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On/Off Sensor as a Leak Sensor


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Question: I noticed that the Leak Sensor takes 24 hours to reset. In that 24 hour time span, is that sensor off line where it can not sense/report that there is another leak?

I just took my extra On/Off door/window sensor and made a prototype Leak Sensor out of it using the terminals on the end of the sensor. Per SmartHome it already has a pull up resistor in the circuit. I grabbed 2 flat head machine screws, , put the nuts on and used the mounting holes on the bottom of the On/Off sensor (under the battery). I have been testing it on and off for the last few hours and have had a 100% response when I dipped the two machine screws in a film of water. Granted, for a permanent conversion I would use stainless steel screws. I have not written any code with notifications for it yet, but will in the next few days. Using the On/Off modules would eliminate the 24 hour wait.

I also do not know how much the battery life would be affected by using the On/Off module in this manner. Has anyone attempted this conversion yet?

I am thinking of testing this unit in my wife's garden, as the sprinklers come on a 8AM each morning. Will need a little water proofing first.

Am I missing anything?




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Although interesting.  With the leak sensor after it detects water it is assumed that the issue would be resolved and then the sensor can be manually reset by pressing the button and making it ready to detect again.  I suppose if nothing is done about the leak then it is a problem of not getting an additional alert?

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This status ofvthe leak detector with ISY will never change to On while it is already on.


To ensure you physically check the area for flooding as well as the health of the LD, a manual reset on the button is required. If one is not going to check the area water was detected, one probably doesn't care how many times it floods.


As lilyoyo1 above, they must be reset and acknowledged at the LD.


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I read somewhere that there is a 24 hour time period before it resets (after you press the button) is that the HeartBeat or what. So once you hit the reset button it will instantly start monitoring for a water leak again, not wait 24 hours? Maybe I read something wrong.


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I read somewhere that there is a 24 hour time period before it resets (after you press the button) is that the HeartBeat or what. So once you hit the reset button it will instantly start monitoring for a water leak again, not wait 24 hours? Maybe I read something wrong.


That is the heartbeat. It may be an on every 24 hours or an alternating on/off every 24 hours.


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4 hours ago, Mustang65 said:


I agree with the reset but, if the sensor indeed "senses" water, you could add a few lines of program to latch an alarm variable telling you there is a leak.  No matter what the module does after the ON,  the variable will continue to indicate a leak till you clear it.  I have several of the ZWave versions sensing things other than doors and windows driving software latches and audible alarms.. Good luck..

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