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Ambient Weather NS

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10 hours ago, simplextech said:

Whatever works.  Not sure what is going on with your system.

Let me know if I can help further? My system (Polisy) was purchased from UD, should I open a support ticket with them? Other Node servers work fine on my Raspberry pi and Polisy?   

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With the latest version that I pushed it doesn't use any special modules or anything fancy at all.  If it's not creating nodes for certain sensors (wind, solar) but it does for everything else then there's something going on.  I'll need clean logs from a clean install to see if it's throwing any errors on the devices.  If nothing is obvious then I'll have to do another update with more debug info.  I would advise to not run both Ambient NS during this time so ensure that the discovery process isn't hitting a rate limit from Ambient Weather.  You said you're using a different API key but did not mention a different APP key.  Both keys are rate limited by Ambient Weather.

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Only your app requires an app key, Bob's NS  uses an API key and MAC address on API requests.  I only run one NS at at time so I don't think its a rate issue. Going forward I will only have one NS installed at a time since I believe there is something shared that is being overridden during the install process.


Ill try to grab you some fresh logs etc soon.

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1 hour ago, kemac said:

Only your app requires an app key, Bob's NS  uses an API key and MAC address on API requests.  I only run one NS at at time so I don't think its a rate issue. Going forward I will only have one NS installed at a time since I believe there is something shared that is being overridden during the install process.


Ill try to grab you some fresh logs etc soon.

There's a lot things that are shared between all nodeservers but they don't get over written by each other (Python modules).  What PWS do you have by the way?  It shouldn't matter as my NS is made to support whatever data is available from the API.  If there's data the node is created for it.  However if you don't have Wind or Solar I'm inclined to think that you don't have data for the "key" I'm looking for to then create the node. 

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2 hours ago, simplextech said:

There's a lot things that are shared between all nodeservers but they don't get over written by each other (Python modules).  What PWS do you have by the way?  It shouldn't matter as my NS is made to support whatever data is available from the API.  If there's data the node is created for it.  However if you don't have Wind or Solar I'm inclined to think that you don't have data for the "key" I'm looking for to then create the node. 

I have a ws-2902A which reports wind and solar so there must be a discrepancy between what data your looking for vs whats reported.  would providing you with my keys help troubleshoot?

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5 hours ago, kemac said:

I have a ws-2902A which reports wind and solar so there must be a discrepancy between what data your looking for vs whats reported.  would providing you with my keys help troubleshoot?

Among others I have a WS-2902 as well.  I would need your MAC address and API key.  Do not post them.  If you have Postman I can send you a URL to use and you can send the data.  However it's going to be the same data I already have access to and use.

I only have the one Polisy that is now in production but what I'm thinking is I'll swap it out with a rPi for production and make the Polisy the test box and I'll do a clean install of the NS there so see if I can replicate.  I've had no issues myself nor have I had any other complaints from others about this (yet) but not many have Polisy yet.

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Hello @simplextech,

I'm now running on Polisy and the Ambient Weather NS restored successfully from my RPi several days ago.  It's been running fine for more than 24 hours.  But this morning I noticed the Polyglot log stopped showing Ambient Weather updates around 6AM.  The last few lines of the Ambient Weather log are pasted below. Not sure what they mean, but I wanted to share with you before restarting the node.

2019-12-30 06:10:59,427 [Controller] [INFO ] Short Poll: Ambient Weather Updating
2019-12-30 06:10:59,906 [Controller] [ERROR] Exception in thread Controller:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 926, in _bootstrap_inner self.run()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 870, in run self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/polyinterface/polyinterface.py", line 856, in _parseInput self.shortPoll()
  File "./ambientweather-poly.py", line 54, in shortPoll self.ambient_weather_update() File "./ambientweather-poly.py", line 223, in ambient_weather_update LOGGER.info(pws['macAddress']) TypeError: string indices must be integers

Restart gets it running again.

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27 minutes ago, mbking said:

Hello @simplextech,

I'm now running on Polisy and the Ambient Weather NS restored successfully from my RPi several days ago.  It's been running fine for more than 24 hours.  But this morning I noticed the Polyglot log stopped showing Ambient Weather updates around 6AM.  The last few lines of the Ambient Weather log are pasted below. Not sure what they mean, but I wanted to share with you before restarting the node.

2019-12-30 06:10:59,427 [Controller] [INFO ] Short Poll: Ambient Weather Updating
2019-12-30 06:10:59,906 [Controller] [ERROR] Exception in thread Controller:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 926, in _bootstrap_inner self.run()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 870, in run self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/polyinterface/polyinterface.py", line 856, in _parseInput self.shortPoll()
  File "./ambientweather-poly.py", line 54, in shortPoll self.ambient_weather_update() File "./ambientweather-poly.py", line 223, in ambient_weather_update LOGGER.info(pws['macAddress']) TypeError: string indices must be integers

Restart gets it running again.

So everyone is aware Ambient Weather has been having some issues with their API service lately and it's manifesting differently on a daily basis from even different platforms that use it.  At the moment all I can say is be patient and if you experience weird behavior you can restart the NS and hope the API responds properly.



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Good morning!  New to ISY, therefore also new to PGC.  Have had WS-1002 for three years on Wunderground.

Successfully registered on Ambient Weather and updated firmware on my WS-1002, and installed AmbientWeather NodeServer.  Both nodes (Ambient Weather and My Weather Station) show "Online: True" on the admin console.... but I don't see any way to access the data.  I tried Node Servers->AmbientWeather->Add All Nodes but nothing happened.  I see it looks like I can add individual nodes with Node Servers->AmbientWeather->Add Node->Temperature Outside,  but not sure what to enter into Name, Node Address, and Primary Node Address.


If you can point me to any simple instructions on newbie knowledge I might be missing, I'd appreciate it.  I'm planning an upgrade to an ObserverIP module and adding in some additional sensors indoors and out, and want to get through the basics here.

I appreciate your efforts on this!

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1 minute ago, simplextech said:

So everyone is aware Ambient Weather has been having some issues with their API service lately and it's manifesting differently on a daily basis from even different platforms that use it.  At the moment all I can say is be patient and if you experience weird behavior you can restart the NS and hope the API responds properly.



Makes sense.  I wasn't sure what the cause might be.  Thanks for the quick response.

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1 minute ago, OldDesertLizard said:

Good morning!  New to ISY, therefore also new to PGC.  Have had WS-1002 for three years on Wunderground.

Successfully registered on Ambient Weather and updated firmware on my WS-1002, and installed AmbientWeather NodeServer.  Both nodes (Ambient Weather and My Weather Station) show "Online: True" on the admin console.... but I don't see any way to access the data.  I tried Node Servers->AmbientWeather->Add All Nodes but nothing happened.  I see it looks like I can add individual nodes with Node Servers->AmbientWeather->Add Node->Temperature Outside,  but not sure what to enter into Name, Node Address, and Primary Node Address.

If you can point me to any simple instructions on newbie knowledge I might be missing, I'd appreciate it.  I'm planning an upgrade to an ObserverIP module and adding in some additional sensors indoors and out, and want to get through the basics here.

I appreciate your efforts on this!

Never touch anything in the NodeServers area of the Admin Console for a Polyglot Nodeserver unless explicitly instructed to do so....

Are you running this on a local Polyglot install or Polyglot Cloud?  If Cloud then the documentation is at the github repo linked from the NodeServer store.  Click the NS name.  If local the same applies but configuration information is provided in the configuration page as well.

Did you configure the app key and api key in the Polyglot NodeServer configuration area?  Without the app key and api key you can't access the data from Ambient Weather's API so you won't see any nodes created or any data.  After the nodes are created it will take 1 refresh cycle (2 minutes by default) to update the actual node data.  You can change the default shortPoll in the configuration to 60 seconds.  Anything lower is pointless as the API doesn't update but once a minute. 

After add your app key and api key you must save the configuration AND restart the Nodeserver.

FYI - Ambient Weather's API has been having issues the last couple of days so if there's any weirdness it may be related.  I'm not making any NS changes until the API settles down.

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Data active!  I did have both APIs in, and had stopped and started the (cloud-based) server.  But did it again - twice more, since for some reason the first start flashed a big red error pop-up which I couldn't read or grab, and the "real time log" was empty.  But after the second restart, the nodes popped up just fine:


Thanks so much for the quick reply.  I'm a Visual Studio VB/C# guy... not much help in today's environment, but if there's anything I can help with, please let me know!

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4 minutes ago, OldDesertLizard said:

Data active!  I did have both APIs in, and had stopped and started the (cloud-based) server.  But did it again - twice more, since for some reason the first start flashed a big red error pop-up which I couldn't read or grab, and the "real time log" was empty.  But after the second restart, the nodes popped up just fine:


Thanks so much for the quick reply.  I'm a Visual Studio VB/C# guy... not much help in today's environment, but if there's anything I can help with, please let me know!

VB/C# are valuable.... @io_guy has NodeLink which is C# that you may be interested in.  The Polyglot API is provided in Python or JavaScript for Node.js so I do most everything in Python for NodeServers.  :)

Previously I did a lot of HomeSeer plugin development which was all VB and then I moved to C# :) Their backend and SDK is still all very old VB though.


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  • 5 weeks later...

I am using both Ambient Weather Polyglots, and have a question about why they both stop updating (in the Cloud as well as the ISY) after some time (hours to days).  They both say they are connected.  Often one will stop working, but the other keeps working as expected.  Other times, both stop working.

