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BETA Release 2.7.6 is now available


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Great update!! It is the most rewarding feeling to have more and more value added options without having to throw out a device and buy new. Your company is truly a pioneer.


With that said, here comes the some thoughts :)


After grouping I tried to rename the top of the new grouped device and I couldn’t. There was no right click menu popping up. I did a refresh by first saving in programs and then discard changes and I was able to go back in and rename. I found that it did this for about 50% of the regrouped devices. After the refresh it worked well. Not a real issue but notable.


I love the grouping of the devices as I always found it hard to keep keypads straight on large systems. It would be nice to have the keypads buttons in order of "A-H" instead of alphabetically or have the option to toggle this. Once named trying to see each allocation is a pain. It would also be nice to be able to toggle views back to pre 2.7.6. I do large installs and I add all devices to the ISY and name them before linking. I can then just highlight all Masters/Slaves and Buttons sorted alphabetically and add to scene. With the grouping, the buttons can be overlooked. The grouping after linking is my preferred way of looking at them.


If this is hard then even a new Icon for the buttons. Right now you only show the Light bulb, Keypad and Motion sensor icons. If you could use a different icon for keypads and then A,B,C icons for each grouped button then I could see at a glance where it is. I thought if just leaving A, B, C in front of the name but then when trying to see the group of devices it is out of alphabetical order.




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Hi Jim,


Thanks so very much for your feedback ... I do indeed appreciate it very much.


The rename issue MUST be a bug. It shall be taken care of.


As far as a view without grouping, I totally understand .... I'll see what we can do. In the meantime, would it be possible to use the table (when you click Network) instead?


With kind regards,



Great update!! It is the most rewarding feeling to have more and more value added options without having to throw out a device and buy new. Your company is truly a pioneer.


With that said, here comes the some thoughts :)


After grouping I tried to rename the top of the new grouped device and I couldn’t. There was no right click menu popping up. I did a refresh by first saving in programs and then discard changes and I was able to go back in and rename. I found that it did this for about 50% of the regrouped devices. After the refresh it worked well. Not a real issue but notable.


I love the grouping of the devices as I always found it hard to keep keypads straight on large systems. It would be nice to have the keypads buttons in order of "A-H" instead of alphabetically or have the option to toggle this. Once named trying to see each allocation is a pain. It would also be nice to be able to toggle views back to pre 2.7.6. I do large installs and I add all devices to the ISY and name them before linking. I can then just highlight all Masters/Slaves and Buttons sorted alphabetically and add to scene. With the grouping, the buttons can be overlooked. The grouping after linking is my preferred way of looking at them.


If this is hard then even a new Icon for the buttons. Right now you only show the Light bulb, Keypad and Motion sensor icons. If you could use a different icon for keypads and then A,B,C icons for each grouped button then I could see at a glance where it is. I thought if just leaving A, B, C in front of the name but then when trying to see the group of devices it is out of alphabetical order.




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The table won't work as you can't right click and say add to scene. You can't select more than one device and if the button is in a group or folder then it is not in alphabetical order.

I am sure you will figure out the perfect solution.



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Jim, got it ... thanks so very much for your input.


With kind regards,



The table won't work as you can't right click and say add to scene. You can't select more than one device and if the button is in a group or folder then it is not in alphabetical order.

I am sure you will figure out the perfect solution.



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I have noticed 2 small things after upgrading to 2.7.6. The first is in the tree view of the main tab in the admin console. If I scroll thru the devices and want to right click on any device that is 1 or 2 lines below the top or above the bottom of the tree window, I can’t. I can left click to highlight it, but I can’t right click and get the options. If I scroll to put that device on the third line down or more from the top of the window or the third line up or more from the bottom, then I can right click and get the options to appear. Its not a big deal and I haven’t seen anyone else mention it so I am not sure if it is just on my end or not.


The second thing I noticed is in the view pane of the main tab. I love the fact that we can now highlight a device without having it jump right to the device. I found that when I do double click on a device in the view pane it jumps to the device but it ends up opening a scene folder and highlights the device in a scene that device is in. If that particular device isn’t included in a scene then it jumps right to, and highlights the device in the device tree view. Is that as intended?


Thank you for all of your hard work and continuing to improve an already great product!!!



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Upgrade went fine, but noticed one thing.


My backyard program for the MS has a big red X on the details page. How do I get this off?


Hi AnthemAVM,


The red "X" means the program is not enabled. Disabled programs can be run from other programs but will not execute otherwise.


Also new is the ability to Disable Device so those LampLincs you use for holiday lights don't have to trigger a warning every night when the general Query is executed. These devices are also marked with a red X.




I am lost. I just moved to 2.7.6. I really wanted that ability to disable devices but I do not see it. I also do not see the red X you are referring to. I also do not see the separate backlight values for KPLs.


I am on a Mac and have to use the web start applet. Could that have anything to do with this or is this because I am on a 26?

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Ah, thanks for the quick response, Michel. I will be moving to the 99 anyway when I get done with all this testing and can stomach another Insteon adventure. Now off to remove those test switches from my system so I do not constantly get comm warnings...

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Hi Illusion, let's hope you can get your system up and running.


With kind regards,



Ah, thanks for the quick response, Michel. I will be moving to the 99 anyway when I get done with all this testing and can stomach another Insteon adventure. Now off to remove those test switches from my system so I do not constantly get comm warnings...
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This morning when I logged in (using the nifty new desktop icon, no browser) I was prompted for an optional update to my 99i software. Any idea what that was? I accepted it, but it seems like i am still on 2.7.6.


