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Reliability issues with reaching devices

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I have an insteon network of about 35 devices managed with a dozen scenes and another half dozen programs.   It replaced a HomeLinc setup.   I'm finding the reliability with ISY is significantly lower than the old Homelinc software.   Same environment and devices so i assumed it was because of retry logic, etc.   In HomeLinc you could configure several things.   See screenshot.  I read the manual and it does seem we can increase the retry logic.  i did that and it helped significantly.  But still not quite as good with a few failures during a 24 hr cycle of programs running.

Question1: Are there more techniques I can employ to improve reliability besides maybe also adding a Repeat clause to every program to repeat all the set commands? 

Question2: It would also be REALLY nice if this could all be done at the ISY level rather than the device level.    Is there a similar  config window for setting of system parameters like in HomeLinc?



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You need to find your noise makes.


Using 5 retries could bog your network down to many seconds for some commands where signals are being confused by electrical or rf noise.


I can set retries in some devices with ISY. Older devices do not support this option.


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Thanks for the response larry.  I understand what you are saying about slowing down things but seems to be a small price to pay as long as the retries are only done with an unsuccessful ack.  Do you know if the ISY is doing the retries only on a failure to communicate?  or is it just blindly retrying the number of times specified? 

Regarding the noise causing issues.  Not sure how I track down the noise.  This house has lots of electronics in it, including several large Dell PowerEdge servers. This PL noise is probably just baseline for my environment and I need to live with it.  I'm seeing that changing the retry from zero to 3 on all the devices and scenes has helped today.  Just wish there was a more global setting that could be used. Adjusting the retry will just have to be a step on the checklist whenever I add/replace a device


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22 hours ago, SpicyMikey said:

Thanks for the response larry.  I understand what you are saying about slowing down things but seems to be a small price to pay as long as the retries are only done with an unsuccessful ack.  Do you know if the ISY is doing the retries only on a failure to communicate?  or is it just blindly retrying the number of times specified? 

Regarding the noise causing issues.  Not sure how I track down the noise.  This house has lots of electronics in it, including several large Dell PowerEdge servers. This PL noise is probably just baseline for my environment and I need to live with it.  I'm seeing that changing the retry from zero to 3 on all the devices and scenes has helped today.  Just wish there was a more global setting that could be used. Adjusting the retry will just have to be a step on the checklist whenever I add/replace a device


It can get involved but basically you use the Insteon device with the worst record for failing. Then you start by factory resetting it,  restoring it from the Admin Console.setting retries to 0 if possible, and trying again.

Then you would unplug all your Insteon devices and try again.
Next unplug your garage door openers and try again.
Now turn off all breakers in your panel and try again.
Turn on one at a time and retry each breaker restored.

If an offender is found get a filter and install it for that device or circuit.
Try changing your PLM receptacle circuit and try again.

It won't get any better, if you don't resolve this first,  but if and when you find the offender(s), things will start to get faster and completely reliable.

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