Stopping & Restarting will wake them up for again.  Here is a sample from each of their logs at the point they stop responding:

AmbientPoly Log

2020-01-28 05:03:49,996 [Controller] [INFO ] Connecting to Ambient Weather server

2020-01-28 05:03:49,996 [Controller] [INFO ] http://api.ambientweather.net/v1/devices/************?apiKey=************&applicationKey=*************&limit=1

2020-01-28 05:03:50,607 [Controller] [INFO ] {'dateutc': 1580187600000, 'tempinf': 68, 'tempf': 32.5, 'humidityin': 44, 'humidity': 54, 'windspeedmph': 0, 'windgustmph': 0, 'maxdailygust': 0, 'winddir': 255, 'baromabsin': 29.21, 'baromrelin': 29.89, 'hourlyrainin': 0, 'dailyrainin': 0, 'weeklyrainin': 0.01, 'monthlyrainin': 3.84, 'yearlyrainin': 3.84, 'solarradiation': 0, 'uv': 0, 'feelsLike': 32.5, 'dewPoint': 17.73, 'feelsLikein': 68, 'dewPointin': 45.3, 'lastRain': '2020-01-26T17:24:00.000Z', 'date': '2020-01-28T05:00:00.000Z'}

2020-01-28 05:03:50,607 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver pressure - GV1: 1 uom: 25

2020-01-28 05:03:52,632 [Drivers   ] [DEBUG] Sent Message: [prod/ns] : {"batch": {"status": [{"address": "pressure", "driver": "GV1", "value": "1", "uom": "25"}]}, "userId": "5cbc102f3b7e6a3b2e13d7fc", "topic": "prod/ns/ambientpoly-0021b900fcec-3", "profileNum": "3", "id": "************"}

2020-01-28 05:03:53,364 [MQTT      ] [DEBUG] MQTT Received Message: prod/ns/ambientpoly-0021b900fcec-3: {'config': {'firstRun': False, 'longPoll': '60', 'logBucket': 'pgc-prod-logbucket-38dmw97ou252', 'oauth': {}, 'url': 'https://github.com/bpaauwe/AmbientWeatherNS.git', 'name': 'AmbientPoly', 'language': 'python3', 'isyPassword': 'Svp7pFTFf0', 'development': False, 'userId': '5cbc102f3b7e6a3b2e13d7fc', 'isyVersion': '5.0.16', 'pgUrl': 'https://lgpz727w3j.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/prod/api/sys/nsgetioturl?params=eyJ1c2VySWQiOiI1Y2JjMTAyZjNiN2U2YTNiMmUxM2Q3ZmMiLCJpZCI6IjAwOjIxOmI5OjAwOmZjOmVjIiwicHJvZmlsZU51bSI6MywicGFzc3dvcmQiOiJTdnA3cEZURmYwIn0', 'timeAdded': 1579381643337, 'id': '************', 'shortPoll': '5', 'timeStarted': 1579479446962, 'version': '0.1.9', 'nodes': {'ambient': {'address': 'ambient', 'drivers': {'BATLVL': {'value': 0, 'uom': 72}, 'ST': {'uom': 2, 'value': '1'}}, 'isController': True, 'isPrimary': True, 'name': 'AmbientWeather', 'nodedefid': 'Ambient', 'primary': 'ambient', 'timeAdded': 1579381653498, 'timeStarted': 0}, 'humidity': {'address': 'humidity', 'drivers': {'ST': {'uom': '22', 'value': '54'}}, 'elapsed': '167.71963ms', 'error': False, 'isController': False, 'isPrimary': False, 'json': {'RestResponse': {'reason': {'code': '5004'}, 'succeeded': 'false', 'status': '400'}}, 'name': 'Humidity', 'nodedefid': 'humidity', 'primary': 'ambient', 'seq': False, 'statusCode': 400, 'success': False, 'timeAdded': 1579383041685, 'timeStarted': 0}, 'light': {'address': 'light', 'drivers': {'GV0': {'uom': '74', 'value': '0'}, 'GV1': {'value': '0', 'uom': '36'}, 'ST': {'uom': '71', 'value': '0'}}, 'elapsed': '237.629095ms', 'error': False, 'isController': False, 'isPrimary': False, 'json': {'RestResponse': {'reason': {'code': '5004'}, 'succeeded': 'false', 'status': '400'}}, 'name': 'Illumination', 'nodedefid': 'light', 'primary': 'ambient', 'seq': False, 'statusCode': 400, 'success': False, 'timeAdded': 1579383041686, 'timeStarted': 0}, 'pressure': {'address': 'pressure', 'drivers': {'GV0': {'uom': '23', 'value': '29.89'}, 'GV1': {'uom': '25', 'value': '1'}, 'ST': {'uom': '23', 'value': '29.21'}}, 'elapsed': '424.308919ms', 'error': False, 'isController': False, 'isPrimary': False, 'json': {'RestResponse': {'reason': {'code': '5004'}, 'succeeded': 'false', 'status': '400'}}, 'name': 'Barometric Pressure', 'nodedefid': 'pressure', 'primary': 'ambient', 'seq': False, 'statusCode': 400, 'success': False, 'timeAdded': 1579383041685, 'timeStarted': 0}, 'rain': {'address': 'rain', 'drivers': {'GV0': {'uom': '105', 'value': '0'}, 'GV1': {'uom': '105', 'value': '0'}, 'GV2': {'uom': '105', 'value': '0.01'}, 'ST': {'value': '0', 'uom': '24'}}, 'elapsed': '103.147178ms', 'error': False, 'isController': False, 'isPrimary': False, 'json': {'RestResponse': {'reason': {'code': '5004'}, 'succeeded': 'false', 'status': '400'}}, 'name': 'Precipitation', 'nodedefid': 'precipitation', 'primary': 'ambient', 'seq': False, 'statusCode': 400, 'success': False, 'timeAdded': 1579383041686, 'timeStarted': 0}, 'temperature': {'address': 'temperature', 'drivers': {'GV0': {'uom': '17', 'value': '32.5'}, 'GV1': {'uom': '17', 'value': '17.73'}, 'GV2': {'value': '0', 'uom': '17'}, 'GV3': {'value': '0', 'uom': '17'}, 'ST': {'uom': '17', 'value': '32.5'}}, 'elapsed': '325.825457ms', 'error': False, 'isController': False, 'isPrimary': False, 'json': {'RestResponse': {'reason': {'code': '5004'}, 'succeeded': 'false', 'status': '400'}}, 'name': 'Temperatures', 'nodedefid': 'temperature', 'primary': 'ambient', 'seq': False, 'statusCode': 400, 'success': False, 'timeAdded': 1579383041685, 'timeStarted': 0}, 'wind': {'address': 'wind', 'drivers': {'GV0': {'uom': '76', 'value': '255'}, 'GV1': {'uom': '48', 'value': '0'}, 'GV2': {'value': '0', 'uom': '76'}, 'ST': {'uom': '48', 'value': '0'}}, 'elapsed': '446.523831ms', 'error': False, 'isController': False, 'isPrimary': False, 'json': {'RestResponse': {'reason': {'code': '5004'}, 'succeeded': 'false', 'status': '400'}}, 'name': 'Wind', 'nodedefid': 'wind', 'primary': 'ambient', 'seq': False, 'statusCode': 400, 'success': False, 'timeAdded': 1579383041686, 'timeStarted': 0}}, 'netInfo': {'publicPort': 0, 'httpsIngress': False, 'publicIp': ''}, 'customData': {}, 'connected': True, 'customParams': {'APIKey': '************', 'indoor': 'disabled', 'macAddress': '************'}, 'profileNum': '3', 'notices': {}, 'worker': 'ambientpoly-0021b900fcec-3', 'lastDisconnect': 0, 'isyUsername': 'pgc', 'type': 'cloud'}}

2020-01-28 05:03:53,364 [MQTT      ] [DEBUG] Recieved Message: config

2020-01-28 05:03:53,367 [MQTT      ] [DEBUG] pc: Incoming config = {'APIKey': '************', 'indoor': 'disabled', 'macAddress': '************'}

2020-01-28 05:04:49,996 [Controller] [INFO ] Connecting to Ambient Weather server

2020-01-28 05:04:49,996 [Controller] [INFO ] http://api.ambientweather.net/v1/devices/************?apiKey=************&applicationKey=*************&limit=1

2020-01-28 05:07:01,323 [Controller] [ERROR] Exception in thread Controller:

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/root/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/urllib3/connection.py", line 157, in _new_conn

    (self._dns_host, self.port), self.timeout, **extra_kw

  File "/root/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/urllib3/util/connection.py", line 84, in create_connection

    raise err

  File "/root/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/urllib3/util/connection.py", line 74, in create_connection


TimeoutError: [Errno 110] Connection timed out


During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:


Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/root/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/urllib3/connectionpool.py", line 672, in urlopen


  File "/root/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/urllib3/connectionpool.py", line 387, in _make_request

    conn.request(method, url, **httplib_request_kw)

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/http/client.py", line 1229, in request

    self._send_request(method, url, body, headers, encode_chunked)

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/http/client.py", line 1275, in _send_request

    self.endheaders(body, encode_chunked=encode_chunked)

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/http/client.py", line 1224, in endheaders

    self._send_output(message_body, encode_chunked=encode_chunked)

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/http/client.py", line 1016, in _send_output


  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/http/client.py", line 956, in send


  File "/root/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/urllib3/connection.py", line 184, in connect

    conn = self._new_conn()

  File "/root/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/urllib3/connection.py", line 169, in _new_conn

    self, "Failed to establish a new connection: %s" % e

urllib3.exceptions.NewConnectionError: <urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f704d0c6588>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 110] Connection timed out

 During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:



2020-01-24 21:36:02,505 [Controller] [INFO ] Short Poll:  Ambient Weather Updating

2020-01-24 21:36:02,950 [Controller] [INFO ] **************

2020-01-24 21:36:02,951 [Controller] [INFO ] My Weather Station

2020-01-24 21:36:02,951 [Controller] [DEBUG] My Weather Station

2020-01-24 21:36:02,951 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver 8d833445fe6to - ST: 42.6 uom: 17

2020-01-24 21:36:02,952 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver 8d833445fe6fl - ST: 42.6 uom: 17

2020-01-24 21:36:02,952 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver 8d833445fe6dp - ST: 40.72 uom: 17

