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Double tap doesn't work


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I am trying to get a double tap to work and my program executes the else statement when I don't want it to. I realize I can use the fast on but I want the double tap to be over a 2 second period instead of the quick double tap. Here are the programs I am using.




Control 'Office' is switched on

And Program '2 Second Timer' is False



Run Program '2 Second Timer' (Then Path)



Set 'Spa Heater-Relay' On



Here is the 2 second timer program:



No Conditions



Wait 2 seconds

Run Program '2 Second Timer" (Else Path)



-No Actions


Whe I run this program, the relay turns on even on the first tap. The Then for the 2 second timer executes and then the Else then executes. Why is this happening?

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Hi craigf,


The one thing that sticks out immediately is that your timer program without any conditions will always evaluate to TRUE.


With kind regards,



I am trying to get a double tap to work and my program executes the else statement when I don't want it to. I realize I can use the fast on but I want the double tap to be over a 2 second period instead of the quick double tap. Here are the programs I am using.




Control 'Office' is switched on

And Program '2 Second Timer' is False



Run Program '2 Second Timer' (Then Path)



Set 'Spa Heater-Relay' On



Here is the 2 second timer program:



No Conditions



Wait 2 seconds

Run Program '2 Second Timer" (Else Path)



-No Actions


Whe I run this program, the relay turns on even on the first tap. The Then for the 2 second timer executes and then the Else then executes. Why is this happening?

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Hello craigf,


These programs should work for you.


       Control 'Office' is switched On

       Enable Program 'Spa 2'
       Wait  2 seconds
       Disable Program 'Spa 2'

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Spa 2

       Status  'Office' is On
   And Control 'Office' is switched On

       Set 'Spa Heater-Relay' On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



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Thanks for pointing that out. That was what I was missing. My tunnel vision got to me and I didn't see the obvious.




Thanks for your programs, they are much more elegant than my method. I will give them a shot.


Thanks both of you!



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I have rewrtiten the programs to be like you suggested. I am having an odd problem though. When I hit the on for the first time, the io link turns on. I have written an identical program that turns the io link off with a slow double tap and it works fine. I am convinced the program works properly. I have disabled all of the programs and when I hit the SL on, the io link turns on. If I unplug the ISY, then hitting the SL does not cause the IO link to turn on. So, something in the ISY is turning on the io link in response to the SL switched on, even with all of the programs disabled. I have reset teh io link just to make sure it is not linked to the SL (whcih is obvious since it doesn't turn on when the ISY is disconnected). How can I troubleshoot this and determine what is in the ISY that is causing the SL to trigger the io link? I don't have any scenes that show them linked and when I check the managed by there is no connection.




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Hi Craig,


If it is something in the ISY turning on the relay it must be a program. When you view the Program Summary page you can sort by Last Run Time. This should allow you to see which program runs when you press the switch.



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Thanks. I don't know why, but when I unplugged the PLM and then plugged it back in, I found a program that I had deleted had not really been deleted (and was still enabled). I redeleted it and now everything works ok. Thanks. The programs are working well now.



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