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2420M Motion Sensor in a scene


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I have a 2420M motion sensor linked to a Icon in wall dimmer switch in our master bathroom. The motion sensors “on level†is set to 30% while the local on level of the dimmer is 75%. Those are the only 2 items in the scene. I have them linked in this case because I need the faster turn on time in this location.


I just came across a thread that described using "Adjust Scene" and I thought this would be cool. It could be set up so that from sunset to 10:00pm the dimmer could turn on to 75% when motion was detected. Then from 10:00PM to sunrise when motion is detected the dimmer could turn on at 30%. Then from sunrise to sunset the dimmer could be set to 0% ( lights turning on in the daytime). I have been attempting to get it to work with this scene. But the dimmer always turns on at 30% when activated by the motion. The on level of the scene in the ISY window does indicate the proper on level percentage as is specified in the programs command line but the dimmer always turns on at 30% regardless.


Is this because the ISY cannot communicate to the motion to change the on level without putting the motion into setup mode?


Is there any way around this without waiting for a program to turn the dimmer on from the ISY?

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I have been messing around with the ms and found an interesting operation. I have a ms in a scene with a KPL relay switch. I linked the KPL (local load) in the scene as a controller (instead of a responder) and of course the motion sensor is linked as a controller as well. In the scene I can adjust the on level for the scene to 0 and when the ms triggers, the lights connected to the KPL do not turn on. When the level is put back to 100 the lights will turn on and off with the ms.


The only thing is that the "Adjust Scene" drop down menu doesn’t contain any relay switches, or scenes containing relay switches only dimmers.


Would it be possible to incorporate scenes for relay switches or will this open up possible problems?




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Hi Tim,


Are you talking about the programs? If so, this is a bug as all devices that can have on level/ramp rate should be included in the drop down.


With kind regards,



I have been messing around with the ms and found an interesting operation. I have a ms in a scene with a KPL relay switch. I linked the KPL (local load) in the scene as a controller (instead of a responder) and of course the motion sensor is linked as a controller as well. In the scene I can adjust the on level for the scene to 0 and when the ms triggers, the lights connected to the KPL do not turn on. When the level is put back to 100 the lights will turn on and off with the ms.


The only thing is that the "Adjust Scene" drop down menu doesn’t contain any relay switches, or scenes containing relay switches only dimmers.


Would it be possible to incorporate scenes for relay switches or will this open up possible problems?




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Hi Tim,


Are you talking about the programs? If so, this is a bug as all devices that can have on level/ramp rate should be included in the drop down.


With kind regards,




Hi Michel,


Yes, thats right, the drop down menu only contains dimmer switches. It does not contain any in wall relay switches like the2876SB.

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I have continued to mess around with the motion sensor settings and ISY settings. I think I finally have come up with a solution. But first, to restate what I was looking for:


In my garage I have a light controlled by a Icon 2876SB in wall relay switch and a 2420M motion sensor. I wanted the light to turn on as soon as there was motion in the garage and only at night. I didn’t want the 1-2 second delay caused by the motion triggering a program in ISY and then the program turning on the in wall switch. I also wanted the ISY to see any motion night or day for other programs, like occupancy or the addition of a chime module or cameras and such.


I found by setting up the components as detailed below that I was able to accomplish the above.


1) MS Jumper 1 (Sensitivity) and Jumper 2 (Disable LED) can be set to whatever you prefer. Jumper 3 (Night Only Mode) is set off. Jumper 4 (On-Only Mode) set to off as well, however I believe it would still work fine you would just have to have a program to turn off the light after a predetermined time.


2) If the device to ultimately be linked with a MS is a Dimmer (like the Icon 2876DB or the KPL 2486D then add the device as normal. Unfortunately , right now, in step 4, only dimmer type devices are selectable, no relay type devices are listed. So, if the device is a switch (relay style like the Icon 2876SB or the KPL 2486S) then when adding the device into ISY enter the device address then select the part number of the “Dimmer†counterpart. For instance if installing a 2876S in wall relay switch then enter the 2876DB as the part number so ISY thinks the new device is a dimmer. This way the ISY is tricked into thinking the device is a dimmer. Or if installing the 2486S KPL relay style then select the 2486D dimmer instead.


3) Create a new Scene in ISY with the MS (which will be added as a “Controller) and the new device using the normal procedures, except that the device being added to the scene needs to be added as a “Controller†not a “responderâ€. Proper results will not be obtained if the device is added as a responder.



4) Create a new program in ISY specifying what ever conditions are needed. Under actions, select Adjust Scene. In the drop down menu for “In Scene†select the MS in the scene (not the MS Scene, but just the MS in the scene). In the drop down menu for “Set†select the new device just added to the new scene. For the “On Level†select any level if the device is truly a dimmer, or select 0 or 100% if the device is really a relay type switch.


When the new program(s) is/are run and become true the on level for the MS will automatically change to the desired level in the program(s).


Here is an example of 2 programs I am currently using:



Program 'Time Sunrise-10 to Sunset+10' is True



In Scene 'Garage MS-Sensor' Set 'Garage KPL 1 Lite' 0% (On Level)



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


(The above program becomes true at 10 minutes to Sunrise and becomes false at 10 minutes after sunrise. So during the day when the motion sensor is activated the garage light will not turn on).



Program 'Time Sunset+10 to Sunrise-10' is True



In Scene 'Garage MS-Sensor' Set 'Garage KPL 1 Lite' 100% (On Level)



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



(The above program becomes false at 10 minutes to Sunrise and true at 10 minutes after sunrise. So during the night when the motion sensor is activated the garage light will turn on).


So now when motion is detected in the garage at night the motion detector will turn the light on immediately and will stay on for as long as there is motion. And during the day the ISY is able to run other programs based on motion in the garage while not turning the light on.


So far I have used this set up in the garage and master bathroom and it has worked flawlessly for 2 days. In the master bathroom I am actually using a real dimmer, so I was able to have the lights turn on with motion to 75% after dusk, then at 10:00pm they would only turn on to 30% with motion. But with a tap of the wall switch they would turn on full brightness if we want, turning off when motion has stopped. Then from sunrise to sunset they will not turn on. But again, the ISY know when there is motion in the bathroom, night or day and the lights at night turn on immediately when triggered by the MS.


Since I am still new to the ISY and Insteon I would appreciate any comments or suggestions or problems that may arise with this setup.


Thank you all for your help,


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  • 5 months later...
I am using a dimmer switch and can't get this to work. Also, if I select the MS to adjust, I only see 0% and 100%.

Any idea what is wrong?

Hi oktane,


That is correct. If you select the MS to adjust, your only options are 0% and 100%.


The adjust scene part of the program should look like:


In Scene 'MS-Sensor' Set "Dimmer' 55% (On Level)


( "MS-Sensor" and "Dimmer" would be replaced with whatever name you have given them, and the On Level is replaced with your desired level).


Also it is important when selecting the ms that you scroll up to the devices and select the ms, not select the scene the ms is in.


Hope that helps. If not maybe you could post your program and some of your specifics.



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