2020-01-24 21:36:02,952 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver 8d833445fe6sol - SOLRAD: 7.89 uom: 74

2020-01-24 21:36:02,952 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver 8d833445fe6sol - ST: 999.0 uom: 36

2020-01-24 21:36:02,953 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver 8d833445fe6wnd - WINDDIR: 218 uom: 76

2020-01-24 21:36:02,953 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver 8d833445fe6wnd - GV0: 11 uom: 25

2020-01-24 21:36:02,953 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver 8d833445fe6wnd - ST: 1.8 uom: 48

2020-01-24 21:36:02,953 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver 8d833445fe6wnd - GV1: 2.5 uom: 48

2020-01-24 21:36:07,272 [Drivers   ] [DEBUG] Sent Message: [prod/ns] : {"batch": {"status": [{"address": "8d833445fe6to", "driver": "ST", "value": "42.6", "uom": "17"}, {"address": "8d833445fe6fl", "driver": "ST", "value": "42.6", "uom": "17"}, {"address": "8d833445fe6dp", "driver": "ST", "value": "40.72", "uom": "17"}, {"address": "8d833445fe6sol", "driver": "SOLRAD", "value": "7.89", "uom": "74"}, {"address": "8d833445fe6sol", "driver": "ST", "value": "999.0", "uom": "36"}, {"address": "8d833445fe6wnd", "driver": "WINDDIR", "value": "218", "uom": "76"}, {"address": "8d833445fe6wnd", "driver": "GV0", "value": "11", "uom": "25"}, {"address": "8d833445fe6wnd", "driver": "ST", "value": "1.8", "uom": "48"}, {"address": "8d833445fe6wnd", "driver": "GV1", "value": "2.5", "uom": "48"}]}, "userId": "5cbc102f3b7e6a3b2e13d7fc", "topic": "prod/ns/ambientweather-0021b900fcec-2", "profileNum": "2", "id": "************"}

2020-01-24 21:36:08,974 [MQTT      ] [DEBUG] MQTT Received Message: prod/ns/ambientweather-0021b900fcec-2: {'config': {'firstRun': False, 'longPoll': '300', 'logBucket': 'pgc-prod-logbucket-38dmw97ou252', 'oauth': {}, 'url': 'https://github.com/simplextech/udi-poly-ambientweather.git', 'name': 'AmbientWeather', 'language': 'python3', 'isyPassword': 'eoLKWKoyvM', 'development': False, 'userId': '5cbc102f3b7e6a3b2e13d7fc', 'isyVersion': '5.0.16', 'pgUrl': 'https://lgpz727w3j.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/prod/api/sys/nsgetioturl?params=eyJ1c2VySWQiOiI1Y2JjMTAyZjNiN2U2YTNiMmUxM2Q3ZmMiLCJpZCI6IjAwOjIxOmI5OjAwOmZjOmVjIiwicHJvZmlsZU51bSI6MiwicGFzc3dvcmQiOiJlb0xLV0tveXZNIn0', 'timeAdded': 1579379410243, 'id': '************', 'shortPoll': '120', 'timeStarted': 1579814282488, 'version': '0.1.29', 'nodes': {'8d833445fe6': {'address': '8d833445fe6', 'timeStarted': 0, 'error': False, 'isController': False, 'elapsed': '122.906029ms', 'timeAdded': 1579814289941, 'success': False, 'isPrimary': True, 'name': 'My Weather Station', 'json': {'RestResponse': {'reason': {'code': '5004'}, 'succeeded': 'false', 'status': '400'}}, 'nodedefid': 'PWS_NODE', 'drivers': {'ST': {'value': '1', 'uom': '2'}}, 'seq': False, 'primary': '8d833445fe6', 'statusCode': 400}, '8d833445fe6dp': {'address': '8d833445fe6dp', 'drivers': {'ST': {'uom': '17', 'value': '40.72'}}, 'elapsed': '194.732918ms', 'error': False, 'isController': False, 'isPrimary': False, 'json': {'RestResponse': {'reason': {'code': '5004'}, 'succeeded': 'false', 'status': '400'}}, 'name': 'Dew Point - Outside', 'nodedefid': 'DEWPOINT_NODE', 'primary': '8d833445fe6', 'seq': False, 'statusCode': 400, 'success': False, 'timeAdded': 1579814289941, 'timeStarted': 0}, '8d833445fe6dpi': {'address': '8d833445fe6dpi', 'drivers': {'ST': {'uom': '17', 'value': '44.9'}}, 'elapsed': '913.667346ms', 'error': False, 'isController': False, 'isPrimary': False, 'json': {'RestResponse': {'reason': {'code': '5004'}, 'succeeded': 'false', 'status': '400'}}, 'name': 'Dew Point - Inside', 'nodedefid': 'DEWPOINTIN_NODE', 'primary': '8d833445fe6', 'seq': False, 'statusCode': 400, 'success': False, 'timeAdded': 1579814289941, 'timeStarted': 0}, '8d833445fe6fl': {'address': '8d833445fe6fl', 'drivers': {'ST': {'uom': '17', 'value': '42.6'}}, 'elapsed': '475.030571ms', 'error': False, 'isController': False, 'isPrimary': False, 'json': {'RestResponse': {'reason': {'code': '5004'}, 'succeeded': 'false', 'status': '400'}}, 'name': 'Feels Like - Outside', 'nodedefid': 'FEELSLIKE_NODE', 'primary': '8d833445fe6', 'seq': False, 'statusCode': 400, 'success': False, 'timeAdded': 1579814289941, 'timeStarted': 0}, '8d833445fe6fli': {'address': '8d833445fe6fli', 'drivers': {'ST': {'uom': '17', 'value': '67.5'}}, 'elapsed': '766.515886ms', 'error': False, 'isController': False, 'isPrimary': False, 'json': {'RestResponse': {'reason': {'code': '5004'}, 'succeeded': 'false', 'status': '400'}}, 'name': 'Feels Like - Inside', 'nodedefid': 'FEELSLIKEIN_NODE', 'primary': '8d833445fe6', 'seq': False, 'statusCode': 400, 'success': False, 'timeAdded': 1579814289941, 'timeStarted': 0}, '8d833445fe6hg': {'address': '8d833445fe6hg', 'drivers': {'ATMPRES': {'uom': '23', 'value': '28.97'}, 'ST': {'uom': '23', 'value': '29.66'}}, 'elapsed': '259.380552ms', 'error': False, 'isController': False, 'isPrimary': False, 'json': {'RestResponse': {'reason': {'code': '5004'}, 'succeeded': 'false', 'status': '400'}}, 'name': 'Barometric Pressure', 'nodedefid': 'PRESSURE_NODE', 'primary': '8d833445fe6', 'seq': False, 'statusCode': 400, 'success': False, 'timeAdded': 1579814289941, 'timeStarted': 0}, '8d833445fe6hi': {'address': '8d833445fe6hi', 'drivers': {'ST': {'uom': '22', 'value': '42'}}, 'elapsed': '694.91216ms', 'error': False, 'isController': False, 'isPrimary': False, 'json': {'RestResponse': {'reason': {'code': '5004'}, 'succeeded': 'false', 'status': '400'}}, 'name': 'Humidity - Inside', 'nodedefid': 'HUMIDITYIN_NODE', 'primary': '8d833445fe6', 'seq': False, 'statusCode': 400, 'success': False, 'timeAdded': 1579814289941, 'timeStarted': 0}, '8d833445fe6ho': {'address': '8d833445fe6ho', 'drivers': {'ST': {'uom': '22', 'value': '93'}}, 'elapsed': '959.284669ms', 'error': False, 'isController': False, 'isPrimary': False, 'json': {'RestResponse': {'reason': {'code': '5004'}, 'succeeded': 'false', 'status': '400'}}, 'name': 'Humidity - Outside', 'nodedefid': 'HUMIDITY_NODE', 'primary': '8d833445fe6', 'seq': False, 'statusCode': 400, 'success': False, 'timeAdded': 1579814289941, 'timeStarted': 0}, '8d833445fe6rd': {'address': '8d833445fe6rd', 'drivers': {'ST': {'uom': '105', 'value': '0.09'}}, 'elapsed': '121.893897ms', 'error': False, 'isController': False, 'isPrimary': False, 'json': {'RestResponse': {'reason': {'code': '5004'}, 'succeeded': 'false', 'status': '400'}}, 'name': 'Rain - Day', 'nodedefid': 'RAINDAY_NODE', 'primary': '8d833445fe6', 'seq': False, 'statusCode': 400, 'success': False, 'timeAdded': 1579814289941, 'timeStarted': 0}, '8d833445fe6rh': {'address': '8d833445fe6rh', 'drivers': {'ST': {'uom': '105', 'value': '0'}}, 'elapsed': '954.746564ms', 'error': False, 'isController': False, 'isPrimary': False, 'json': {'RestResponse': {'reason': {'code': '5004'}, 'succeeded': 'false', 'status': '400'}}, 'name': 'Rain - Hour', 'nodedefid': 'RAINHOUR_NODE', 'primary': '8d833445fe6', 'seq': False, 'statusCode': 400, 'success': False, 'timeAdded': 1579814289941, 'timeStarted': 0}, '8d833445fe6rm': {'address': '8d833445fe6rm', 'drivers': {'ST': {'uom': '105', 'value': '3.73'}}, 'elapsed': '959.047167ms', 'error': False, 'isController': False, 'isPrimary': False, 'json': {'RestResponse': {'reason': {'code': '5004'}, 'succeeded': 'false', 'status': '400'}}, 'name': 'Rain - Month', 'nodedefid': 'RAINMONTH_NODE', 'primary': '8d833445fe6', 'seq': False, 'statusCode': 400, 'success': False, 'timeAdded': 1579814289941, 'timeStarted': 0}, '8d833445fe6rw': {'address': '8d833445fe6rw', 'drivers': {'ST': {'uom': '105', 'value': '0.15'}}, 'elapsed': '844.286626ms', 'error': False, 'isController': False, 'isPrimary': False, 'json': {'RestResponse': {'reason': {'code': '5004'}, 'succeeded': 'false', 'status': '400'}}, 'name': 'Rain - Week', 'nodedefid': 'RAINWEEK_NODE', 'primary': '8d833445fe6', 'seq': False, 'statusCode': 400, 'success': False, 'timeAdded': 1579814289941, 'timeStarted': 0}, '8d833445fe6ry': {'address': '8d833445fe6ry', 'drivers': {'ST': {'uom': '105', 'value': '3.73'}}, 'elapsed': '552.748029ms', 'error': False, 'isController': False, 'isPrimary': False, 'json': {'RestResponse': {'reason': {'code': '5004'}, 'succeeded': 'false', 'status': '400'}}, 'name': 'Rain - Year', 'nodedefid': 'RAINYEAR_NODE', 'primary': '8d833445fe6', 'seq': False, 'statusCode': 400, 'success': False, 'timeAdded': 1579814289941, 'timeStarted': 0}, '8d833445fe6sol': {'address': '8d833445fe6sol', 'drivers': {'SOLRAD': {'uom': '74', 'value': '7.89'}, 'ST': {'uom': '36', 'value': '999.0'}, 'UV': {'uom': '71', 'value': '0'}}, 'elapsed': '42.554696ms', 'error': False, 'isController': False, 'isPrimary': False, 'json': {'RestResponse': {'reason': {'code': '5004'}, 'succeeded': 'false', 'status': '400'}}, 'name': 'Solar', 'nodedefid': 'SOLAR_NODE', 'primary': '8d833445fe6', 'seq': False, 'statusCode': 400, 'success': False, 'timeAdded': 1579814289942, 'timeStarted': 0}, '8d833445fe6ti': {'address': '8d833445fe6ti', 'drivers': {'ST': {'uom': '17', 'value': '68.9'}}, 'elapsed': '956.236313ms', 'error': False, 'isController': False, 'isPrimary': False, 'json': {'RestResponse': {'reason': {'code': '5004'}, 'succeeded': 'false', 'status': '400'}}, 'name': 'Temperature - Inside', 'nodedefid': 'TEMPINF_NODE', 'primary': '8d833445fe6', 'seq': False, 'statusCode': 400, 'success': False, 'timeAdded': 1579814289941, 'timeStarted': 0}, '8d833445fe6to': {'address': '8d833445fe6to', 'drivers': {'ST': {'uom': '17', 'value': '42.6'}}, 'elapsed': '55.392431ms', 'error': False, 'isController': False, 'isPrimary': False, 'json': {'RestResponse': {'reason': {'code': '5004'}, 'succeeded': 'false', 'status': '400'}}, 'name': 'Temperature - Outside', 'nodedefid': 'TEMPF_NODE', 'primary': '8d833445fe6', 'seq': False, 'statusCode': 400, 'success': False, 'timeAdded': 1579814289941, 'timeStarted': 0}, '8d833445fe6wnd': {'address': '8d833445fe6wnd', 'drivers': {'GV0': {'uom': '25', 'value': '11'}, 'GV1': {'uom': '48', 'value': '2.5'}, 'GV2': {'value': '0', 'uom': '48'}, 'ST': {'uom': '48', 'value': '1.8'}, 'WINDDIR': {'uom': '76', 'value': '218'}}, 'elapsed': '190.79112ms', 'error': False, 'isController': False, 'isPrimary': False, 'json': {'RestResponse': {'reason': {'code': '5004'}, 'succeeded': 'false', 'status': '400'}}, 'name': 'Wind', 'nodedefid': 'WIND_NODE', 'primary': '8d833445fe6', 'seq': False, 'statusCode': 400, 'success': False, 'timeAdded': 1579814289942, 'timeStarted': 0}, 'controller': {'address': 'controller', 'drivers': {'ST': {'uom': 2, 'value': '1'}}, 'isController': True, 'isPrimary': True, 'name': 'Ambient Weather', 'nodedefid': 'controller', 'primary': 'controller', 'timeAdded': 1579379425580, 'timeStarted': 0}}, 'netInfo': {'publicPort': 0, 'httpsIngress': False, 'publicIp': ''}, 'customData': {}, 'connected': True, 'customParams': {'api_key': '************', 'app_key': '************'}, 'profileNum': '2', 'notices': {}, 'worker': 'ambientweather-0021b900fcec-2', 'lastDisconnect': 0, 'isyUsername': 'pgc', 'type': 'cloud'}}

