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Outletlinc State After Power Outage


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Thanks Michel, however, in doing it that way, the outlet would get turned on the moment the power was restored and would then turn off after the ISY booted up and ran that program.  I'm trying to avoid that first power on.  I take it the answer to my question is no.

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Yes, I think the answer is "no." 

The outletlinc doesn't have the ability to wait for ISY to determine what state it should be in upon power being re-applied. The question should be directed to Smarthome as a future feature request that devices be made to power-up in a specific state (on, off, or last state before power loss). Currently, the manual states that the the unit will return to last state before power loss.

Another alternative may be to check into the ZOOZ S2 POWER STRIP. This device claims "Complete Control:"

Complete Control

Disable manual control if you don't want your cat messing with the fish tank gear when you're not watching. Decide if your Power Strip should restore status after power failure, keep the devices off, or force them to come on.


Note: I haven't tried these strips myself nor do I know if they work well with ISY. You should check the Forums here before purchasing.


Good Luck

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One of the features of the Insteon modules is it remembers On level or Off state if power is interrupted and restored.

Though always Off at power up could be done in the modules firmware. I know of two hardware revisions {Firmware}  of the 2456S ApplainceLinc and two 2856S Icon revisions. Always powering to the Off state. Even if it was On at power loss. Earlier and later revisions went back to remember state at power loss.

It would be nice if there was an option to pick Always Off, Always On or Last State after a power loss.

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