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MobiLinc X v1.15 with Custom Buttons AVAILABLE NOW!


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Hi Folks,

I'm excited to announce the 1.15 update for MobiLinc X for iOS and Android:

With the new update MobiLinc adds the following features for iOS and Android:

  • Custom Buttons! Define what makes the button active or inactive along with actions the button should take with devices, scenes, programs, and variables. Supports up to 8 states. Available for Connected and Family subscribers.
  • Added support for easily adding/deleting variables.
  • Added support for the INSTEON 240v switch.

This is the most customizable MobiLinc we've ever built. Settings are instantly synced between all your iOS and Android devices.

Watch this video walkthrough of the new Custom Button feature.

Let me know what you think!

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That being said,[mention=815]InsteonNut[/mention] is there any reason your MobiLinc Connect service couldn’t subscribe to ISY events from the ISY Portal over its websocket interface as an alternative method of connecting to the ISY - and use the API as exposed by ISY Portal (which is identical to the direct ISY API with a different hostnames and api root path) for sending commands?


To do it properly and securely, you’d have to work with UDI to implement oAuth authentication (so you wouldn’t need to store users ISY Portal credentials) - but then the two portals wouldn’t be either/or and you would be able to attract more customers who prefer the ISY Portal for its unique features, like Polyglot Cloud.


Please make it so!


Edit. Or another option. A Mobilinc Connect Polyglot Cloud plug-in.... :).

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Hi @MWareman

I've already given this some thought. I think it would be possible to have our servers link to UDIs as suggested (I'm not aware of an existing OAuth authentication from UDI...but I haven't asked that question). Assuming that's there already, I think it's possible but would need to create a POC to test the actual feasibility of this. This wouldn't solve the problem where some users prefer a truly direct option with no cloud or recurring fees as this is worse for those that are against the subscription model since they would pay for UDIs and MobiLinc X subscription. 

I've already asked on the forum for those interested in something like this to reach out to me directly. The number of responses I've received haven't warranted the investment yet, so if you are reading this and would like MobiLinc X to work with ISY Portal, I need to hear from you: support@mobilinc.com


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Hi [mention=2553]MWareman[/mention]
I've already given this some thought. I think it would be possible to have our servers link to UDIs as suggested (I'm not aware of an existing OAuth authentication from UDI...but I haven't asked that question). Assuming that's there already, I think it's possible but would need to create a POC to test the actual feasibility of this. This wouldn't solve the problem where some users prefer a truly direct option with no cloud or recurring fees as this is worse for those that are against the subscription model since they would pay for UDIs and MobiLinc X subscription. 
I've already asked on the forum for those interested in something like this to reach out to me directly. The number of responses I've received haven't warranted the investment yet, so if you are reading this and would like MobiLinc X to work with ISY Portal, I need to hear from you: support@mobilinc.com

Wes, I have clients that would use both and wouldn’t care about the nominal fee with the ISY portal. That said what “IF” you and UDI worked out a “dual” portal sub where the clients subscribes to both and ISY and possibly get a “slight discount” shared by USI/MLC for it? Just a thought.

Theres no way UDI would allow you direct access like the ISY portal?
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4 minutes ago, Scottmichaelj said:

Theres no way UDI would allow you direct access like the ISY portal?


What makes you say that? Of course Wes can use our OAUTH server to connect to ISY Portal (if he so chooses).

Wes, we have many many customers who use direct access through the web interface (no cloud). So, I don't think you will hear from them on this forum. If there's no ROI in local access (selling apps only), then everything else is moot.

With kind regards,


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What makes you say that? Of course Wes can use our OAUTH server to connect to ISY Portal (if he so chooses).
Wes, we have many many customers who use direct access through the web interface (no cloud). So, I don't think you will hear from them on this forum. If there's no ROI in local access (selling apps only), then everything else is moot.
With kind regards,

So to be clear, Wes could implement the same features of the ISY portal in MLC? Full access to Polyglot and the like?
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So to be clear, Wes could implement the same features of the ISY portal in MLC? Full access to Polyglot and the like?

My thought is not so much that - but rather Mobilinc Connect has its features to support Mobilinc X.

However, rather that a portal module in the ISY itself connecting to Mobilinc Connect - Wes would implement a connection to ISY Portal to receive events and issue commands.

The user would need a subscription to both portals - and would be able to use the features of both rather than having to choose.
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My thought is not so much that - but rather Mobilinc Connect has its features to support Mobilinc X.