2020-01-24 21:36:08,975 [MQTT      ] [DEBUG] Recieved Message: config

2020-01-24 21:38:02,505 [Controller] [INFO ] Short Poll:  Ambient Weather Updating

2020-01-24 21:38:02,936 [Controller] [ERROR] Exception in thread Controller:

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 917, in _bootstrap_inner


  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 865, in run

    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pgc_interface/pgc_interface.py", line 795, in _parseInput


  File "./ambientweather-poly.py", line 54, in shortPoll


  File "./ambientweather-poly.py", line 223, in ambient_weather_update


TypeError: string indices must be integers

2020-01-25 08:02:38,407 [MQTT      ] [DEBUG] MQTT Received Message: prod/ns/ambientweather-0021b900fcec-2: {'command': {'address': 'controller', 'cmd': 'QUERY', 'query': {'requestId': '126'}}}

2020-01-25 08:02:38,407 [MQTT      ] [DEBUG] Received Message: {'command': {'address': 'controller', 'cmd': 'QUERY', 'query': {'requestId': '126'}}}

2020-01-25 08:02:57,241 [MQTT      ] [DEBUG] MQTT Received Message: prod/ns/ambientweather-0021b900fcec-2: {'command': {'address': '8d833445fe6', 'cmd': 'QUERY', 'query': {'requestId': '134'}}}

2020-01-25 08:02:57,242 [MQTT      ] [DEBUG] Received Message: {'command': {'address': '8d833445fe6', 'cmd': 'QUERY', 'query': {'requestId': '134'}}}

2020-01-25 08:03:08,062 [MQTT      ] [DEBUG] MQTT Received Message: prod/ns/ambientweather-0021b900fcec-2: {'command': {'address': '8d833445fe6to', 'cmd': 'QUERY', 'query': {'requestId': '135'}}}

2020-01-25 08:03:08,063 [MQTT      ] [DEBUG] Received Message: {'command': {'address': '8d833445fe6to', 'cmd': 'QUERY', 'query': {'requestId': '135'}}}

2020-01-25 08:03:19,377 [MQTT      ] [DEBUG] MQTT Received Message: prod/ns/ambientweather-0021b900fcec-2: {'command': {'address': '8d833445fe6ti', 'cmd': 'QUERY', 'query': {'requestId': '136'}}}

2020-01-25 08:03:19,377 [MQTT      ] [DEBUG] Received Message: {'command': {'address': '8d833445fe6ti', 'cmd': 'QUERY', 'query': {'requestId': '136'}}}

2020-01-25 08:03:30,656 [MQTT      ] [DEBUG] MQTT Received Message: prod/ns/ambientweather-0021b900fcec-2: {'command': {'address': '8d833445fe6fl', 'cmd': 'QUERY', 'query': {'requestId': '137'}}}

2020-01-25 08:03:30,656 [MQTT      ] [DEBUG] Received Message: {'command': {'address': '8d833445fe6fl', 'cmd': 'QUERY', 'query': {'requestId': '137'}}}

2020-01-25 08:03:41,479 [MQTT      ] [DEBUG] MQTT Received Message: prod/ns/ambientweather-0021b900fcec-2: {'command': {'address': '8d833445fe6fli', 'cmd': 'QUERY', 'query': {'requestId': '138'}}}

2020-01-25 08:03:41,480 [MQTT      ] [DEBUG] Received Message: {'command': {'address': '8d833445fe6fli', 'cmd': 'QUERY', 'query': {'requestId': '138'}}}

2020-01-25 08:03:52,879 [MQTT      ] [DEBUG] MQTT Received Message: prod/ns/ambientweather-0021b900fcec-2: {'command': {'address': '8d833445fe6dp', 'cmd': 'QUERY', 'query': {'requestId': '139'}}}

2020-01-25 08:03:52,879 [MQTT      ] [DEBUG] Received Message: {'command': {'address': '8d833445fe6dp', 'cmd': 'QUERY', 'query': {'requestId': '139'}}}

2020-01-25 08:04:03,733 [MQTT      ] [DEBUG] MQTT Received Message: prod/ns/ambientweather-0021b900fcec-2: {'command': {'address': '8d833445fe6ho', 'cmd': 'QUERY', 'query': {'requestId': '140'}}}


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The error for AmbientWeather in my version was corrected last night.  Update to the lastest version.  However if you are running both at the same time and are using the same app/api keys that will cause you problems as there are rate limits imposed by Ambient Weather for connections to the API. 

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The error with AmbientPoly is that the node server is crashing when it can't connect to the Ambient server.  It also looks like you may be using an older version of this node server. I just pushed a change to trap the error which allow the node server to keep running when this happens.  You'll want version 0.1.10 of the AmbientPoly node server.

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  • 1 month later...
urllib3.exceptions.NewConnectionError: <urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0x7f486e1cb550>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution

That shows a name resolution failure.  Did you lose internet access at some point in time?  The other possibility is the AmbientWeather.Net servers had a DNS issue but that's unlikely.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Installed Ambient Weather a few days ago and It is running great. I do not see the Solar Node or Wind Node in my ISY. From the Polyglot dashboard it lists 20 nodes for Ambient Weather and when I go into nodes tab i see both missing nodes listed. The logs for the node server show values being updated for the missing Nodes. I have restarted Polyglot as well as the node server several times but they still do not show up.    

