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Best way to completely redo ISY programming


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I've been using an ISY since 2008 and my network has grown considerably since then.  I think I started out with a relatively efficient and streamlined set of scenes, programs and variables, but over time, for a variety of reasons, they have become messy and kludgy.  I would like to start from scratch and rebuild my system and remove inefficiencies and inconsistencies.  Can I back up my ISY, delete all my scenes, programs and variables and start start incrementally re-writing everything and when I run of time (since I rarely have more than 15 minutes free time on any given day) back up my progress and restore my original configuration?  How long does it take for a back-up to restore (I have about 60 devices and probably about the same number of programs and scenes)?


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On 9/25/2020 at 3:48 PM, greensha said:

I've been using an ISY since 2008 and my network has grown considerably since then.  I think I started out with a relatively efficient and streamlined set of scenes, programs and variables, but over time, for a variety of reasons, they have become messy and kludgy.  I would like to start from scratch and rebuild my system and remove inefficiencies and inconsistencies.  Can I back up my ISY, delete all my scenes, programs and variables and start start incrementally re-writing everything and when I run of time (since I rarely have more than 15 minutes free time on any given day) back up my progress and restore my original configuration?  How long does it take for a back-up to restore (I have about 60 devices and probably about the same number of programs and scenes)?


I'm not sure what you're asking. If your system has issues now and you restore a backup after factory resetting and cleaning it, you're just putting the same bad stuff back into your devices.

If you want to start over, commit to that and forget your old setup. 

When I initially set up an Isy, I will add my devices, name them, and and them to the rooms. Once done I create a back up. I save this as my clean slate so that if I ever need to start over, I can save alot of time on the initial portion.

You can make a copies of the programs that you want to keep as well as scenes you want to recreate. Then factory reset your devices and isy 

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From a novice, sort of.  Caveat emptor.  I do that frequently.  I'm aging and forgetful, but I do like to code from time to time.  The backup and restore are quick enough to make it convenient, and in my case absolutely necessary.  My only caution would be to NOT unintentionally mix up the old and new files.  I always use "old" and "new" in the naming, and store them on separate devices.  Good luck.




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1 hour ago, JLOB said:

From a novice, sort of.  Caveat emptor.  I do that frequently.  I'm aging and forgetful, but I do like to code from time to time.  The backup and restore are quick enough to make it convenient, and in my case absolutely necessary.  My only caution would be to NOT unintentionally mix up the old and new files.  I always use "old" and "new" in the naming, and store them on separate devices.  Good luck.




That would work if he were just talking about programs. However, links reside in devices. Going back and forth between old and new updates would cause more problems than what he has now

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15 hours ago, lilyoyo1 said:

That would work if he were just talking about programs. However, links reside in devices. Going back and forth between old and new updates would cause more problems than what he has now

Sorry, you're  absolutely correct.  My setup doesn't have many, if any, links that would be compromised by going back and forth.  What works for e doesn't necessarily work for anyone else. Mea culpa.


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