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Random notification

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Having an odd problem whereas I'm getting a random push notification from a simple program that has not been modified for at least a year. It just started in the last few weeks.

I've used a current transformer to detect current to my dryer. The contacts on the current transformer are NC and feeds a I/OLinc input. I/OLinc control changes a state variable, 1 or 0.  The variable if true when the dryer finishes fires the THEN statement for the pushover notification and changes the state variable back to the opposite state ready for another cycle of the dryer. Really simple logic.

Thought maybe the current transformer had an issue since the output is solid state so I simply removed the wires from the output and shorted the input to the i/OLinc not allowing the I/OLinc to change states. Received another notification today, UGH! I'm thinking there's something fishy with the i/OLinc so I added a Int variable to add a 1 each time it changes state. No results yet, just did this today. Trying to trap and narrow down what is changing.

Looked at the error log, nothing where the I/OLinc shows changing state. How can I get a notification if the variable doesn't change or the i/OLinc isn't changing?

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