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Aeotec ZWA002 LED Multicolour Smart Bulb


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Does latest 5-series ISY ZW running 5.0.15A support the  Aeotec ZWA002 LED Multicolour Smart Bulb?

It's not mentioned specifically at my usual shopping site as one of the controllers that supports it but then again I unfortunately rarely come across ISY mentioned as a supported controller even when it does support something quiite well :-(


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I just unpacked my bulb today and can't figure out how to do anything but turn it ON (to default warm white) and OFF with ISY. 

For example, what is this screen supposed to allow me to do? It doesn't do anything right now.



Also, while I was able to change the ramp rate parameter 0x10  (16 decimal) from default 10 secs (0x14) to 0.2 secs (see below), the light still ramps up/down at default 10 secs.



What am I missing?

For reference, here's link to engineering specs for this bulb  https://aeotec.freshdesk.com/helpdesk/attachments/6072848203

Any info would be appreciated.


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I have 3 of these on the front of my house, 2 coach lights and one porch light. I have not done much with them through the admin console, but I can tell you they work fine in programs. I have them on zero blue this time of year to attract less bugs. Use warm white in less buggy seasons and also set to holiday colors, orange for Halloween, cycle red and green around Christmas and I don't have to hang/remove Christmas lights!

FYI, if you set warm or cold white to > 0 it overrides any color selection and it takes about 15 secs to set a color, so you can't really flash colors, but you can cycle through color changes.

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1 hour ago, johnnyt said:

how are you using it with programs? can you provide a couple of examples, please?


Sure, nothing fancy this time of year, my normal evening lighting schedule runs then for on and else for off.

Front lights on yellow - [ID 006E][Parent 0066][Not Enabled]

   - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')
        Set 'Front Porch Color' Warm White 0, Cold White 0, Red 255, Green 255, Blue 0, 
        Set 'Front Coach Right Color' Warm White 0, Cold White 0, Red 255, Green 255, Blue 15, 
        Set 'Front Coach Left Color' Warm White 0, Cold White 0, Red 255, Green 255, Blue 15, 
        Set 'Front Porch Dimmer' Fast On
        Set 'Front Coach Right Dimmer' Fast On
        Set 'Front Coach Left Dimmer' Fast On
        Set 'Front Coach Left Dimmer' Fast Off
        Set 'Front Coach Right Dimmer' Fast Off
        Set 'Front Porch Dimmer' Fast Off
If motion is detected I set the porch to bright white for a few minutes, then revert back to previous color. Setting bright or warm white overrides color, then setting it back to 0 reverts to whatever color it was previously.

Driveway motion dark on - [ID 0048][Parent 0066]

        $Dark is 1
    And 'Front Porch Dimmer' Status is not 0%
    And (
             'Driveway Motion' Status is On
          Or 'Ring NodeServer / Front Door motion' is switched Motion
        Set 'Front Porch Color' Cold White 255, 
        Run Program 'Enable Driveway motion' (Then Path)
        Disable Program 'Driveway motion dark on'
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

During Christmas I used this. Since lights are being turned on from normal evening light programs, all this does is change colors.

Front lights Christmas - [ID 006A][Parent 0066][Not Enabled]

        From     1:00:00PM on 2018/11/24
        To       1:00:00PM on 2018/12/30
    And 'Front Coach Left Dimmer' Status is 100%
        Repeat 200 times
           Set 'Front Coach Left Color' Warm White 0, Cold White 0, Red 255, Green 0, Blue 0, 
           Set 'Front Coach Right Color' Warm White 0, Cold White 0, Red 255, Green 0, Blue 0, 
           Set 'Front Porch Color' Warm White 0, Red 0, Green 255, Blue 0, 
           Wait  1 minute 
           Set 'Front Coach Left Color' Warm White 0, Cold White 0, Red 0, Green 255, Blue 0, 
           Set 'Front Coach Right Color' Warm White 0, Cold White 0, Red 0, Green 255, Blue 0, 
           Set 'Front Porch Color' Warm White 0, Red 255, Green 0, Blue 0, 
           Wait  1 minute 
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')




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