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ISY should offer the most basic programming function


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The ISY does not support what is the most basic feature of each and every programming language. It is also, and by far, the easiest function to implement in any programming language.


This basic feature is the most important for all programs. In fact, depending of your reference, it should never be less than 33% of your code, some saying even at least 50%.


Have an idea what I'm talking about ?


Here is a clue : by now, the feature is supported, but only once per program and outside of the code. It would be much better to have the option of using it without restriction in number and places and to add them inside the code.


Should you not found it, just highlight the next lines :-)


I would like to add comments inside programs



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Excellent idea! To be honest, I had to actually highlight the next line: I guess my age has caught up with my education!


Thanks so very much for the suggestion and one which I would surely vote for.


With kind regards,





The ISY does not support what is the most basic feature of each and every programming language. It is also, and by far, the easiest function to implement in any programming language.


This basic feature is the most important for all programs. In fact, depending of your reference, it should never be less than 33% of your code, some saying even at least 50%.


Have an idea what I'm talking about ?


Here is a clue : by now, the feature is supported, but only once per program and outside of the code. It would be much better to have the option of using it without restriction in number and places and to add them inside the code.


Should you not found it, just highlight the next lines :-)


I would like to add comments inside programs



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