2020-03-15 10:47:07,307 [Controller] [INFO ] Short Poll:  Ambient Weather Updating

2020-03-15 10:47:08,360 [Controller] [INFO ] BC:DD:C2:AF:1C:D2

2020-03-15 10:47:08,361 [Controller] [INFO ] SCE Weather

2020-03-15 10:47:08,361 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver bcddc2af1cd2to - ST: 79, uom: 17

2020-03-15 10:47:08,362 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver bcddc2af1cd2ti - ST: 77.5, uom: 17

2020-03-15 10:47:08,363 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver bcddc2af1cd2fl - ST: 79.8, uom: 17

2020-03-15 10:47:08,365 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver bcddc2af1cd2fli - ST: 77.4, uom: 17

2020-03-15 10:47:08,367 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver bcddc2af1cd2dp - ST: 67.52, uom: 17

2020-03-15 10:47:08,369 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver bcddc2af1cd2dpi - ST: 58.5, uom: 17

2020-03-15 10:47:08,371 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver bcddc2af1cd2ho - ST: 68, uom: 22

2020-03-15 10:47:08,374 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver bcddc2af1cd2hg - ATMPRES: 30.21, uom: 23

2020-03-15 10:47:08,377 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver bcddc2af1cd2hg - ST: 30.048, uom: 23

2020-03-15 10:47:08,379 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver bcddc2af1cd2sol - SOLRAD: 673.7, uom: 74

2020-03-15 10:47:08,381 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver bcddc2af1cd2sol - ST: 85278.0, uom: 36

2020-03-15 10:47:08,384 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver bcddc2af1cd2wnd - WINDDIR: 126, uom: 76

2020-03-15 10:47:08,386 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver bcddc2af1cd2wnd - ST: 0, uom: 48

2020-03-15 10:47:08,388 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver bcddc2af1cd2wnd - GV1: 0, uom: 48

2020-03-15 10:49:07,309 [Controller] [INFO ] Short Poll:  Ambient Weather Updating

2020-03-15 10:49:08,066 [Controller] [INFO ] BC:DD:C2:AF:1C:D2

2020-03-15 10:49:08,067 [Controller] [INFO ] SCE Weather

2020-03-15 10:49:08,067 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver bcddc2af1cd2to - ST: 80.1, uom: 17

2020-03-15 10:49:08,071 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver bcddc2af1cd2ti - ST: 77.7, uom: 17

2020-03-15 10:49:08,072 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver bcddc2af1cd2fl - ST: 82.62, uom: 17

2020-03-15 10:49:08,074 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver bcddc2af1cd2fli - ST: 77.6, uom: 17

2020-03-15 10:49:08,076 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver bcddc2af1cd2dp - ST: 67.69, uom: 17

2020-03-15 10:49:08,078 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver bcddc2af1cd2dpi - ST: 58.7, uom: 17

2020-03-15 10:49:08,079 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver bcddc2af1cd2ho - ST: 66, uom: 22

2020-03-15 10:49:08,081 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver bcddc2af1cd2hg - ATMPRES: 30.204, uom: 23

2020-03-15 10:49:08,082 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver bcddc2af1cd2hg - ST: 30.042, uom: 23

2020-03-15 10:49:08,084 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver bcddc2af1cd2sol - SOLRAD: 677.99, uom: 74

2020-03-15 10:49:08,085 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver bcddc2af1cd2sol - ST: 85822.0, uom: 36

2020-03-15 10:49:08,087 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver bcddc2af1cd2wnd - WINDDIR: 140, uom: 76

2020-03-15 10:49:08,088 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver bcddc2af1cd2wnd - ST: 1.3, uom: 48

2020-03-15 10:49:08,090 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver bcddc2af1cd2wnd - GV1: 2.2, uom: 48


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1 hour ago, tlightne said:

Installed Ambient Weather a few days ago and It is running great. I do not see the Solar Node or Wind Node in my ISY. From the Polyglot dashboard it lists 20 nodes for Ambient Weather and when I go into nodes tab i see both missing nodes listed. The logs for the node server show values being updated for the missing Nodes. I have restarted Polyglot as well as the node server several times but they still do not show up.   

What version of Polyglot?

Running on Polisy or rPi or Cloud?

If the nodes are listed within Polyglot but not in the ISY Admin Console then there was likely a issues during creation of them.  They should be created if missing on a nodeserver restart but you said you've restarted and that didn't change anything.  Makes me wonder if there's something else.  I'll need the nodeserver logs to see if there's any errors.

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On 3/5/2020 at 8:12 PM, simplextech said:

urllib3.exceptions.NewConnectionError: <urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0x7f486e1cb550>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution

That shows a name resolution failure.  Did you lose internet access at some point in time?  The other possibility is the AmbientWeather.Net servers had a DNS issue but that's unlikely.

Yes, there was an Internet outage around that time.  That would explain why it did not reconnect.  Thank you for the new version, I will see if I can update it.

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3 hours ago, simplextech said:

What version of Polyglot?

Running on Polisy or rPi or Cloud?

If the nodes are listed within Polyglot but not in the ISY Admin Console then there was likely a issues during creation of them.  They should be created if missing on a nodeserver restart but you said you've restarted and that didn't change anything.  Makes me wonder if there's something else.  I'll need the nodeserver logs to see if there's any errors.

Polyglot version 2.2.3 on rPi 

Here is the Polyglot Logs.

3/15/2020, 10:41:03 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: restart

3/15/2020, 10:41:03 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2):: Not running. Ignoring stop command.

3/15/2020, 10:41:06 AM - info: NS: Starting Local NodeServer AmbientWeather profile number 2 :: Version 0.1.33

3/15/2020, 10:41:07 AM - info: MQTTS: Client Connected: AmbientWeather

3/15/2020, 10:41:07 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: connected

3/15/2020, 10:41:07 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): NodeServer Connected.

3/15/2020, 10:41:07 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: customparamsdoc

3/15/2020, 10:41:07 AM - info: NS: Received updated customParamsDoc for AmbientWeather. Updating database.

3/15/2020, 10:41:07 AM - info: NS customParamsDoc: AmbientWeather saved sucessfully

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: addnode

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): No updates needed for n002_bcddc2af1cd2 skipping...

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: addnode

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: addnode

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): No updates needed for n002_bcddc2af1cd2bo skipping...

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): No updates needed for n002_bcddc2af1cd2to skipping...

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: addnode

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: addnode

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: addnode

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: addnode

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: addnode

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: addnode

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: addnode

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): No updates needed for n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti skipping...

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): No updates needed for n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl skipping...

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): No updates needed for n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli skipping...

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): No updates needed for n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp skipping...

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): No updates needed for n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi skipping...

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): No updates needed for n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho skipping...

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): No updates needed for n002_bcddc2af1cd2hi skipping...

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: addnode

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: addnode

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: addnode

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: addnode

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: addnode

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: addnode

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: addnode

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: addnode

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: addnode

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): No updates needed for n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg skipping...

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): No updates needed for n002_bcddc2af1cd2rd skipping...

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): No updates needed for n002_bcddc2af1cd2rm skipping...

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): No updates needed for n002_bcddc2af1cd2rw skipping...

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): No updates needed for n002_bcddc2af1cd2rt skipping...

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): No updates needed for n002_bcddc2af1cd2re skipping...

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): No updates needed for n002_bcddc2af1cd2rh skipping...

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): No updates needed for n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol skipping...

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): No updates needed for n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd skipping...

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 1 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 1 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 1 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 1 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 1 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 1 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2rd ST set sucessfully to 1 : UOM 105

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2rm ST set sucessfully to 1 : UOM 105

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hi ST set sucessfully to 1 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2rw ST set sucessfully to 1 : UOM 105

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2re ST set sucessfully to 1 : UOM 105

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2rh ST set sucessfully to 1 : UOM 105

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2rt ST set sucessfully to 1 : UOM 105

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:41:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:41:15 AM - info: MQTTS: Client Disconnected: polyglot_frontend-zTpDP

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 79.5 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 80.35 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 77.7 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 67.99 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 68 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hi ST set sucessfully to 52 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.05 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2rd ST set sucessfully to 0 : UOM 105

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.213 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2rm ST set sucessfully to 0.02 : UOM 105

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2rt ST set sucessfully to 0.02 : UOM 105

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2re ST set sucessfully to 0 : UOM 105

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2rh ST set sucessfully to 0 : UOM 105

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2rw ST set sucessfully to 0 : UOM 105

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:43:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:45:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:45:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:45:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:45:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:45:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:45:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:45:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:45:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:45:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:45:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:45:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:45:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:45:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:45:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:45:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 77.9 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 10:45:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:45:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 68.42 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 10:45:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:45:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 80.39 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 10:45:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 69 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 10:45:09 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.042 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 10:45:09 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:45:09 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:45:09 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:45:09 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:45:09 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.204 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 10:45:09 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:45:09 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:45:44 AM - info: MQTTS: polyglot_frontend-SK6Je authenticated successfully.

3/15/2020, 10:45:44 AM - info: MQTTS: Client Connected: polyglot_frontend-SK6Je

3/15/2020, 10:45:44 AM - info: MQTTP: Frontend Websockets interface Connected.

