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I just purchased an ISY 994i ZW+/IR PRO and a 2413S PLM, I got everything plugged in and the ISY will not detect the PLM, I just get a "Not Connected" when I pull up the PLM Info/Status link. I have tried a factory reset on the PLM and am getting a gamut of colors. One time it was solid red, another time nothing lit up, and sometimes solid green. I finally did one more factory reset and got it to produce a squealing tone, before the light finally went green again, however the ISY still does not detect it. After every attempt I have either rebooted the ISY or completely unplugged it and let it sit. Additionally I have tried one of the cables that came with it, and another ethernet cable that I had and both are still producing the same results.

Does anyone have any other ideas to try or did I just get a lemon off the bat? I'm running revision 2.5 with a date code of 1119 so it's fairly recent, I've seen posts where earlier revisions were having problems. The ISY came with 5.0.15A. I've opened a ticket with UDI, however they won't really see anything till Monday and I was trying to get stuff set up this weekend.


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1 minute ago, lilyoyo1 said:

Was the plm powered up and connected to the isy prior to powering the isy

Yes. Order I've been trying the combinations in:
1. Plug PLM in (tried it with and without doing a factory reset)
2. Plug cable into powered off ISY (tried both the blue cable that came with it, and another ethernet cable I had)
3. Plug in power to ISY and wait till it finishes booting (a couple times I just did a reboot in the ISY admin console)

No luck with any of the permutations of those I've tried.

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54 minutes ago, lilyoyo1 said:

Try it in a different outlet

Tried 3 different outlets just now, as well as both new Cat5E and Cat6 cables. Also got a Serial port adapter for my computer and attached the supplied RS-232 cable to the PLM and plugged that in. I'm not seeing any output on the interface port which I would assume I would see something on power up. Doesn't even look like I can send it any commands and get any output (using 19200,8,N,1). The docs say that every command input to it via serial should be echoed back to the host which I'm not seeing.

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I don't think the PLM sends anything at power up. The ISY994i when booted up,  sends some commands to see if the PLM responds and what its ID is. My guess is 02 60 Get IM INFO.

Commands are in HEX and start with an 02 {STX} and then the command. Echoed back with an 06 on the end if accepted or 15 {NAK} if the PLM was not ready or if the command was not accepted.

From your description the 2413S is not working correctly and it maybe bad.

I will see if I can find some PLM tests that are still available.  BusyRats PLM Test program seems to be no longer found and I am not sure if it was freeware for others  to post.. The free evaluation DockLite Scripting program can run the program from Insteon. If I can find a link to it.

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