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Controller Switch turns on responder, but no ststus change on ISY


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Hi all. I did a search but didn't see anything, but I suspect this has been discussed before.

I have an existing setup that works well. Lots of Insteon switches, plugs, leak detectors, and an ISY 994 ver 4.7.3

I recently added 4 switches to 2  3-way lights.  The light with the load is connected to one insteon switch, and the other insteon switch is wired so the black traveler wire feeds power to the responder. I set the switch without the load as the controller of the switch with the load, and that switch as a responder.

The load wire on the controller switch is disconnected. The controller does activate the responder, and the responder works from ISY, Home Assistant and Alexa.

But, if I turn the lights on from the controller, the responder's status does not change on the ISY, and therefore not in Home Assistant either.  Is there a workaround for this?

I could have the controller run a program on the ISY to turn on the responder,  but for maximum WAF, I want the lights to work even if the network or ISY are down, rare but possible.



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