3/15/2020, 10:47:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:47:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:47:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:47:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:47:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:47:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:47:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:47:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:47:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:47:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:47:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:47:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:47:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:47:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:47:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 79 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 10:47:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 79.8 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 10:47:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:47:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 77.5 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 10:47:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 67.52 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 10:47:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 68 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 10:47:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:47:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.21 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 10:47:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.048 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 10:47:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:47:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:47:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:47:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:47:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 80.1 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 10:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 82.62 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 10:49:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 67.69 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 10:49:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 77.7 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 10:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 66 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 10:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.042 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 10:49:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:49:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.204 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 10:49:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:49:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:49:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:51:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:51:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:51:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:51:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:51:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:51:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:51:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:51:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:51:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:51:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:51:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:51:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 80.6 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 10:51:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 68.17 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 10:51:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.213 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 10:51:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 83.36 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 10:51:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.05 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 10:51:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:51:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:51:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:51:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:51:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:51:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 80.8 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 10:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 83.66 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 10:53:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 68.36 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 10:53:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 77.9 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 10:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.207 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 10:53:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:53:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:53:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:53:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:53:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.045 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 10:53:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:55:07 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:55:07 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:55:07 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:55:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:55:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:55:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:55:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:55:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:55:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:55:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:55:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:55:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 80.6 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 10:55:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 67.72 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 10:55:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 65 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 10:55:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.21 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 10:55:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 83.22 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 10:55:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:55:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:55:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:55:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.048 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 10:55:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:55:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:57:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:57:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:57:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:57:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:57:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:57:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:57:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:57:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:57:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:57:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:57:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:57:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:57:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 80.4 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 10:57:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 68.42 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 10:57:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 67 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 10:57:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.213 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 10:57:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 83.19 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 10:57:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.05 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 10:57:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:57:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:57:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:57:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:57:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:57:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:59:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:59:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:59:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:59:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:59:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:59:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:59:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:59:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:59:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:59:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 10:59:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 80.1 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 10:59:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 67.69 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 10:59:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 66 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 10:59:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:59:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:59:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 82.62 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 10:59:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:59:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:59:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 10:59:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:01:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:01:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:01:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:01:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:01:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:01:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:01:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:01:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:01:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:01:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:01:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:01:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:01:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:01:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:01:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 80.4 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:01:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 83.06 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:01:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:01:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 67.98 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:01:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:01:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 78.1 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:01:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.204 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:01:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:01:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:01:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:01:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:01:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.042 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:01:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:01:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:03:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:03:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:03:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:03:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:03:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:03:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:03:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:03:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:03:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:03:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:03:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:03:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:03:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 80.6 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:03:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 82.94 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:03:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:03:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.82 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:03:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:03:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 77.9 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:03:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 63 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 11:03:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.039 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:03:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:03:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:03:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:03:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.201 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: addnode

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: addnode

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: addnode

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: addnode

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): No updates needed for n002_bcddc2af1cd2 skipping...

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): No updates needed for n002_bcddc2af1cd2bo skipping...

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): No updates needed for n002_bcddc2af1cd2to skipping...

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: addnode

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: addnode

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: addnode

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: addnode

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: addnode

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): No updates needed for n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti skipping...

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: addnode

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: addnode

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: addnode

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): No updates needed for n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl skipping...

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): No updates needed for n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp skipping...

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): No updates needed for n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho skipping...

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: addnode

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: addnode

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: addnode

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: addnode

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: addnode

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: addnode

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: addnode

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): No updates needed for n002_bcddc2af1cd2hi skipping...

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): No updates needed for n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg skipping...

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): No updates needed for n002_bcddc2af1cd2rd skipping...

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli updated sucessfully.

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi updated sucessfully.

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): No updates needed for n002_bcddc2af1cd2rm skipping...

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): No updates needed for n002_bcddc2af1cd2rw skipping...

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): No updates needed for n002_bcddc2af1cd2rt skipping...

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): No updates needed for n002_bcddc2af1cd2re skipping...

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): No updates needed for n002_bcddc2af1cd2rh skipping...

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol updated sucessfully.

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd updated sucessfully.

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing comm

and: status

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 1 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 1 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 1 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 1 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 1 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hi ST set sucessfully to 1 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2rd ST set sucessfully to 1 : UOM 105

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 1 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2rm ST set sucessfully to 1 : UOM 105

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2rw ST set sucessfully to 1 : UOM 105

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2re ST set sucessfully to 1 : UOM 105

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2rh ST set sucessfully to 1 : UOM 105

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:04:19 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2rt ST set sucessfully to 1 : UOM 105

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 81.9 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 78.1 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 84.84 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 68.04 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 63 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hi ST set sucessfully to 52 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.21 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.048 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2rm ST set sucessfully to 0.02 : UOM 105

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2rw ST set sucessfully to 0 : UOM 105

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2rd ST set sucessfully to 0 : UOM 105

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2rt ST set sucessfully to 0.02 : UOM 105

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2rh ST set sucessfully to 0 : UOM 105

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2re ST set sucessfully to 0 : UOM 105

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:05:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:07:07 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:07:07 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:07:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:07:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:07:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:07:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:07:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:07:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:07:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.207 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:07:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:07:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:07:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:07:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:07:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.045 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:07:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:07:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:09:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:09:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:09:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:09:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:09:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:09:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:09:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:09:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:09:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:09:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 81 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:09:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 67.19 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:09:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:09:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:09:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 83.5 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:09:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:09:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:09:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:09:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:11:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:11:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:11:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:11:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:11:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:11:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:11:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:11:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:11:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:11:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:11:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:11:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 81.1 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:11:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 67.74 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:11:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 64 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 11:11:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.204 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:11:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.042 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:11:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:11:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:11:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 83.8 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:11:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:11:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:11:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:13:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:13:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:13:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:13:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:13:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:13:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:13:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:13:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:13:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:13:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:13:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:13:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:13:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 80.4 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:13:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 67.53 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:13:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 65 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 11:13:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.21 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:13:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 82.93 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:13:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:13:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.048 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:13:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:13:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:13:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:13:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:13:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:15:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:15:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:15:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:15:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:15:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:15:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:15:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:15:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:15:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:15:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:15:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:15:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:15:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 80.8 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:15:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 67 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:15:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 63 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 11:15:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.207 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:15:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 83.22 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:15:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:15:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.045 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:15:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:15:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:15:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:15:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:15:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:17:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:17:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:17:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:17:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:17:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:17:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:17:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:17:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:17:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:17:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:17:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:17:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:17:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:17:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 81.1 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:17:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 83.49 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:17:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:17:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.82 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:17:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:17:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 78.3 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:17:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 62 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 11:17:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:17:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:17:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:17:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:17:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:17:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:19:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:19:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:19:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:19:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:19:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:19:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:19:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:19:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:19:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:19:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:19:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 81.5 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:19:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.25 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:19:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 60 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 11:19:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:19:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:19:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:19:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 83.73 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:19:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:19:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:19:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:21:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:21:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:21:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:21:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:21:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:21:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:21:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:21:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:21:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:21:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 81.3 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:21:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.54 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:21:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 61 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 11:21:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:21:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:21:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:21:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:21:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:21:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 83.62 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:23:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:23:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:23:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:23:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:23:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:23:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:23:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:23:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:23:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:23:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:23:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:23:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 81.5 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:23:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.73 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:23:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.204 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:23:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 83.89 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:23:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.042 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:23:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:23:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:23:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:23:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:23:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:23:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:25:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:25:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:25:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:25:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:25:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:25:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:25:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:25:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:25:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 84.06 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:25:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 62 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 11:25:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:25:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:25:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:25:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 67.2 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:25:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:25:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:27:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:27:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:27:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:27:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:27:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:27:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:27:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:27:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:27:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:27:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 81.3 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:27:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 67.01 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:27:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.213 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:27:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.05 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:27:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:27:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:27:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 83.78 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:27:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:27:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:29:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:29:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:29:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:29:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:29:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:29:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:29:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:29:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:29:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:29:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:29:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:29:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:29:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 81.5 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:29:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 65.76 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:29:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 59 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 11:29:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.207 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:29:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 83.57 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:29:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:29:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:29:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.045 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:29:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:29:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:29:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:29:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:31:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:31:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:31:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:31:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:31:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:31:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:31:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:31:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:31:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:31:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:31:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:31:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:31:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:31:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:31:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 82.6 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:31:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 84.51 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:31:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:31:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 65.29 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:31:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:31:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 78.1 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:31:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 56 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 11:31:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.042 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:31:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:31:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:31:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:31:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:31:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:31:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.204 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:33:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:33:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:33:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:33:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:33:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:33:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:33:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:33:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:33:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:33:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:33:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:33:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:33:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:33:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:33:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 83.5 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:33:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 85.99 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:33:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:33:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 78.3 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:33:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:33:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.63 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:33:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 57 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 11:33:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.053 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:33:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:33:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.216 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:33:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:33:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:33:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:33:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:35:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:35:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:35:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:35:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:35:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:35:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:35:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:35:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:35:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:35:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:35:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:35:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:35:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 83.1 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:35:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.77 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:35:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 58 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 11:35:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.21 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:35:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 85.62 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:35:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.048 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:35:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:35:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:35:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:35:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:35:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:35:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:37:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:37:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:37:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:37:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:37:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:37:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:37:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:37:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:37:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:37:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 81.9 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:37:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.14 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:37:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 59 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 11:37:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:37:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:37:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 84.11 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:37:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:37:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:37:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:39:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:39:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:39:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:39:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:39:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:39:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:39:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:39:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:39:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:39:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 82 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.23 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.207 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 84.25 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:41:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.045 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:41:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:41:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:41:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:41:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:41:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:41:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:41:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 82.8 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 65.98 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 57 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 11:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.213 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 84.98 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:43:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:43:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:43:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:43:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.05 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:43:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:43:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:45:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:45:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:45:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:45:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:45:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:45:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:45:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:45:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:45:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:45:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 82.9 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:45:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.58 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:45:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 58 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 11:45:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.207 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:45:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.045 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:45:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:45:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:45:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 85.33 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:45:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:47:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:47:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:47:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:47:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:47:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:47:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:47:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:47:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:47:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:47:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:47:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:47:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:47:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 82.8 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:47:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.98 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:47:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 59 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 11:47:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.213 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:47:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 85.4 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:47:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.05 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:47:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:47:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:47:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:47:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:47:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:47:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 81.9 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 84.29 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:49:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.62 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:49:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 78.1 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 60 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 11:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.048 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:49:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:49:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.21 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:49:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:49:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:49:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:49:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:51:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:51:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:51:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:51:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:51:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:51:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:51:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:51:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:51:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:51:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:51:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:51:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 82 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:51:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 84.07 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:51:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:51:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 65.74 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:51:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:51:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 77.9 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:51:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 58 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 11:51:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:51:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:51:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:51:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hi ST set sucessfully to 51 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 11:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 84 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 86.02 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:53:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 65.54 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:53:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 77.4 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 54 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 11:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.204 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.042 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:53:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:53:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hi ST set sucessfully to 50 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 11:53:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:53:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:53:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:55:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:55:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:55:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:55:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:55:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:55:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:55:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:55:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:55:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:55:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:55:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:55:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 85.5 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:55:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.38 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:55:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 53 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 11:55:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.207 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:55:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.045 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:55:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:55:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 87.99 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:55:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:55:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:55:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:55:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:57:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:57:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:57:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:57:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:57:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:57:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:57:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:57:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:57:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:57:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:57:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:57:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:57:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:57:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:57:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 85.6 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:57:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 87.86 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:57:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:57:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 65.92 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:57:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:57:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 77.2 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:57:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hi ST set sucessfully to 49 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 11:57:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 52 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 11:57:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:57:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:57:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:57:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:57:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:57:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:59:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:59:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:59:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:59:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:59:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:59:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:59:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:59:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:59:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:59:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:59:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:59:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:59:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:59:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 11:59:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 85.1 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:59:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 87.38 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:59:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:59:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.01 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:59:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:59:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 76.8 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 11:59:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 53 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 11:59:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.039 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:59:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:59:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:59:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:59:08 AM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.201 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 11:59:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 11:59:08 AM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 84.9 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 87.08 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:01:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 65.83 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:01:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 76.5 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.204 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:01:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:01:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:01:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:01:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:01:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.042 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:01:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1c

