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Z-Wave support


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There is a saying ... be careful what you ask for.... and so on. And we, as consumers, are not asking for what is coming our way.

Unfortunately, ZWave is a standard that has been accepted by utilty companies in several states. They are going to use this standard to communicate between your utility meter and the newer "Smart Appliances" in the near future. We are about to enter a new era of electric utility billing - TOD (Time of Day) or "Time of use" billing. Another way to squeeze more money from the consumers. Businesses are currently being billed with the TOD rates.

So, this standard should not be ignored.

For the benefit of all Home Automation users, this is something to be aware of.


Sorry if this sounds a little harsh or rough, it is not intended that way. I just get a little wrapped up in things, sometimes.



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C Martin,


Very interesting! Do you have links/info on which states have agreed on using ZWave for their intelligent meters? This will be quite an interesting read and I would sincerely appreciate it.


In short, I agree with you except for the "squeezing money part" ... I certainly do believe that "TOB" and Demand Response programs actually save consumers money.


With kind regards,




There is a saying ... be careful what you ask for.... and so on. And we, as consumers, are not asking for what is coming our way.

Unfortunately, ZWave is a standard that has been accepted by utilty companies in several states. They are going to use this standard to communicate between your utility meter and the newer "Smart Appliances" in the near future. We are about to enter a new era of electric utility billing - TOD (Time of Day) or "Time of use" billing. Another way to squeeze more money from the consumers. Businesses are currently being billed with the TOD rates.

So, this standard should not be ignored.

For the benefit of all Home Automation users, this is something to be aware of.


Sorry if this sounds a little harsh or rough, it is not intended that way. I just get a little wrapped up in things, sometimes.



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C Martin,


Yes, true but as far as I know, they have not yet agreed on the standard (ZWave or otherwise) to be used. It's all open for discussion/debate and I think all protocols have an equal chance of succeeding. Have you heard otherwise?


With kind regards,



I know that Cailfornia is one of the states and I believe the San Diego area is one of the first areas that will do Time of Use billing.
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Now, some of these are from Metering industry people and some are giving the perspective from the Utility. There are more and some of the Consumer advocacy groups also provide information. There are a lot of sites and lots of viewpoints depending on where you stand.

I am a bit sensitive to the conumer's point of view because of the problems that we had in California with the deregulation crisis that we had. I alos spent 26 years working for Southern Californis Edison - one of the majpr utilities in California as well as being one of largest utilities in the UAS.



http://www.trilliantnetworks.com/news/p ... 0507a.html

http://publicservice.vermont.gov/planni ... ressed.pdf

http://www.itron.com/pages/news_press_i ... 015789.xml

http://www.energetics.com/madri/toolbox ... fornia.pdf

http://www.isa.org/InTechTemplate.cfm?S ... ntID=44015


I was given one other link that is very interesting but I need to recover it.

There is a lot of reading - Have Fun!

But being a Home Automation type of person I am interested in all aspects of the industry - Good or Bad.

Information is the key to good decision making.

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