Or did I misunderstand the prompt? Was it really just a general Java update? It mentioned the 99i - so it makes me think it was specific to my ISY.


Had the same thing here. Not sure what the update was but after clicking OK, the program starts. Next time I started the icon, got the same message again. After doing this a few time, I tried clicking Cancel instead. Don't get the message anymore. ?Go figure?



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A few bugs:


1. You can't move any devices back into the MyLighting "folder" once they have been moved out - neither as drag-drop nor the "Move To Folder..." context menu.


My suggestion: Have an alias/copy of all device nodes remain in MyLighting even if they are moved into a folder. That will eliminate the need that someone else posted for toggling back and forth between folder and "classic" view - classic view is essentially the MyLighting tab. I know they're visible in the grid view, but as someone pointed out, you can't drag-drop for scene management, nor use any of the right-click menus.


2. I also have the problem reported above where the context menu isn't available in certain circumstances.


3. For large-scale management, it would be nice if more columns could be added to the grid views (Ramp Rates, On Level, etc)


4. It would be very convenient to be able to simply drag folders into a scene which would simply add all child devices. I know it's easy to Ctrl-select, but - again - for large installations creating "All Off" or "Away" scenes it can require many drag-drop operations.

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1. You can't move any devices back into the MyLighting "folder" once they have been moved out - neither as drag-drop nor the "Move To Folder..." context menu.


Right-click a device and choose 'remove from folder'.



To continue my note above, my suggestion for MyLighting would also allow for the QueryAll demo Program to still work - I believe making such a program would be a pain once you've moved nodes into folders.


I query of MyLighting still queries all your devices, no matter which folder they are in.

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I notice one more issue with this version 2.6 with sending notice by email.


In SMTP Settings, I am using the SMTP Server from my ISP provider (Videotron.ca). I created a special email account for this.


Since version 2.6, I get some duplicate email, but not all the time.


For 4 days this week, I change the setting to “Use Defaultâ€. No more duplicate email.


I put back the setting to my ISP provider and the duplicate are back, but still not all the time.


I also change the Timeout (ms) to 3,000 with same result.


I understand this is beta.




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Illusion, you should have them as long as your KPL supports it.


zandrel, you can move them back to My Lighting by clicking on Remove From Folder (which moves it up to the next higher folder). QueryAll should still work since it's based on a scene.


rlav, this is quite strange indeed. Are you certain the problem is not the program itself. Please note that default SMTP might "drop" emails if it's too busy. So, that's why I am asking whether or not it's the program itself.


With kind regards,


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1. I don't think that's totally intuitive - but I understand that you're trying to keep the paradigm that folders are "someplace", and MyLighting is "noplace/everyplace". However, to a newbie looking at the new structure, they both look like folders to me so if something is "in MyLighting", then it should appear there IMO.


2. I don't think that the Query All MyLighting is working. When I run it manually by right-clicking on the MyLighting in the admin interface, it takes many many minutes - but when the program runs, it claims to complete in 4 seconds.

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Hello zanderl,


I understand your point. I'll see what we can do.


As far as the manual query vs. the scheduled query, this is quite normal since the manual query queries ALL attributes of devices including on level and ramp rate and thus it takes much longer. The scheduled query, on the other hand, only queries the status and thus it should take much less time.


With kind regards,




1. I don't think that's totally intuitive - but I understand that you're trying to keep the paradigm that folders are "someplace", and MyLighting is "noplace/everyplace". However, to a newbie looking at the new structure, they both look like folders to me so if something is "in MyLighting", then it should appear there IMO.


2. I don't think that the Query All MyLighting is working. When I run it manually by right-clicking on the MyLighting in the admin interface, it takes many many minutes - but when the program runs, it claims to complete in 4 seconds.

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I have experienced an issue with the functionlality of the desktop java launch utility. Not sure if anyone else may have the same issue. The icon functioned properly when initially installed and was able to locate my ISY without using the web interface. Got the login request, everything worked, including device status and queries.


During the last few days, I am able to log in, see my devices, see the programs, but not able to execute anything and not able to see device status. The devices do not query, I get an error message "REQEST FAILED"...but...I can still turn on and off devices.


When I log in through the web, no problem. I go back to the java icon...same problem.


I tried to clear my cache, tried to reinstall the icon, and rebooted the ISY, no success. ANY ideas are welcome.


I'm running 2.7.6

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Hello gfridland,


Apologies for a tardy reply.


The status issue has been reported before and, in most cases, it has been due to firewall software. We are actively seeking a solution for this problem.


I am not sure why you would get request failed UNLESS the Admin Console is not logged in OR something is stopping your Admin Console to reach ISY.


Would you be kind enough to let me know if you have any firewall software?


With kind regards,



I have experienced an issue with the functionlality of the desktop java launch utility. Not sure if anyone else may have the same issue. The icon functioned properly when initially installed and was able to locate my ISY without using the web interface. Got the login request, everything worked, including device status and queries.


During the last few days, I am able to log in, see my devices, see the programs, but not able to execute anything and not able to see device status. The devices do not query, I get an error message "REQEST FAILED"...but...I can still turn on and off devices.


When I log in through the web, no problem. I go back to the java icon...same problem.


I tried to clear my cache, tried to reinstall the icon, and rebooted the ISY, no success. ANY ideas are welcome.


I'm running 2.7.6

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The new browserless Admin Console is great. A huge improvement. Thanks


Still a couple of GUI issues on the Mac:


The sliders in scenes still do not render correctly


"Move Line Down" in Program Details is still appended


I cannot minimize the ISY Finder Window

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