d2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 84.6 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 67.14 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:03:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 56 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 12:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hi ST set sucessfully to 50 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 12:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 87.42 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:03:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.21 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:03:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.048 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:03:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:03:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:03:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:03:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 83.5 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 65.6 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 55 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 12:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.204 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 85.54 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:05:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:05:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.042 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:05:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:05:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:05:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:05:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 83.8 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 85.74 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:07:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 65.35 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 76.6 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 54 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 12:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.048 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:07:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:07:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:07:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.21 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:07:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:07:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:07:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 84.4 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 64.82 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 52 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 12:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.213 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 86.11 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.05 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:09:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:09:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:09:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:09:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:09:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:09:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:09:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 76.8 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:11:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 65.37 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:11:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 53 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 12:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.21 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 86.35 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:11:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:11:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.048 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:11:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:11:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:11:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:11:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 83.8 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 63.15 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 50 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 12:13:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 84.88 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:13:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:13:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:13:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:13:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:13:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 84.2 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 85.61 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:15:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 77 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:15:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 51 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 12:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.204 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 64.08 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.042 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:15:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:15:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:15:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:15:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:15:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:15:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 84 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 86.02 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:17:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 65.54 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:17:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 77.2 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 54 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 12:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.048 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:17:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.21 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:17:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:17:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:17:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:17:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:17:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 82.6 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 84.13 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:19:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 64.24 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:19:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 77 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.213 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:19:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:19:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:19:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.05 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 82 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 63.69 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.21 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.048 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:21:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:21:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 83.39 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:21:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:21:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:21:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:21:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:21:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 83.3 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 84.64 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:23:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 63.81 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:23:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 77.2 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 52 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 12:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.045 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:23:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:23:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:23:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.207 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:23:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:23:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 83.7 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 85.38 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:25:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 64.72 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:25:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 77.4 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 53 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 12:25:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:25:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:25:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:25:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:25:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:25:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 84.2 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 62.35 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:27:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 84.96 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 48 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 12:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.204 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.042 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:27:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:27:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hi ST set sucessfully to 51 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 12:27:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:27:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:27:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:27:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 83.7 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 62.48 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 49 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 12:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 84.55 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.207 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:29:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:29:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:29:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:29:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.045 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:29:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:29:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 84.4 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 62.53 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 48 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 12:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.204 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 85.21 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:31:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:31:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:31:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.042 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:31:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:31:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 85.8 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 63.21 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 47 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 12:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.201 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 86.8 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.039 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:33:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:33:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:33:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:33:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:33:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:33:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 86.4 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 88.19 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:35:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 77.5 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 64.95 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 49 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 12:35:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.207 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.045 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:35:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:35:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:35:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:35:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:35:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:35:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:35:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 84 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 64.45 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 52 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 12:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.198 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 85.56 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.036 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:37:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:37:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:37:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:37:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:37:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:37:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 82.6 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 63.71 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 53 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 12:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.201 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 83.95 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.039 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:39:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:39:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:39:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:39:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:39:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 82 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 63.69 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 54 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 12:41:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 83.39 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:41:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:41:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:41:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:41:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 82.4 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 62.98 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 52 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 12:43:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:43:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:43:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 83.54 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 82.9 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 84.33 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:45:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 63.98 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 77.7 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:45:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:45:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:45:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:45:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 53 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 12:45:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:45:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:45:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:45:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 82.8 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 63.35 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 52 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 12:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.204 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 84.02 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:47:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.042 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:47:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:47:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:47:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:47:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:47:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:47:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 83.3 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 62.69 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 50 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 12:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.198 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 84.26 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:49:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:49:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.036 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:49:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:49:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:49:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:49:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 83.5 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 84.7 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:51:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:51:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 63.44 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 77.9 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 51 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 12:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.033 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:51:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:51:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:51:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:51:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.195 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:51:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:51:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:51:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 84.2 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 85.61 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:53:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 64.08 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:53:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:53:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 77.7 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:53:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:53:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:53:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:53:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:53:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:53:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 85.39 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 50 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 12:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.198 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.036 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 12:55:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:55:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:55:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 63.51 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:55:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 83.8 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 62.57 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 49 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 12:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 84.67 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:57:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:57:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:57:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:57:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:57:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:57:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status


20, 12:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 12:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 77.9 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:59:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 63.15 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:59:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 84.88 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 12:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 50 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 12:59:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:59:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:59:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:59:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:59:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 12:59:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 78.1 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:01:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 63.71 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:01:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 85.08 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 51 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 1:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.033 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:01:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:01:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:01:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:01:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.195 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:01:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:01:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 83.1 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 84.39 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:03:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 63.62 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:03:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 77.9 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:03:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:03:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:03:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 52 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 1:03:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:03:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 82.9 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 63.44 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.189 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 84.14 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:05:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:05:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:05:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.027 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:05:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:05:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:05:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 83.3 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 84.45 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:07:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 63.25 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:07:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 78.1 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 51 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 1:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.03 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:07:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.192 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:07:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:07:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:07:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:07:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:07:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 83.5 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 63.44 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.189 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.027 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:09:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 84.7 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:09:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:09:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 83.8 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 63.71 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.192 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.03 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:11:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 85.08 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:11:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:11:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:11:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:11:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:11:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:11:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 78.3 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:13:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 64.27 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:13:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 85.3 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 52 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 1:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.027 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:13:09 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:13:09 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:13:09 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:13:09 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.189 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:13:09 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:13:09 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:13:09 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 83.7 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 84.95 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:15:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 78.1 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 63.62 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 51 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 1:15:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.192 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.03 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:15:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:15:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:15:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:15:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:17:09 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:17:09 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:17:09 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:17:09 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:17:09 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:17:09 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:17:09 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:17:09 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:17:09 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:17:09 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:17:09 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 83.8 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:17:09 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 63.71 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:17:09 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.189 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:17:09 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 85.08 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:17:09 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.027 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:17:09 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:17:09 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:17:09 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:17:09 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:17:09 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 83.5 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 63.44 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.192 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.03 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 84.7 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:19:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:19:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:19:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:19:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:19:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 78.3 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:21:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 62.87 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:21:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 84.5 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 50 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 1:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.024 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:21:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:21:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:21:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:21:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.186 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:21:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:21:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 82.9 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 63.44 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 52 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 1:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.189 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 84.14 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.027 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:23:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:23:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:23:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:23:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:23:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:23:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 78.4 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:25:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:25:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.183 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:25:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:25:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:25:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:25:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.021 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:25:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:25:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 82.6 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 83.95 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:27:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 78.3 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 63.71 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:27:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 53 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 1:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.189 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:27:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:27:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:27:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:27:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.027 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:27:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:27:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 83.78 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 52 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 1:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.186 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.024 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:29:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 63.16 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:29:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:29:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:29:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 78.4 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:31:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:31:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:31:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:31:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:31:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:31:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:31:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.192 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:33:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:33:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:33:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.03 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:33:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:33:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 82.9 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 62.89 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 51 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 1:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 83.96 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.18 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:35:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:35:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:35:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:35:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:35:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.018 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:35:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 83.5 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 63.44 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.175 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.012 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 84.7 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:37:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:37:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:37:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:37:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:37:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 83.3 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 62.69 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 50 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 1:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 84.26 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.186 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:39:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:39:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:39:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.024 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 83.5 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 84.31 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:41:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 62.3 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:41:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 78.6 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.177 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.015 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 49 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 1:41:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:41:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:41:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:41:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:41:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:41:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 85.1 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 85.88 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:43:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 78.4 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 62.57 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:43:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 47 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 1:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.183 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:43:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:43:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:43:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:43:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.021 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:43:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:43:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 85.5 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 63.53 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 48 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 1:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.177 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 86.65 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:45:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:45:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.015 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:45:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:45:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:45:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:45:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 85.6 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 61.79 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 45 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 1:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.175 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:47:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.012 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 86.06 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:47:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:47:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:47:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:47:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:47:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:47:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 87.1 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 88.06 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:49:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 78.6 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 63.14 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.177 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:49:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.015 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:49:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:49:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:49:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:49:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:49:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:49:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 87.6 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 65.45 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 48 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 1:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.175 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 89.71 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:51:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:51:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.012 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:51:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:51:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:51:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:51:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 87.1 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.74 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 51 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 1:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.169 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 89.9 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:53:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.006 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:53:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:53:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:53:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:53:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:53:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 78.8 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:55:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 67.3 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:55:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 90.24 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:55:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:55:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 52 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 1:55:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:55:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:55:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:55:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:55:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 86.2 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 89.41 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:57:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 67.57 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:57:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 78.6 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_b

cddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 54 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 1:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.009 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:57:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:57:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:57:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.172 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:57:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:57:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:57:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 1:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 85.3 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 88.54 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:59:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 67.79 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:59:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 79 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 1:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.169 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 56 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 1:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.006 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 1:59:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:59:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:59:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:59:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:59:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:59:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 1:59:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 84.4 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 87.64 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:01:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 67.98 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:01:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 78.8 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 58 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 2:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.012 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:01:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:01:09 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:01:09 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:01:09 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.175 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:01:09 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:01:09 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:01:09 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:01:09 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 83.1 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 67.26 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 59 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 2:03:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:03:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:03:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 85.85 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:03:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:03:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:03:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 85.41 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:05:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 57 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 2:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.26 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hi ST set sucessfully to 52 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 2:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.009 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:05:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:05:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:05:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:05:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:05:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.172 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:05:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 83.7 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 86.78 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:07:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 79 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 67.82 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 59 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 2:07:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hi ST set sucessfully to 51 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 2:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.18 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:07:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:07:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:07:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:07:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:07:09 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.018 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:07:09 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 82.6 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 85.1 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:09:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 79.2 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.79 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hi ST set sucessfully to 52 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 2:09:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.172 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.009 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:09:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:09:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:09:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:09:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:09:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:09:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:09:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 83.5 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 67.63 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:11:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:11:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:11:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 86.46 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:11:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:11:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:11:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:11:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 81.5 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:13:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 67.66 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:13:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 84.23 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 63 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 2:13:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:13:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:13:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:13:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hi ST set sucessfully to 51 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 2:13:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 81.1 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:15:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.82 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:15:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 83.49 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 62 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 2:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.166 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.003 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:15:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hi ST set sucessfully to 52 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 2:15:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:15:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:15:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:15:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 82 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:17:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.72 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:17:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 60 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 2:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 84.43 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hi ST set sucessfully to 51 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 2:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.006 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:17:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:17:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:17:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.169 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:17:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:17:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:17:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 78.8 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:19:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 67.2 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:19:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 84.61 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 61 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 2:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.163 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:19:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:19:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hi ST set sucessfully to 50 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 2:19:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:19:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:19:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:19:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 84.43 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 60 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 2:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.169 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.72 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.006 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:21:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:21:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:21:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:21:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:21:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 81.7 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 84.01 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:23:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.44 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:23:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 78.4 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hi ST set sucessfully to 49 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 2:23:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:23:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:23:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:23:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:23:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:23:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 81.3 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 83.62 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:25:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.54 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:25:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 78.3 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hi ST set sucessfully to 48 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 2:25:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 61 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 2:25:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:25:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:25:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:25:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 81.1 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 83.34 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:27:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.35 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:27:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 77.9 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.166 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:27:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:27:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:27:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:27:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.003 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 81 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 83.21 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:29:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.26 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:29:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 77.7 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hi ST set sucessfully to 47 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 2:29:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:29:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:29:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:29:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:29:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 81.1 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 83.34 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:31:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.35 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:31:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 77.5 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.009 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.172 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:31:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:31:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:31:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:31:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:31:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 77.4 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:33:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:33:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hi ST set sucessfully to 46 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 2:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.003 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:33:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:33:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:33:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:33:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.166 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:33:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:33:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 81.3 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 83.62 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:35:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 77 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.54 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.16 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:35:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 29.997 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:35:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:35:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:35:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:35:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:35:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 81.7 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 84.18 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:37:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.92 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:37:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 76.6 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.163 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:37:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:37:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:37:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:37:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:37:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:37:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 81.5 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 84.06 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:39:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 67.2 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:39:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 76.5 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 62 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 2:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.166 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.003 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hi ST set sucessfully to 45 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 2:39:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:39:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:39:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:39:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:39:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 76.3 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:41:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.73 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:41:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 61 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 2:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.163 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 83.89 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:41:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:41:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:41:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:41:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:41:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 82.2 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 84.34 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:43:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 76.1 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 65.93 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 58 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 2:43:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hi ST set sucessfully to 46 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 2:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.166 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:43:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:43:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:43:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:43:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:43:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:43:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.003 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 84.2 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.25 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 55 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 2:45:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:45:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:45:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 86.55 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:45:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:45:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:45:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 84.7 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 67.24 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:47:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 56 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 2:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hi ST set sucessfully to 47 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 2:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 87.58 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.163 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:47:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:47:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:47:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:47:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:47:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:47:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 84 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 86.75 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:49:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 67.1 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:49:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 76.5 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 57 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 2:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 29.991 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:49:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:49:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:49:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:49:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.154 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:49:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:49:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:49:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing

 command: status

3/15/2020, 2:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 82.9 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.58 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 58 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 2:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.157 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 29.994 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:51:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:51:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 85.33 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:51:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:51:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:51:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:51:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:51:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:51:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 83.1 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 85.62 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:53:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.77 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:53:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 76.8 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:53:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:53:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:53:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:53:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:53:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:53:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:53:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 82.9 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 67.07 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:55:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 59 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 2:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hi ST set sucessfully to 48 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 2:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 85.54 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:55:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.166 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:55:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:55:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:55:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 30.003 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:55:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:55:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 83.3 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 65.94 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 56 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 2:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.157 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 85.48 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:57:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:57:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:57:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:57:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 29.994 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:57:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:57:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:57:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:57:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 2:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 84.4 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 86.85 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:59:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.44 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:59:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 77.4 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 2:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 55 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 2:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 29.997 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:59:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:59:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.16 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 2:59:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:59:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:59:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:59:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:59:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 2:59:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 87.11 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 56 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 3:01:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:01:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.96 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:01:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:01:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:01:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:01:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 84.2 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.77 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.154 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 3:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 29.991 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 3:03:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 86.8 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:03:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:03:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:03:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:03:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:03:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:03:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 84.4 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 86.85 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:05:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.44 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 77.7 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:05:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:05:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:05:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:05:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:05:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:05:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 55 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 3:05:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 77.9 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:07:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.96 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:07:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 87.11 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:07:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 56 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 3:07:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:07:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:07:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:07:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:07:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 84.6 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 87.15 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:09:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.62 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:09:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 77.7 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 55 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 3:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 29.986 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 3:09:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:09:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:09:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:09:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.148 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 3:09:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:09:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 85.3 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 87.68 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:11:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.2 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:11:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 77.9 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:11:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:11:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:11:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:11:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 53 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 3:11:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:11:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 85.5 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 88.57 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:13:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 67.46 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:13:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 78.1 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 55 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 3:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 29.983 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 3:13:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:13:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.145 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 3:13:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:13:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:13:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:13:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:13:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:13:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 84.2 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 65.72 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 54 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 3:15:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:15:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:15:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 86.31 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:15:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:15:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:15:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:15:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:15:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 84.6 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.62 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 55 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 3:17:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:17:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:17:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:17:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 87.15 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:17:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:17:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 84.9 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 87.62 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:19:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.9 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:19:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 78.3 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.139 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 3:19:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:19:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:19:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:19:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:19:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 29.977 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 3:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 85.1 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.55 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 54 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 3:21:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:21:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:21:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 87.65 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:21:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:21:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:21:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:21:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:21:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 85.5 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 87.99 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:23:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 78.4 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.38 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:23:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 53 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 3:23:09 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:23:09 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.142 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 3:23:09 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 29.98 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 3:23:09 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:23:09 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:23:09 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:23:09 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:23:09 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:23:09 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 86.2 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 89.09 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:25:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 67.03 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:25:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 78.8 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.148 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 3:25:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:25:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:25:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:25:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:25:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 29.986 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 3:25:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:25:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:25:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 78.6 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:27:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 67.57 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:27:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 89.41 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:27:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 54 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 3:27:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:27:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:27:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:27:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 85.1 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 87.65 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:29:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.55 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:29:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 78.8 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.142 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 3:29:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:29:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:29:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:29:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:29:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 29.98 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 3:29:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 84.9 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 87.89 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:31:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 67.42 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:31:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 78.6 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:31:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 56 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 3:31:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:31:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:31:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:31:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:31:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:31:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 83.5 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 85.76 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:33:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 66.12 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:33:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 79 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:33:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.139 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 3:33:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:33:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:33:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:33:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 29.977 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 3:33:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:33:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:33:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:35:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:35:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:35:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:35:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:35:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hi ST set sucessfully to 49 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 3:35:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:35:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:35:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 83.3 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 65.42 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:37:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 55 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 3:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hi ST set sucessfully to 48 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 3:37:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:37:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 85.26 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:37:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:37:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or UV does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:37:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:37:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:37:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 84 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 86.02 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:39:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fli or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ti ST set sucessfully to 79.2 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:39:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dpi or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 65.54 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 54 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 3:39:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:39:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:39:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:39:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hi ST set sucessfully to 49 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 3:39:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:39:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:39:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): Processing command: status

3/15/2020, 3:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2to ST set sucessfully to 84.9 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2dp ST set sucessfully to 65.83 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2ho ST set sucessfully to 53 : UOM 22

3/15/2020, 3:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2fl ST set sucessfully to 87.08 : UOM 17

3/15/2020, 3:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ATMPRES set sucessfully to 30.136 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 3:41:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or SOLRAD does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:41:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2sol or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:41:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or WINDDIR does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:41:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV0 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:41:08 PM - info: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2hg ST set sucessfully to 29.974 : UOM 23

3/15/2020, 3:41:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or GV1 does not exist - ISY returned 404

3/15/2020, 3:41:08 PM - error: AmbientWeather(2): n002_bcddc2af1cd2wnd or ST does not exist - ISY returned 404

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