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1. Does it make sense to start a new separate thread for OpenWeatherMap.org?

2. Am I correct in understanding that the available Conditions for OpenWeatherMap Forecasts are currently limited to only 200 or "overcast clouds"? Will this be expanded?

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5 hours ago, Ed Sybesma said:

1. Does it make sense to start a new separate thread for OpenWeatherMap.org?

2. Am I correct in understanding that the available Conditions for OpenWeatherMap Forecasts are currently limited to only 200 or "overcast clouds"? Will this be expanded?

1. Maybe, but I suspect that a lot of the questions will be the same or somewhat applicable to the other weather service node servers as wel.

2. No, in theory it should be supporting 149 different forecast condition codes. However, I could have something wrong in the code so if it's not working, collecting logs would help pin it down.

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I'm seeing the same as #2, it appears to be a few things, in your editors.xml you have

    <editor id="CONDITIONS">
        <range uom="25" subset="200,804" nls="EN_CCCONDITION" />

Which would give you 200,804, 200 being the bottom one we are seeing as "200" and 804 being the top which we see as "overcast clouds".

There is something strange in your nls/en_us.txt file however, at at one point you jump from using 2 C's "CC" to using 3 C's "CCC" and your editors.xml is looking for 3 C's and continue that down the line.


EN_CCONDITION-200 = Thunderstorm with light rain <<Not enough C's
EN_CCONDITION-202 = thunderstorm with heavy rain
EN_CCONDITION-210 = light thunderstorm
EN_CCONDITION-211 = thunderstorm
EN_CCONDITION-212 = heavy thunderstorm
EN_CCONDITION-221 = ragged thunderstorm
EN_CCONDITION-230 = thunderstorm with light drizzle
EN_CCCONDITION-231 = thunderstorm with drizzle <<Change in C's
EN_CCCONDITION-232 = thunderstorm with heavy drizzle
EN_CCCONDITION-300 = light intensity drizzle
EN_CCCONDITION-301 = drizzle

EN_CCCONDITION-802 = scattered clouds

EN_CCCONDITION-803 = broken clouds

EN_CCCONDITION-804 = overcast clouds

After playing with it, it appears that because 200 is missing a C it only shows "200", furthermore the comma "," between 200 and 804 isn't giving the subset that you would hope, it is only doing 200 comma (and) 804.

I updated the C's on my local version and re-pushed node and did get the correct name "Thunderstorm with light rain" for 200, then I tried instead of having the comma in the editors using a dash "-" 200-804, re-pushed, and voila, I got everything from 200-804, exception being, I got EVERYTHING :) including ones that don't have values in your nls.  Not sure how to fix that one, but that should be a good start, I hope.

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Ok, I just read the documentation for subsets, think this is the only way to do it.

The subset of values supported defined as a set of ranges
and individual values. They must be in increasing value
with no duplicates or overlap. The values are limited to
positive integers. Ranges are separated by a ‘-‘,
individual digits are separated by a ‘,’.
e.g. subset=“0-5,7,9,11-14” means these numbers:

So replacing "200,804" with below works perfectly.


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Thanks to all for their comments thus far. It turns out that I have a bigger problem yet. The node quit working properly inside ISY. I decided to delete it and reinstall it, and now it won't even reinstall (i.e., add nodes), even though it still shows up as a Node Server. Accordingly, I will have to test and experiment some more to see if I can get any better handle on the problem.

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Let me fix the NLS file and push out a new version. Thanks @wingman1487 for tracking that down.  I've been working on a program to validate the profile files because I always seem to mess them up somehow :)

Ed, I've had issues in the past with Polygot not properly deleting nodes so that it thinks the nodes exist on the ISY when they don't so it never tries to re-add them.  Installing it in a different slot can sometimes help.  You can also try deleting the nodes through the polyglot web interface and then re-start the node server (not uninstall/reinstall).  It should re-create the missing nodes when restarted.

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20 hours ago, wingman1487 said:

II updated the C's on my local version and re-pushed node and did get the correct name "Thunderstorm with light rain" for 200, then I tried instead of having the comma in the editors using a dash "-" 200-804, re-pushed, and voila, I got everything from 200-804, exception being, I got EVERYTHING :) including ones that don't have values in your nls.  Not sure how to fix that one, but that should be a good start, I hope.

Do you mean that you actually got conditions reported that aren't one of the numbers listed in the NLS, like a 203 condition?  The list in the NLS was taken from the OpenWeatherMap docs but maybe those have been updated or are incomplete.

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2 hours ago, bpwwer said:

Let me fix the NLS file and push out a new version. Thanks @wingman1487 for tracking that down.  I've been working on a program to validate the profile files because I always seem to mess them up somehow :)

No problem, was a fun little test case that gave me a bit more understanding of the Poly environment ?


