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I am able to reach the device. I am able to login with the admin console. 

I am a network engineer and I use the Mac OS. I do not have the firewall turned on, on my Mac. I cant see how a firewall issue is preventing this. I someone could be more specific as to the cause. 

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There could only be three cases in the order of probability:

1. Some firewall software does NOT like unsecure traffic using SOAP (such as AVG). I do appreciate your expertise, and I hope we are not going to spend days discussing why or why not a firewall can cause this. More information on configuring your firewall software if you have any may be found here. An easy way to test would be to use https instead of http
2. You are using an Admin Console that has an expired certificate. Make sure you use https://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/5.0.16C/admin.jnlp to upgrade just in case
3. The SD Card in your ISY is getting corrupt

With kind regards,

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8 minutes ago, Michel Kohanim said:


There could only be three cases in the order of probability:

1. Some firewall software does NOT like unsecure traffic using SOAP (such as AVG). I do appreciate your expertise, and I hope we are not going to spend days discussing why or why not a firewall can cause this. More information on configuring your firewall software if you have any may be found here. An easy way to test would be to use https instead of http
2. You are using an Admin Console that has an expired certificate. Make sure you use https://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/5.0.16C/admin.jnlp to upgrade just in case
3. The SD Card in your ISY is getting corrupt

With kind regards,

Thanks for the quick response.  I will check for the expired certificate this afternoon. 

I also have no desire to debate on the use of firewalls, but I just don't understand. I do not have a firewall enabled on the Mac I am doing the installation from. Where should I be looking for a firewall? On the main router? The Wifi access points are simple bridges with no firewalls at all. Where do you think the traffic might be getting blocked? At the router itself?  

Lastly, if the SD card is becoming corrupt, can I repair it? 

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I've seen a couple times where people with Macs had things like Avast running and were not even aware of it.  Some malware and antivirus software have firewalls as well so if you have any malware or antivirus or things running you may try shutting those down temporarily.

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OK, quick report back. I decided to try the HTTPS in the admin console. When I opened the console, a url with HTTPS was the URL already configured. 

I added a http://<ISYADDRESS>/desc and the console connected "quickly" and I was able to do an upgrade immediately, no problem. 

Out of curiosity, Is there a way to verify the SD card integrity? 

Anyways, Thanks for the quick assistance. 


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