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PGC Ring updated?


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On 7/16/2020 at 12:59 AM, kcrimson said:

I continue to have no luck getting this PGC to authorize with Ring. Here is the latest log file.

ring-0021b90202a2-6(1).txt 4.16 kB · 5 downloads


I analyzed the log files, and I have questions.

First of all, in the Polyglot UI you should see a notice like this:


When you click on here, you should get a login page. After logging in, you are prompted to authorize Ring, a page like this:


My example is in french, but you get the idea. You need to click on Authorize.

After you click on Authorize, you should get a message like this in your Ring nodeserver log:

2020-07-18 18:34:15 info: NS: Received oAuth message { code:
  state: '<state>' }

I did not see this in your log. But maybe it's farther down.

So, do you get the notice with the link to start the authorization?

Can you get to the login page?

Can you successfully login to Ring?

Do you click on Authorize?


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Thanks for looking into this.

I see the english version of the blue authorization link within PGC.

I click on the link and login into Ring.

I get the authorize ISY screen within the Ring app.

When I select "authorize", it goes off into the endless loop back in the PGC.

I am back at home now so I can support any debugging needed.



PS. The pictures of these steps were posted in the previous posts.

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4 hours ago, kcrimson said:


Thanks for looking into this.

I see the english version of the blue authorization link within PGC.

I click on the link and login into Ring.

I get the authorize ISY screen within the Ring app.

When I select "authorize", it goes off into the endless loop back in the PGC.

I am back at home now so I can support any debugging needed.



PS. The pictures of these steps were posted in the previous posts.

If I understand correctly, after logging in to Ring and clicked on Authorize, the browser redirects you to Polyglot, and it shows a "Waiting for oAuth" message with a sort of circle in the center indicating it is waiting for something. Correct?

If so, this looks like a PGC problem.

In order to troubleshoot this further, I will ask that you perform these specific steps:

Please use Chrome on a PC for all of this.

1. Login to PGC, and stop, then delete the nodeserver

2. Install the nodeserver

3. When you get the message, click on here, which brings you to the Ring login page.

4. Press F12 to open the Developer console. 

- In the developer console, click on the Network Tab

- Client the checkbox "Preserve log"

- Leave the developer console open

5. On the Ring login page, enter your credentials

6. In the authorization page, click on "Authorize". This should bring you to the Polyglot page where it says "Waiting for oAuth"

7. In the Developer Console, there is a "Down arrow" that allows you to "Export Har". Please click on it and save the file. That will allow us to investigate further what is happening.

8. Please open a ticket referencing this thread, and attach the HAR file.



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Good evening,

I am doing the recommended steps and have attached the .har file. I did this in Chrome - though I usually use Firefox. And guess what, this time it worked. Using Firefox vs Chrome seemed to be causing this to occur. I went back and tried it with Firefox again and had the same endless loop again.

The .har file attached is from Chrome and represents a successful install.

Here is the stuck endless loop with the F12 developer log from Firefox. I did not find a preserve log option so I used a screen shot.

I will re-install with Chrome and should be good to go.

Thanks for your attention.



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9 hours ago, kcrimson said:

Good evening,

I am doing the recommended steps and have attached the .har file. I did this in Chrome - though I usually use Firefox. And guess what, this time it worked. Using Firefox vs Chrome seemed to be causing this to occur. I went back and tried it with Firefox again and had the same endless loop again.

The .har file attached is from Chrome and represents a successful install.

Here is the stuck endless loop with the F12 developer log from Firefox. I did not find a preserve log option so I used a screen shot.

I will re-install with Chrome and should be good to go.

Thanks for your attention.

I'm glad Chrome works. 

I'm thinking it might be a cookie issue. Perhaps Firefox would have worked in incognito mode.

Unfortunately, it's hard to diagnose further without the HAR file from Firefox. It's really the call to the callback that is important, and to go further, we would need the details of that call.


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