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Been away for a long time

yardman 49

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Hello Michael K, Chris, marksanctuary, MikeB, and everyone else that I used to know here:


Some of you may remember me. I've been gone for a long time; I guess that's good in a way, because it means that my ISY and all my Insteon gear has been stable.


I'm still running my system on the ISY-26 (firmware 2.6.0, I think), with a PLM 2414S (on firmware 58 ). However, I also have on hand an ISY-99i that I received from Michael a very long time ago. I've never integrated that into my system yet.


I've seen lately that SmartHome has come out with many new devices. Because of this, and for other reasons, I think that it is time for me to upgrade my ISY.


So I have some questions:


- Should I just upgrade the firmware on my ISY-26 from 2.6.0 to 2.7? I don't want to break it and compromise my system as it currently is running.


- If instead I installed the ISY-99i that I have on hand, installed the latest ISY firmware, and used my existing PLM, would I be able to import my backup file from my ISY-26, and have everything work properly?


- Have all the KPL issues finally been resolved with the ISY? I think all of my KPLs are still version 1.4, so obviously the order for adding devices to KPL groups is very important to ensure functioning. I'm assuming that this has finally been fixed with ISY firmware 2.7, and that the ISY has the ability to properly "sort" the linked devices?


- Has SH been able to improve PLM/device communications any better than what I currently have with the firm 58 model?



Good to see UDI is still alive and well, and that a lot of the old-timers are still here!


Best wishes,



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Hi Frank,


Welcome back and I am very happy to see you here again!


Instead of answering your questions - and with your permission - I would like to instead posit the order in which you should tackle the migration:

1. Back up your ISY-26

2. Connect your PLM to your ISY-99i

3. Install the latest firmware (I recommend 2.7.5 to be out over the weekend) on your ISY-99i

4. Restore your backup (from step 1) unto your ISY-99i (File -> Restore ISY)

5. Since the restoration does not restore IP settings, you might want to redo your IP/port forwarding setup if any


Now, to your INSTEON questions:

1. Yes, ISY can now sort the order in which buttons should be added

2. I am still running 58 and, in comparison with other versions, I find it quite stable. If you do not have any comm/status issues, I do not recommend changing your PLM. This said, however, if you are planning to add more devices and your link count is greater than 417 (you can count using Tools | Diagnostics | PLM Status / Info), then I do recommend getting a new PLM.


Again: welcome back!


With kind regards,


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Hello Frank, nice to see you again! I hope you are doing well.


It is great that you have forgotten about your ISY, that is our goal :)


I think you will be surprised by the features added in the ISY-99i compared to the ISY-26.


Michel made one mistake in his response:

... if you are planning to add more devices and your link count is greater than 417 (you can count using Tools | Diagnostics | PLM Status / Info), then I do recommend getting a new PLM.


To count the PLM links you need to use Tools | Diagnostics | Show PLM Links Table, which can take some time, and then click on Count. See this Wiki page: Show_Links_Table_Database


I hope you have changed your SignaLincs for AccessPoints, the SLs do not function with some of the new devices and not at all with the wireless.



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  • 2 months later...

Hello Michael, MikeB, Rand:


Thanks much for your replies!


Sorry that I keep disappearing. Life is very busy!


My X10 legacy network has started having problems (although all the Insteon stuff is still stable). So driven by necessity, I'm finally "jumping back in the water" this weekend, so to speak, and starting to work on my network.


I am just now getting around to finally upgrading to 2.7. I decided to first upgrade the ISY-26, since it's a "known" entity, and has been working reliably for the Insteon stuff (rather than making the jump all the way to my ISY-99i). I recently ran a few network queries, and the ISY-26/PLM is good with Insteon communications still. I might try setting up the 99i after I first can demonstrate that ISY-26 will upgrade properly.


My current purpose in upgrading my firmware is to finally dump all remaining X10 devices, and thus I need to add functionality for the new Insteon "Motion Sensor Floodlights". So my question is what version of the ISY26 firmware will support these devices: 2.7.0, or do I have to go to 2.7.5 or 2.7.6?


I guess that the proper order on how to do this is for me to first take the ISY-26 from 2.6.0 to 2.6.5, and then from there to 2.7.0 or 2.7.6?


Thanks again, guys. It's so good to see that you're stil all here!


Best wishes,



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Sorry guys, but I ran into a snag:


I went to first download and install 2.6.5. The release instructions ssid to access the console by going to "http://www.universal-devices.com/27. However, that logon did not work. I had my PnP turned off, so I turned that on. Still no good. Disabled Norton Autoprotect, and updated Java. Still didn't work.



So instead I (crazily) decided to open My Lighting through my normal logon method, and accepted the offer to upgrade to 2.7.0. I hadn't done this in so long that I thought maybe it would simply take me to download that upgrade, and maybe some additional instructions. But that actually began the installation, after first making a backup of my network (which I also had previously done).



So I now have 2.7.0 installed on my ISY-26. I tested a circuit control and it seems to work. My programs look like they are there. I tried one of my conditional cleanup programs, and it seemed to work. Is there anything that I need to be aware of in terms of problems that may have happened since I did not first upgrade to 2.6.5?



I also tried the www.universal-devices.com/27 command, and I still cannot get into the console that way, even after the 2.7 upgrade. Any ideas? I'm using IE 8.0.



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Hello Frank,


I am glad to read your upgrade worked. And no, there shouldn't be any ill effects if the upgrade completed.


Please use this link to acces your ISY now: http://www.universal-devices.com/99i.





Wow! Thanks, Rand. At first I didn't think that it would work, since I'm still using the ISY-26. But the link does work, taking me directly into the Admin Console. Nice!


When I use the normal "My Lighting" link, I find that I get a two step logon process, first into a white browser screen, with choices for "Devices - Scenes - Programs - Admin Console". Clicking on the Admin console link in that screen then opens the Admin console logon, which again asks for the Admin password. I'm assuming that this new?


Also, am I ok using 2.7.0 for controlling the new Insteon Motion Sensor Floodlights, or do I need to go to 2.7.6?



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