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Time to go version 5?


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11 hours ago, paulw said:

Any advice on moving on to version 5?

A couple things to note before you upgrade:

  • After the upgrade the username/password to access the Admin Console will be reset to admin/admin
  • If you have disabled any programs in v4, they may not be disabled in v5.  So you should make a note of any programs that you have disabled before upgrading
  • The same thing may be true of programs you have set to "run at startup" so make note of those before upgrading
  • Some people like to save a text version of all of their programs before upgrading.  This gives them an easy reference to use after the upgrade.  Simply go to the top of the program hierarchy in the Admin Console (in my case it's "My Programs"), right-click and choose "Copy to Clipboard".  Then open Notepad and paste the results and save the text document.  If you do this, it will also give you a record of programs that are "disabled" and "run at startup" since "[Not Enabled]" and "[Run At Startup]" appear to the right of the program name (or at least it does when I do this in v5).

Here's a link to a summary of the steps JacktheRipper was kind enough to post when he moved from 4.7.3 to 5.0.14.  The move to 5.0.15 should be similar but with a different firmware file:



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