2 hours ago, bpwwer said:

Do you mean that you actually got conditions reported that aren't one of the numbers listed in the NLS, like a 203 condition?  The list in the NLS was taken from the OpenWeatherMap docs but maybe those have been updated or are incomplete.

I did when I updated the editors.xml subset from "200,804" to "200-804".  I had to use below in the subset to just get the ones from your NLS and have it not return numeric values that are not in there, like "203"


22 hours ago, wingman1487 said:

So replacing "200,804" with below works perfectly.



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On 7/30/2019 at 5:38 PM, wingman1487 said:

I did when I updated the editors.xml subset from "200,804" to "200-804".  I had to use below in the subset to just get the ones from your NLS and have it not return numeric values that are not in there, like "203"

Interesting.... I checked the documentation again and it hasn't been updated. The only conditions they define are the ones I list in the NLS.  So I don't have any way to know what the values actually represent.  

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That indicates that the initial query to find information based on the location is not working.  What do you have set for location?  Is it just a zipcode without a country code?  If so, version 1.2.1 should fix it.

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17 minutes ago, bpwwer said:

That indicates that the initial query to find information based on the location is not working.  What do you have set for location?  Is it just a zipcode without a country code?  If so, version 1.2.1 should fix it.

That fixed it. Missed the country code.

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Hi @bpwwer . I am trying to get this node server working. The GitHub directions reference 

  1. Configure the node server per configuration section below.

However er there is no configuration section below that I can find. 

I have my api key from OpenWeatherMap. I am using the name. Default per the screen on their site, but cant get it work. 

What other configs do I need... here are some screen shots. thanks. 



Screen Shot 2020-01-11 at 9.24.24 AM.jpg

Screen Shot 2020-01-11 at 9.26.19 AM.jpg

Screen Shot 2020-01-11 at 9.30.28 AM.jpg

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On 1/11/2020 at 6:31 AM, dbwarner5 said:

Hi @bpwwer . I am trying to get this node server working. The GitHub directions reference 

  1. Configure the node server per configuration section below.

However er there is no configuration section below that I can find. 

I have my api key from OpenWeatherMap. I am using the name. Default per the screen on their site, but cant get it work. 

What other configs do I need... here are some screen shots. thanks. 



Screen Shot 2020-01-11 at 9.24.24 AM.jpg

Screen Shot 2020-01-11 at 9.26.19 AM.jpg

Screen Shot 2020-01-11 at 9.30.28 AM.jpg

The OpenWeatherMap node server has the following user configuration parameters:

  • APIkey : Your API ID, needed to authorize connection to the OpenWeatherMap API.

  • Units : 'metric' or 'imperial' request data in this units format.

  • Location :

    • by zip code (zip=xxxxxxx[,country code])
    • by city name (q=city name[,country code])
    • by city id (id=city id)
    • by coordinates (lat=xx&lon=xxx)
  • Elevation : Height above sea level, in meters, for the location specified above.

  • Plant Type : Crop coefficent for evapotranspiration calculation. Default is 0.23

The current version of the node server doesn't automatically generate a default configuration for you when running on the cloud based polyglot so you have to know what the keys are. Use the values above and case is important.  I have a new version ready to go that works much better, I just need to get it published in the polyglot store.

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Perfect! this was what I was missing... tried to use the same format at in Darksky, but couldn't get there. 

Unlike my other message board, OpenWeatherMap is populating the wind speed variable and I do have the choice for mph vs m/s, unlike in Darksky where it is not working


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ok, so OpenWeatherMap has populated the data fields, but the values aren't as expected for temp..See Isy screenshot, as well as node server screen shot. 

If its correct, global warming has really gone on steroids! 

The actual temp here is about 32 degrees F.

Screen Shot 2020-01-13 at 4.13.51 PM.jpg

Screen Shot 2020-01-13 at 4.16.38 PM.jpg

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The node sever is calculating or deriving those temperature values, it's just reporting what it gets from the OpenWeatherMap server.  What are you using for a location?  I'd like to see the data it's returning.

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15 hours ago, bpwwer said:

The node sever is calculating or deriving those temperature values, it's just reporting what it gets from the OpenWeatherMap server.  What are you using for a location?  I'd like to see the data it's returning.

It matches the location data I have for Darksky w/o any problems. 

Screen Shot 2020-01-14 at 10.19.01 AM.jpg

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sorry.. thanks for that catch. you previously had said to use imperial and for some reason I missed that and had us. I just changed it, stopped the node server and restarted it. however, now its showing disconnected, but when I press start, it gives me the error message that it is running..see screen shot. I'll just give it some time and see what happens. 

Screen Shot 2020-01-14 at 5.32.23 PM.jpg

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