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Can't link rev 1.1 motion sensors


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I have 5 motion sensors... 1 is rev 1.0B with a date code of 4408 and 4 are rev 1.1 with a date code of 4908. The rev 1.0B unit links and works fine. I can't get any of the rev 1.1 units to even link.


I 1st get a "removing all links" message followed by "failed getting engine version, reverting to I1", followed by a message I can't see and a "request failed" message. I'm using firmware 2.7.6 after upgrading from 2.7.0 which had the same problem. I see many other people using rev 1.1 here with no problems. I'm at a loss to figure out where I'm going wrong.


Right now, I've got my access point plugged into the PLM about 4 feet from the motion sensor I'm trying to link. The rev 1.0B unit that works fine is a good 15 feet from the nearest access point


Any ideas???

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yea, I've tried resetting the morion sensors. I've tried linking in single flash and double flash mode, I've tried in the light and in the dark.


The PLM and access point both will blink if I hit the motion sensor button, so I know I'm in range (its only 3 feet).


The event viewer looks exactly the same if I try to link to a totally bogus address. It looks like the ISY is not communicating at all with the morion sensors.


Seems hard to believe I got a shipment of 4 defective motion sensors, but I'm starting to think that maybe I did.

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I can't get the motion sensors to locally control an appliancelinc either... More fodder for the 4 broken motion sensors argument I guess.


I have a remotelinc that works fine, so I know my access point setup is good (4 scattered across various parts of the house, 2 on each 110v leg).

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  • 7 months later...

I've got this same problem. I finally got around to digging out the motion sensors I bought way back when.


They are 4408 REV 1.0 and I have 3 of them....I can't get any of them to link in to my ISY99-IR/Pro.


I assume these work the same as any other device in ISY (start the linking process in ISY and then hold down for 5 seconds). The motion sensors LED starts blinking but ISY does not recognize then.


When I press the set button, the ACCESS points in the house blink so I know it is in range.


I just upgraded today to the latest release (before digging these out) and everything else in the house seems to be working fine.


Can anyone confirm this rev works with ISY and this rev. of the firmware?


Any ideas what might be going on here?


FYI...I had one of these linked to my ISY when I first bought them (tested it out and it worked fine back then) I have since removed it from the ISY.



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I tried that too Michael...but perhaps I am doing it wrong.


I enter a name, enter the address and select the device. I assume I have the Motion Sensor in link mode when doing this (hold button for 5 seconds), right?

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Hi Eric,


That's correct. Is it possible that your Motion Sensor is not near an Access Point?


Also, please do ensure that Link Management | Advanced Options is set to Automatic.


You may want to try the Event Viewer on Level 3 to make sure that you get a response back from your MS (i.e INST-SRX for each INST-ACK). If not, then surely your Motion Sensor is either not near an Access Point or the battery is low.


With kind regards,


I tried that too Michael...but perhaps I am doing it wrong.


I enter a name, enter the address and select the device. I assume I have the Motion Sensor in link mode when doing this (hold button for 5 seconds), right?

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Rebooted ISY and got some traffic going in Event Viewer at least. It failed several times but then this last time it finally linked.


The error message I kept getting was "Unable to Set High Water Mark" and "Remove Devicelinks Failed". The time before the last where it worked...it looked as though it was going to complete, but then I got "Not Added - Restore Node Failed".


I am going to try and link another one now.


EDIT: No dice on this one. I get "Failed writing the high water mark" (same as before...I just wrote it wrong above) and "Node not added - Failer Removing Links".


EDIT2: I am noticing that on the one that is linked I am getting an error in the log. It detects motion and shows up in ISY fine (on...then a minute later the off if received). The error that shows up in the log is:


[iNST-SRX] 02 50 0A.4.BF 00.00.01 C7.13.01 LTOFFRR(01): Process Message: failed


not sure if that means anything?

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Hi Eric,


The second message is OK; it simply means that ISY got duplicate messages from the motion sensor and ignored one of them.


On the ones that you cannot link, may I humbly recommend doing a factory reset on it and retry. If it fails again, I must assume a defective (or low battery) motion sensor.


With kind regards,


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I have tried facory reset several times and a new battery. I have now been able to get two of them working (found a 4th one still in the box that I ordered back then too!). I do not do anything different when it actually links...just seems to work all of a sudden. Also, once linked it works fine too... Perhaps I have some interference somewhere that I need to track down.


Thanks for the help...I will report back if I come up with anything different.



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After the reset the instructions say to wait 5 minutes before linking. Does that seem to be when they work?


I have tried facory reset several times and a new battery. I have now been able to get two of them working (found a 4th one still in the box that I ordered back then too!). I do not do anything different when it actually links...just seems to work all of a sudden. Also, once linked it works fine too... Perhaps I have some interference somewhere that I need to track down.


Thanks for the help...I will report back if I come up with anything different.



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After the reset the instructions say to wait 5 minutes before linking. Does that seem to be when they work?



I tried waiting (even longer than 5 minutes) and I tried doing it right away after the reset. Didn't seem to make it work either way...but then all of sudden the one linked. Then, after several tries, the second one linked.


What does "Failed writing the high water mark" mean? Is that any kind of clue?


Also, shouldn't I see traffic in the event log (set to level 3) whenever I push the set button?

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Hi Eric,


Failed writing high watermark means that ISY could not write the record in the motion sensor's database. This is due to communications errors.


You should not see any traffic when you click the set button unless the motion sensor has already been registered in ISY.


With kind regards,


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