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Schedule programming with From + For


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Dear Experts,

This section of the docs are very soft on details and I wanted to see if I can get more details from those who have used this feature.   Assume I set a Light to be on Sunset + 30 as a from For 30 min...

What is supposed to happen?  How often is this expression re-evaluated?   what happens if 5 min after the light is on someone turns it off?


Thank you

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I can see value, but not alone in the clause.   From X to Y alone makes no sense, but could be useful to bracket trigering when used in conjuction with another condition.


This program likely has no use of the feature unless it is re-triggered every minute or so so that if someone turns the light off it turns back on.

        From    Sunset  + 10 minutes
        For      12 minutes 
        Set 'Front Door Light' Fast On
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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7 hours ago, mzilberman said:
I can see value, but not alone in the clause.   From X to Y alone makes no sense, but could be useful to bracket trigering when used in conjuction with another condition.


This program likely has no use of the feature unless it is re-triggered every minute or so so that if someone turns the light off it turns back on.


        From    Sunset  + 10 minutes

        For      12 minutes 



        Set 'Front Door Light' Fast On



   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Somebody could unscrew the bulb and then there would be nothing ISY could do. default_sad.png

If somebody turned the switch off, they may want it left off. If we don't ever want it off, ISY can deal with the notification when it was switched.

The options are there for whatever you can imagine to do with it and not just lightbulbs.





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5 hours ago, mzilberman said:

From X to Y alone makes no sense,

I assume it works the same as from>to condition.  It might be useful if you want something to happen at the FROM time (then clause) and something else to happen at the end of the FOR period (else clause).  

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