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Effects of Insteon Motion/Trigger devices on powerline?


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As I start playing with & enjoying the Insteon motion & triggerlinc devices, I started to think about how they might effect the powerline communications. My understanding is that Insteon is a mech network & the more devices the better the communication gets.


I noticed that one of my switchlinc relays (in my office) doesnt always respond. My keylinc A button in my bedroom runs an all out scene. Before adding the three Insteon motion & 3 triggerlincs, it would turn out just fine.


Now I noticed that I might have to turn off something noisy (powerline noise aka my attic fan) & the signal might go through the second time. Its to the point that I am thinking of running a program which would send a second round of "off" commands.


Anyway the point was while a triggerlinc might not be going on & off so often, 10 triggerlincs + 10 motion sensors would be a constant flow of "noise" on the powerline (I would think) in a home with 4 or 5 people.


Is it likely that 10 or 20 motion sensors (thats probably extreme) would flood the powerlines to the point of communication errors?


I currently have Homeseer handling most of my motion/doors, but my goal is to move it all to the ISY.




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