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2441zth and 2441TH and Aeotec ZW100 program help


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I'm in need of a bit of what I consider "advanced" program help :)

I have 2441zth and 2441TH and Aeotec ZW100 running 5.0.16 firmware.

I have read numerous articles and do not believe there is a fix for the ZTH losing Master.

The ZTH is in the room I want to control temp. The ZW100 is in that same room.

the 2441TH is hardwired to furnace in a separate room. When the zth loses master the TH becomes master.

The temp in the room the TH is in can vary greatly (~10 degree difference) from the ZTH depending on time of day / year

How do I programatically check the ZW100 which has an accurate temp for the space and manipulate the TH temp to adjust the temp in the room its not in?

This would be in a situation where the ZTH has lost Master. When ZTH is Master the temp in the room stays consistent.

I have NOT been successful with a program to query the current temp of the ZTH.

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2 hours ago, ewind said:

I'm in need of a bit of what I consider "advanced" program help :)

I have 2441zth and 2441TH and Aeotec ZW100 running 5.0.16 firmware.

I have read numerous articles and do not believe there is a fix for the ZTH losing Master.

The ZTH is in the room I want to control temp. The ZW100 is in that same room.

the 2441TH is hardwired to furnace in a separate room. When the zth loses master the TH becomes master.

The temp in the room the TH is in can vary greatly (~10 degree difference) from the ZTH depending on time of day / year

How do I programatically check the ZW100 which has an accurate temp for the space and manipulate the TH temp to adjust the temp in the room its not in?

This would be in a situation where the ZTH has lost Master. When ZTH is Master the temp in the room stays consistent.

I have NOT been successful with a program to query the current temp of the ZTH.

If the 2441ZTH is running on batteries then there is no way to query it as battery operated devices go into a sleep state when not active to preserve battery life. They send out a temperature report when the temperature changes 2 degrees.

What you can do is attach a dc power supply to it. In that case the thermostat will stay awake.

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If memory serves me well, you can use a 5vdc usb type wall wart.  Cut the end off and check polarity with a meter.  I've done this with mine.  Updates using the admin console are slow but actual temperature control is instant and works as it should.

As far as using master with the zth, I wouldn't configure it that way.  I would use a program based on the temperature with the zth or zw100 to control the temperature preset of your wired tstat.  

I hope I understood your original question.


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Yes the ZTH is running on 5V power supply but I have never been able to successfully query temp. It does report accurate set points and humidity in log.

My challenge is, if the zth loses master, then the other thermostat and other room's temperature becomes in control. So monitoring the zw100 for temp then increasing the zth setpoint will not make a difference because it is not master. The TH thermostat and room could be 58 degrees, and the zw100 room could be at 68 degrees. So shoul i ignore the zth and only query the zw100 "if less than 68 degrees, query TH thermostat for ? then increase TH thermo 1 degree?? Im not sure I understand how the program should be written to be reliable to keep zw100 room at or above 68??


From log for ZTH:

Bonus Thermo - Main Cool Setpoint 76.0░
Bonus Thermo - Main Heat Setpoint 68.0░
Bonus Thermo - Main Humidity 42%
Bonus Thermo - Main Thermostat Mode Heat
Bonus Thermo - Main Fan Setting Auto
Bonus Thermo - Main Unit 0
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IF  ZTH <= 68

OR  ZW100<=68

THEN set TH to ??

ELSE set TH to??

2nd program


Query TH

wait ?? minutes

Run 2nd program Then


THe ZTH needs to be on a DC adaptor as well as the ZW100 . 


I think this will work, trying to recall what I have programmedfor something  similar to this in the summer to have a thermostat in one end of the house change set point on main thermostat.  You can also get fancy and use variables and have temp avg's etc.  But simple may work.

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thanks for that @TomL Please ignore this message if you're celebrating Thanksgiving and enjoy your day :) Happy Thanksgiving.

I did not realize but I do get current temp from ZTH using a program, it just never reports in console or log. But if I get current temp from ZTH and it is NOT master I'm not clear how to determine the correct setpoint on the TH to maintain a temperature in ZTH room around 68 degrees since the temperature in the TH room fluctuates based on outdoor temp and also the changing temp from the furnace fan moving air to heat both rooms connected to same furnace. I interpret your question marks as the setpoint. If there was a way just to send heat until temp at ZTH is at 70 then stop heat, then start heat if ZTH temp is below 68. I do not think that's possible with the TH. My only options are setpoint or increase or decrease setpoint. I probably am not understanding how to query the correct variables and the 2nd program.

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Below is a program I use fort he AC at night  to keep our Bedroom at a somewhat standard temp my wife likes.  Main-Main is the Insteon TH that controls the HVAC system, Bedroom-Main is the Insteon TH in the bedroom.  I use the temp in the bedroom to control the setpoint on the HVAC.  It may not be the prettiest but works for us.  THe 8 minute wait is so compressor doesn't short cycle.  You should be able to use this as a guide for the ZTH or ZW100 to change the setpoint on t]your main TH.  you will just need to figure a low and high setpoint to use so the heat cycles the way you want. 

Hope this helps.



AC 10pm-530am 74 - [ID 0075][Parent 00D3][Run At Startup]

        From    10:00:02PM
        To       5:30:00AM (next day)
    And 'LIVING ROOM / Main- Main' Mode is Cool
    And 'MASTER BEDROOM / Bedroom- Main' Temperature <= 74.5°
        Set 'LIVING ROOM / Main- Main' Cool Setpoint 76°
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


AC 10pm-530am 74 Copy - [ID 00B3][Parent 00D3][Run At Startup]

        From    10:00:02PM
        To       5:30:00AM (next day)
    And 'LIVING ROOM / Main- Main' Mode is Cool
    And 'MASTER BEDROOM / Bedroom- Main' Temperature >= 75.0°
        Wait  8 minutes 
        Set 'LIVING ROOM / Main- Main' Cool Setpoint 74°
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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50 minutes ago, ewind said:

Thank You @TomL the programs make sense and I'll give this a try and see if i can find a range that works. Thanks again


@TomL what does your program that query's temp do with the data? I am attempting to monitor the 2 thermostats in the discussion and report to me every hour so I can monitor. I'd like to get the current temp and email that.


Check Thermo - [ID 0039][Parent 0001]

        'WS Thermo - Main' Mode is Heat
    And From     8:35:00AM
        To       8:05:00AM (next day)
        Set 'WS Thermo - Main' Query
        Set 'Bonus Thermo - Main' Query
        Send Notification to 'Gmail'
        Repeat Every  1 hour 
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


My new programs based on your guidance....

Bonus Heat On - [ID 0037][Parent 0001]

        From     6:00:00PM
        To       8:00:00AM (next day)
    And 'Bonus Thermo - Main' Temperature < 66.0°
    And 'WS Thermo - Main' Mode is Heat
        Wait  8 minutes 
        Set 'WS Thermo - Main' Heat Setpoint 65°
        Set 'WS Thermo - Main' Heat Setpoint 58°


Bonus Heat Off - [ID 0038][Parent 0001]

        From     6:05:00PM
        To       8:05:00AM (next day)
    And 'Bonus Thermo - Main' Temperature > 70.0°
    And 'WS Thermo - Main' Mode is Heat
        Set 'WS Thermo - Main' Heat Setpoint 58°
        Set 'WS Thermo - Main' Heat Setpoint 58°

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