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Polisy Holidays-poly node


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I have installed the Holidays node server authored by "FirstOne".  I have installed it with the defaults and as noted in the install notes, I should get a set of default Holidays.

Instead I get a set of days of the week. Any insight would be appreciated.

Also, how can I contact the author, it's not clear on the install instructions.

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As I have mentioned before, I love this nodeserver and I have 8 specific calendars for this purpose. It has always worked without failing until a few days ago, when some nodes would show "false" even though there was an all-day event in the calendar. 

At first I restarted the nodeserver in the Polisy Dashboard and that worked once and then not the next time. And then I restarted Polisy in System. That also worked once and then not again  the next time.

I now removed the Google Holidays nodeserver and re-installed it and hopefully it will be as reliable as before.

p..s.  I forgot to mention that, before removing and re-installing the GH nodeserver, in one instance the node showed on "Tomorrow"  while the event was clearly "Today".  And I had double-checked the calendar.

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On 2/26/2021 at 3:14 PM, asbril said:

As I have mentioned before, I love this nodeserver and I have 8 specific calendars for this purpose. It has always worked without failing until a few days ago, when some nodes would show "false" even though there was an all-day event in the calendar. 

At first I restarted the nodeserver in the Polisy Dashboard and that worked once and then not the next time. And then I restarted Polisy in System. That also worked once and then not again  the next time.

I now removed the Google Holidays nodeserver and re-installed it and hopefully it will be as reliable as before.

p..s.  I forgot to mention that, before removing and re-installing the GH nodeserver, in one instance the node showed on "Tomorrow"  while the event was clearly "Today".  And I had double-checked the calendar.

After re-installing the GH nodeserver, I still had the issue of the Tomorrow Node showing True when it should have been Today.  I rebooted the ISY and that resolved the issue. It has now been running ok for 36 hours. If my issues occur again, I will start with a ISY reboot and, if that does not fully resolve the issues, then remove and re-install this great nodeserver.

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1 hour ago, Michel Kohanim said:

Hi @asbril,

This seems like ISY dropping packets. Have you tried looking at ISY error log for UD Queue Full?

With kind regards,

Thanks Michel,   I can indeed see Queue Full in the error log, Should I send you a copy of the error log ? Maybe the issue was resolved when I re-installed the nodeserver and rebooted the ISY ?

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Hi @asbril,

Sure, please send me your error log. I don't think the fix had anything to do with reinstallation. I think you are reaching the limits of how many events ISY can handle at the same time (255 per queue at any given point in time and about 10 per second). So, if you have a lot of queries or if you have node servers with a very low short polling interval and if you have many programs that depend on these events, then for certain your queues are going to get full. 

With kind regards,

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On 3/1/2021 at 12:35 PM, Michel Kohanim said:

Hi @asbril,

Sure, please send me your error log. I don't think the fix had anything to do with reinstallation. I think you are reaching the limits of how many events ISY can handle at the same time (255 per queue at any given point in time and about 10 per second). So, if you have a lot of queries or if you have node servers with a very low short polling interval and if you have many programs that depend on these events, then for certain your queues are going to get full. 

With kind regards,

That makes a lot of sense. I have ( I deleted it yesterday) the Time-Date nodeserver, which I was not using. I will also delete one of my two weather nodeservers, which I also don't need, and I noticed last night that the Time-Date and the weather nodeservers have a lot of queries.

Another maybe  related issue was that last night my wake-up program (set at 6:40 am) and that has been working fine for a long time, suddenly ran at 12:07 am, generating understandable unhappiness of my wife ?. Something may have been reset when I re-installed the Holidays Google nodeserver (which is part of the wake-up program) and hopefully I was able to resolve it.

I will send you the error log,

Thanks as always

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