status change so I can control lights and shades. I'd like know what "Wakeup [0] Seconds" means on the ZW 025 Multilevel Sensor device pages means.

Any guidance will be gratefully appreciated.

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You should have 4 nodes, the 3 you listed and a motion sensor node.

If your running the Multisensor 6 from batteries then the luminance, temperature and humidity nodes will only report hourly unless you change the configuration. Changing the reporting frequency will shorten the battery life.

Being that you're missing the motion sensor node you need to address that issue before moving on.

If your multisensory 6 is more than 20 feet away from the ISY and you have no other zwave devices that are acting as repeaters then you may have to add a zwave range extender/repeater.  Try moving the device closer to the ISY. If that doesn't help then take a look at the zwave section in the ISY manual for tips on creating / repairing the zwave network.

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I deleted and re-added the device and now have 6 nodes listed!


I count this as unexpected but good news. I'm running on USB power. Anyway I'm now looking for some guidance. On previous questions about capturing an storing status values.


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With the 5.0 firmware and corresponding administration software, all status information of the sensor is directly accessible as program conditions. Below is a sample program using the temperature status of the sensor - other status conditions are similar.

Coat closet fan on when hot
        'Foyer / Coat closet multi-sensor' Temperature > '$Coat_closet_fan_on_temperature Fahrenheit'
        $sCoat_closet_fan  = 1
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
Sets the state variable to the "fan on" state if the temperature 
is above the upper limit.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I just got an Aeotec. I believe I see all the nodes, but I’m trying to figure out how to set the motion sensor parameters. There doesn’t seem to be any way to do that. Anyone have experience with this or any ideas?

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  • 1 year later...

Kevin not sure if you got an answer, but you can set the parameters by right clicking the sensor on the main tab, then select "zwave", then select "set configuration parameter".


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