However, rather that a portal module in the ISY itself connecting to Mobilinc Connect - Wes would implement a connection to ISY Portal to receive events and issue commands.

The user would need a subscription to both portals - and would be able to use the features of both rather than having to choose.

Right thats what I thought too. Then Michel response made me think otherwise, like it was possible that MLC could add the same features as ISY portal.
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@Scottmichaelj and @MWareman

Both options are do-able. The challenge is which is likely a bigger audience and as @Michel Kohanim points out, which has a greater ROI potential to cover the dev costs. The path I'm currently exploring is a direct IP option that contains one-time in-app purchases for different features and stripping out all MobiLinc Connect/cloud features which satisfies the anti-subscription model crowd and gives ISY Portal users access to a modern iOS/Android app. You would be able to use this version with ISY Portal like how you can configure MobiLinc Pro/HD today with ISY Portal...you just won't get all the cloud features like instant on/status/control or settings sync between all iOS/Android devices or family management, etc.

If there is enough demand for the ISY Portal<->MobiLinc Connect solution, I think I can design and implement a technical solution for this as well.


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I do agree - for any commercial entity ROI has to be considered. I'm happy that you now have a single code base for IOS and Android - meaning full feature parity between the two platforms (something I've long rallied for!) - but now I find myself locked out of your product altogether by the choice to tie Mobilinc X to the Mobilinc connect subscription. The removal of your legacy apps from the Google Play Store has made this situation even worse. 

Don't get me wrong - if I could use Mobilinc Connect as well as ISY Portal - I would. I used to subscribe to Mobilinc Connect - but given the technical limitation of ISY to support only one cloud connection I was compelled to choose - and ISY Portal has offered me the most compelling choice (as it does for many). I've all but given up use of Mobilinc Pro on my Androids and Mobilinc Pro on my iPad (where I also have the Elk and Camera add-ons) as a result of this.

Count me as one that would indeed subscribe to both were I able to do so. Mobilinc is the only entity that can solve for this scenario - and I'm confident I'm not unique.

Me? I'm interested in Mobilinc X for the specific feature you cite - instant on/status/control in particular. I will pay a monthly fee for that compelling feature - should you choose to make it available to users of ISY Portal via a ISY Portal => Mobilinc Connect websocket connection and not require users to give up ISY Portal to obtain it. I'm not interested in direct IP connectivity if it does not come with that feature. I'm sure there are others the feel the reverse - but for you this likely means a split market demand - and in all probability you are not going to capture all potential customers by only offering one of the two options.



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Direct IP would be the best and least intrusive in my view.


Don't really understand your question. Anyone can implement Polyglot Cloud the same way that we have Polyglot, NodeLink, Polisy, etc. (all documentation is publicly available). The question is: would we want to have multiple market places for node servers (Polys). And, if so, what are the governing rules that make it seamless for developers to develop once and deploy everywhere and get compensated.

We spent a lot of resources to make sure when developers develop a Poly for RPi, that it can be deployed on Polisy and in the cloud with minimal modifications. And, we are currently working on integration between Polyglot store and our webstore so that developers can recoup their investment. Now, if we have to do the same with other third party platforms, yes, of course we can work on it. But, we need funding. If you are willing to fund this project (UD, MobiLinc, and others), let's go for it. Otherwise, Polyglot Store will remain the sole market place for all Polys including cloud based ones.

With kind regards,

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Direct IP would be the best and least intrusive in my view.
Don't really understand your question. Anyone can implement Polyglot Cloud the same way that we have Polyglot, NodeLink, Polisy, etc. (all documentation is publicly available). The question is: would we want to have multiple market places for node servers (Polys). And, if so, what are the governing rules that make it seamless for developers to develop once and deploy everywhere and get compensated.
We spent a lot of resources to make sure when developers develop a Poly for RPi, that it can be deployed on Polisy and in the cloud with minimal modifications. And, we are currently working on integration between Polyglot store and our webstore so that developers can recoup their investment. Now, if we have to do the same with other third party platforms, yes, of course we can work on it. But, we need funding. If you are willing to fund this project (UD, MobiLinc, and others), let's go for it. Otherwise, Polyglot Store will remain the sole market place for all Polys including cloud based ones.
With kind regards,

I guess I wasn’t being clear and am confusing everyone. I was just talking about if users subscribe to the Mobilinc Connect service (instead of ISY portal) it would be nice to have access to the Polyglot cloud.

