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Cannot Communicate With LampLincs All of a Sudden

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Hello All,


Something strange seems to be happening with my Insteon Network and I can't figure out why...


I have NOT made any changes to my network or devices.


But, now when I load my ISY Administrative Console, I get the following errors:


Cannot Communicate with Michelle Bedroom Lamp (E 78 B5 1). Please check connections.


Cannot Communicate With Rob Bedroom Lamp (F 6A CE 1). Please check connections.



Both of these are LampLincs in the upstairs master bedroom.


I know they are not working because in addition to these errors, if I press the appropriate scene on my RemoteLinc they lamps do not respond.


I have other LampLincs in my house that are working (and not returning errors via the ISY) so I don't think the problem is my Access Points.


I also physically looked at the LampLincs and the LED on the side is lit up.


I have tried "Querying" the devices within the Admin Panel. When I do that, I don't get any errors, but nothing seems to happen.


Any ideas?


Thanks in advance! :D

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It still could be a semi-broken Access Point. I had one that seemed to function, if you pressed the set button four times it would blink, and the other Access Points would show a brightened LED. The only problem was that it would not bridge Insteon codes to the other phase of my electrical system. In my case everything in my living room were no longer accessible. I wasted a lot of time before figuring out the problem. Fortunately I owned an extra Access Point. When I replaced the semi-faulty one, my whole living room Insteon devices were accessible again.


I hope this helps.

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Hi elite-Rob,


In addition to comments from rslaufer, and since these are lamplincs, the best test would be to bring them downstairs and closer to your PLM. If this solves the problem, then the issue is either Access Points or noise. Also, if you have any CFLs connected to these lamplincs, you might want to unplug them and see if that helps.


With kind regards,


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  • 4 weeks later...

I am seeing a bunch of these connot communicate errors when going into the command console. Almost all of my devices to be infact. Tried plugging a module into same circuit as Michel Kohanim suggested but still the problem. I have 3 Signalincs and 2 Access points so I don't think its a signal issue. Noise? Any way of testing for noise on the line? Will adding X-10 filterlincs and noise filters help?

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I am seeing a bunch of these connot communicate errors when going into the command console. Almost all of my devices to be infact. Tried plugging a module into same circuit as Michel Kohanim suggested but still the problem. I have 3 Signalincs and 2 Access points so I don't think its a signal issue. Noise? Any way of testing for noise on the line? Will adding X-10 filterlincs and noise filters help?


Are you able to control any device successfully? Have you tried moving a problematic device diretly on top of the PLM?


If you are not able to communicate with any of your devices successfully, even one plugged directly into the PLM, I would suspect a problem with your PLM.


X10 and Insteon are close to the same frequency, but they are different. Some X10 filters may help, but if you are having powerline noise issues I would suggest trying a filter that is designed for INSTEON.

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Are you able to control any device successfully? Have you tried moving a problematic device diretly on top of the PLM?


If you are not able to communicate with any of your devices successfully, even one plugged directly into the PLM, I would suspect a problem with your PLM.


X10 and Insteon are close to the same frequency, but they are different. Some X10 filters may help, but if you are having powerline noise issues I would suggest trying a filter that is designed for INSTEON.

I don't seem to be able to control any module, even one plugged directly into the PLM. Does this mean the PLM is bad or dead? Is there a way to reset it? I have an extra PLM, is there an easy way to just swap them out to test if the PLM is bad?


I have added a bunch of my old X-10 filterlincs on the computers and tv and other typical noisy appliances but it still doesn't seem to be helping.

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You could try factory resetting it. Unplug for 30 seconds or so, hold the set button, plug it back in while holding and release the set button after 10 seconds.


Then boot your ISY and I believe in a factory reset state you should still be able to control devices. If that works, then do a Restore PLM.


If you want to try switching to your other PLM I would do the same thing. Factory reset it, test it, then do a Restore PLM.

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Don't you just love the Lamplinc.


I have two Lamplincs that live in the closet all year long right on the same breaker as the ISY is on, so they can stay in touch all year long with the ISY and I won't have to delink them etc. They get to come out during Christmas time each year and control the Christmas tree and radio transmitter for my outside lights show.


Well each year when I have pulled them from the closet they are one no longer handshaking with the ISY and two are no longer controllable by the ISY. I do a Factory Reset on them then a Restore for them from the ISY. They work great after doing this but its kind of funny I have to this same routine each year.

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You could try factory resetting it. Unplug for 30 seconds or so, hold the set button, plug it back in while holding and release the set button after 10 seconds.


Then boot your ISY and I believe in a factory reset state you should still be able to control devices. If that works, then do a Restore PLM.


If you want to try switching to your other PLM I would do the same thing. Factory reset it, test it, then do a Restore PLM.

OK Tried this with the both PLM and still nothing. When I go into the ISY, every device is listed as failed to communicate even the one plugged directly into the PLM. Another thing I noticed is all the devices are listed as a default on level of Zero and ramp rate at 9m and I can't change any of them. Could the ISY be bad?
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Hello The Pod,


If you have two PLMs both of which have the same issues, it could only be one of three things:

1. The cable between the PLM and ISY (so, please try switching it with another cable) OR

2. The PLM again

3. ISY itself


Please try swapping the cable between ISY and your PLM, make sure that Tools | Diagnostics | PLM Status/Info shows it as connected.


With kind regards,


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  • 2 weeks later...
Hello The Pod,


If you have two PLMs both of which have the same issues, it could only be one of three things:

1. The cable between the PLM and ISY (so, please try switching it with another cable) OR

2. The PLM again

3. ISY itself


Please try swapping the cable between ISY and your PLM, make sure that Tools | Diagnostics | PLM Status/Info shows it as connected.


With kind regards,


Under Tools | Diagnostics | PLM Status/Info show that it is connectted and shows the correct address.


I have tried switching the cables with 4 different ones - same results.


As an experiment, I disconnected the ISY from the PLM for 24 hrs. When I plugged it back into the PLM I was able to start up the ISY admin and control and set devices. The next morning it was dead again. Left ISY disconnected for 24 hrs again, connected back to PLM and once again I was able to start up the admin and communicate with all devices. This morning it is dead again and reports that it can not communicate with any devices. However, the diagnostics still shows the PLM is connected and with the right address.


Any other suggestions on what to try or test?

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Hello The Pod,


I am so terribly sorry to hear this. Do you try to query them when you get the exclamation marks? If so, do you still get communication errors? If you do not get communication errors after the query, then the problem is that during the 3:00 AM query, there's something that stops the communications between the PLM and all devices. A simple test would be to disable the 3 AM query and see if you still have the same issues the next day.


If a query does not fix the only way to get the unit back up and running is by reboot, then I would have to assume it's ISY. If you do not have firmware 2.7.7, I would sincerely appreciate if you gave it a try.


And, finally, I would appreciate it if you could check the firmware versions of your PLM. If you have firmware 52 and below then all is explained.


If it's easier, please do not hesitate to contact us on the phone.


With kind regards,


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