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Light turning on and I am not sure why


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The log only shows when the status of a device changes.

What type of device is it, it appears to be an older model.

What programs, if any,  control the device

How often does the device turn on, is it random?

What type of load is connected to the device

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This is an outdoor plug (2634-222) No programs for it.  It's in a scene and may be controlled by Alexa.  This controls about 20 LED light cord on my deck.  The times they turn on is completely random.

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That it, no other triggers, we only use those lights a few times a year so, Alexa controls the scene that's it.  Load Sensing is not an option.  I will factory reset it.
Can you post your programs affecting this device?

Did you know you can do searches for a particular device in your programs?

Sent using Tapatalk

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1 hour ago, bdw72 said:

That it, no other triggers, we only use those lights a few times a year so, Alexa controls the scene that's it.  Load Sensing is not an option.  I will factory reset it.

The following is from the user's manual. Try disabling LOAD SENSING.  I would also try a factory reset / restore device. (disable the load sensing after the factory reset).

It's possible that one or more of your lights is drawing enough current to trigger the load sensing. 


Load Sensing

Load Sensing allows you to control the load plugged into On/Off Outdoor Module from its local switch in addition to any linked controllers. Load Sensing is disabled on On/Off Outdoor Module by default, but you can enable it by following these steps. Enable Load Sensing

1) Press and hold On/Off Outdoor Module set button until it beeps (3 seconds)
On/Off Outdoor Module Status LED will begin blinking green

2) Triple-tap On/Off Outdoor Module set button. (Be sure to quickly press the set button like clicking a computer mouse.)
On/Off Outdoor Module Status LED will stop blinking and turn on solid green if the load is on or solid red if it is off

3) Test by turning the load on and off from its built-in switch

Load will turn on and off

Disable Load Sensing

1) Press and hold On/Off Outdoor Module set button until it beeps (3 seconds)
On/Off Outdoor Module Status LED will begin blinking green

2) Double-tap On/Off Outdoor Module set button. (Be sure to quickly press the set button like clicking a computer mouse.)
On/Off Outdoor Module Status LED will stop blinking and turn on solid green if the load is on or solid red if it is off

3) Test by turning the load on and off from its built-in switch

Load will not respond

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