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Will a new POLISY section be created in the forum?


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@Michel Kohanim

Is it your intention that the ISY will be eventually replaced by Polisy?  Would that not require adding PLM support?

I can only imagine the hell it must be to produce a hardware product.  Is there something special about this new product that couldn’t be replicated on an existing hardware platform?  With container systems like docker, it would be fairly easy to have your code run on many platforms.  Licensing shouldn’t be a problem either.  In fact, I’d rather UD spend their time on developing kick *** software instead of hardware.  I tell people they buy an ISY not for the box, but for what goes in the box.  I don’t even really need the ISY Portal anymore,  but I keep renewing just as a “thank you” for the constant software updates.

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Thanks so very much for the kind words. We had to think about this long and hard. If we become a software company that runs on any hardware then:

1. Our already complex system is going to be even more complex by forcing people to do installation
2. We will not be in charge of ensuring that the product - as a whole - is stable, secure, and reliable. And, thus won't be able to provide the same level of support
3. We will lose most (if not all) of our utility contracts 
4. We will be another Indigo, HomeSeer, Home Assistant, Node Red, etc.

So, we took the middle ground, an off-the-shelf hardware that is modified with our own BIOS and security chip for TPM. And, our own modified version of BSD with all the bloat taken out. And, our own package management system that houses only packages that we have tested and compiled ourselves and that we can support.

We also thought about adding jails but decided against it. So, developers and geeks at heart are free to do whatever they want with the system.

With kind regards,

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