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Winter is almost here - Issues with climate-based programs

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We had our first snowfall last week, and I noted that my cold and snow related devices failed to come on.  I have 15 or so programs that do various things with heated surfaces and other devices depending on the current climate for the Winter.

It had been a while since I logged into my ISY, but after updating JAVA, and getting the latest admin console installed, I found that all of my climate related programs all have the logic "Module '2' 28 is null" instead of all of the various rain, sleet, snow, temperature, etc.

I verified everything else is working.  Other programs are running fine/have been running fine, but anything related to climate is messed up.  

I also tried fixing the programs, but the climate options are no longer available in the UI.  Maybe my firmware got corrupted?  This device is so bullet proof I haven't even logged into it in a year, so anything is possible.

I am running the 4.7.3 firmware wth 4.7.5 UI on an ISY 994i (1120).

Any help is appreciated.  I need to get this working before it snows again.



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Back last February it was announced the climate module was being Sunset'd : https://www.universal-devices.com/byebyeclimatemodule/

The deadline was extended several times and it didn't actually go offline until sometime over the summer.  There were also emails sent, although I can't give details of such.

The replacement is via nodeservers, and there are in fact quite a number of weather/climate related nodeservers to choose from.  

It does require upgrading to the 5.x firmware branch.  From there with a portal subscription there are several weather related nodeservers that can be run from Polyglot cloud, or via a local raspberry pi, or a local Polisy device.   Polisy is available for purchase from UDI and will someday also be your ISY.   Right now you have 3 options for climate data, I would not recommend the raspberry pi option unless you already have one, know how to use it, and are ready to install polyglot.... the reason to steer away tho is it appears newest unreleased Polyglot version 3 won't run on a raspberry pi.  

At one point, and I assume they still are, UDI was giving credit for the climate module based on when it was purchased towards a portal subscription.  That's probably your path of least resistance at this point.  No additional hardware needed just nodeservers running in UDI's cloud space.  

((It should also be noted:  How far you should upgrade in the 5.x firmware branch also depends on if you have an older 300 series z-wave dongle.  Everyone can use v5.0.16c, or v5.3 requires that a 500 series z-wave board or no z-wave board be installed, in other words 300 series boards are no longer supported past v5.0.16c.  Upgrade from 4.x to 5.x usually requires some manual intervention, some people like myself had minimal adjusts to make, a few people report it was alot of work... there are threads here that review these things.))

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Thanks MrBill for the information.

Do any of those options "plug and play" with the ISY in such a way that I can just write a check and get everything working again?  I've got hundreds of hours invested in my existing programs and would gladly re-purchase whatever new version of the climate module if it just worked.

I'll start doing my research into migration and pros cons, but for now, I just need something that works.


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As I mentioned your path of least resistance is upgrade to 5.x on the ISY, convert any remaining climate module subscription to ISY portal subscription and use the polyglot cloud nodesevers.   Unfortunately in all cases you or someone will have to tweak the programs using climate data to obtain it from a new source.  If you're already a portal subscriber you're just that much closer, in that case just get the ISY upgraded, and start using one of the cloud node servers, and tweak your programs.

Does your current system use Z-wave?   do you see Z-wave as an option on the top row of the admin console?


If so based on the fact that you're using v4.x ISY firmware that likely means you have a 300 series z-wave board.  In that case Z-wave > Advanced > Z-wave Version will return Zwave version 4.55....  If it does say 6.81 that means you already have a newer z-wave board.

As far as just writing a check, I know UDI offers remote programming, you'd have to contact them for an estimate.   There may or may not be other forum members that might take on a paid project.

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