If I am understanding what I think your saying, is that if that was to happen the polyglot devs wouldn’t be able to get compensated because its through another service?
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I think I am taking the understanding of ISY Portal/PGC relationship for granted. So, I apologize for causing even more confusion. Here's a short description:

PGC is a container for all node servers. So, when you deploy your node server (Poly), PGC runs some checks and then starts an instance(s) of the Poly in a docker. Polys need to talk to ISY, and that's where the linkage between PGC and ISY Portal comes into play:
1. Authentication of the user through OAUTH
2. Communications with ISY through ISY Portal

So, options:

1. PGC could communicate with ISY through MobiLinc Connect. This requires major development/testing on PGC and thus my initial response to you
2. MobiLinc Connect can connect to ISY Portal using OAUTH for each client. 99.9% of the development is at MobiLinc. PGC works as is. MobiLinc works as is. The only thing is that connection to ISY is through ISY Portal and not direct to MobiLinc
3. MobiLinc app with direct access. This way, MobiLinc app can either connect locally or through ISY Portal. Everything works. 100% of the work needs to be done at MobiLinc

It goes without saying that everything depends on ROI and, for sure, I cannot be objective. From UD (my subjective) perspective, I think it makes much more sense to spend the time to add support for the UI for Polys rather than trying to merge portals etc. This way, MobiLinc can become a one app that can talk to pretty much anything including Tesla, Ecobee, SolarEdge, etc. without the need to have to support each individually. 

With kind regards,

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I would like to see the MobiLinc X product work through the ISY Portal. 

MobiLinc HD/Pro used to work great both locally, and remotely over ISY Portal. It was the perfect solution. But then once MobiLinc's portal came out and it was incompatible with ISY Portal, it forced people to choose, and that was unfortunate.That is why I have not upgraded to MobiLinc X because it had these limitations. 

If only we could go back to the days of local access on the LAN and ISY Portal access when remote, but in MobiLinc X!

EDIT: So what I said above may not be entirely accurate. As Wes points out, MobiLinc Connect was around for a long time before and during ISY Portal, and MobiLinc supported (and still supports) both. I guess I am wishing that MobiLinc X would support both as well, so that I could upgrade from MobiLinc HD/Pro to X without having to change portal infrastructures, losing PGC, and all of the Amazon Alexa setup that I have done.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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On 8/2/2019 at 6:30 PM, InsteonNut said:

@cvanhoose Nothing was removed. Direct IP just hasn’t been developed yet for MobiLinc X. We’re looking into this. 


Needs to be more than 'looking into it' when you are charging for a subscription.... i would like to know the roadmap.

BTW haven't been around a while just getting back int this just download the new app, stopped at choose trial as i have no idea what half the features actually are - consider a link on each feature or out to a page or something.  Also can i assume that once in have a subscription i get all new features at that subscription level as they come out?  Or am i also going to be tapped for each new feature as an upgrade feed in addtion to the subscription.  I wouldn't normall ask, but the complexity of the old products (causing me to pay twice, was very frustrating, and now i am 'twice shy'.)  Can i also move between subscription levels easily if needed?

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Hi @Scyto

The direct IP option I'm working on will be part of a one-time paid fee and in-app purchases for MobiLinc X instead of a subscription. So essentially when you start MobiLinc X for the first time you'll have the option to go with one of our subscriptions and features associated at the subscription level, or you can go with a direct IP, one-time paid fee with in-app purchases similar to the older MobiLinc Pro/HD/OML apps where you manage everything yourself and get the older style have to sync with your ISY on startup behavior.

The subscription is mainly to help us cover our server expenses in operating MobiLinc Connect and all the advanced features for MobiLinc X that uses our backend platform like instant on/no syncing, family management, full setting sync, Alexa, Google Home, IFTTT, ect.

If you are a subscriber, any new features introduced at the subscription level are included for you at no extra cost. The subscription is a simple, all-inclusive at your level, single and low monthly fee that simplifies pricing. If you are a direct IP/one-time purchase user, all new features will be priced as an in-app purchase like we did with MobiLinc Pro/HD/OML. There will be an all-inclusive bundle option offered as well.

Feel free to ask about which features you have questions about. Agreed, I could add more information in the app about each feature and the details.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Seven year user of MobiLinc Pro and thrilled to seeing new development MobiLinc X

At first glance I though there was a major feature missing which I required, ability to run programs with custom names, renaming "Run Then", "Run Else", as "Open", "Close"
e.g: I have Somfy Motor shades which are controlled via programs, to send a network command.

However, very pleased to see "Custom Bottoms" which solved this and greatly improved it!

Can't wait to add variables for marking which state is last active!


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