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Setting ramp rates for 3-way switchlincs.

The Pod

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I'm trying to create a scene in the ISY to link 2 switchlincs together with a 3-way. I have gone and created the scene, dropped both switchlincs in there as controllers. Now the strange part. I've tried setting both switches ramp rates to 2.0 sec with the slider. Problem is which ever switchlinc you press to activate the scene, those lights turn on at a ramp rate of .1 sec while the other set of lights ramp at the 2.0 sec.


What am I doing wrong? How do I set it so that boh switches ramp at 2.0 sec and are linked together in a 3-way light switch setup?

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Make sure you highlight each control and set the ramp rates from there.


Also, most SwitchLincs require a reboot for programmed ramp rate changes to take effect. Simply pull the airgap out for 10 seconds, then pop it back in (do not hold it down).



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