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Insteon Thermostat #2441TH vs Variables and "Query"

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I’m trying to learn the idiosyncrasies of both the Insteon 2441th Thermostat, and the handling of variables.  I might have bitten off more than I can chew!  I can query each of my thermostats and then see a temperature setting for it in the log.  There seems to be a delay between the query trigger and the result being posted to the log.  Since I’m trying to query multiple thermostats, I’m not sure how long to set a delay between queries, such that I will get an accurate read of that temp.

My intent is to extract the present temp and stash it in a variable.  I can then build a history of those temps using successive variables. I’d like to capture highs and low for the day, the week, and the month. (THAT part I’m able to do without help, once I get the “capture” thing down! Sticking integers in buckets is easy.  So far, it’s the only thing about variables with which I’m comfortable.)

In recap… I need to know how to get temp into a variable.  I need to know WHEN to get the temp, relative to the query.

I’d really appreciate hearing from users who’ve actually done something like this, or at least are more knowledgeable than I and willing to pass along the secrets.

Thanks in advance.







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