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I/OLink 2450 not sending back correct status

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I am using a 2450 to control my garage door it would also give me the status of based on the sensor.  I noticed it wasn't working and thought the 2450 was bad.  I replaced it and it is wired up correctly.  It seems to be working correctly, except for it is not updating the ISY with the correct status.  

In the past it would go to On and then 2 seconds later it would revert to Off.  It seems to be doing this in the 2450, but is not sending back the OFF to the ISY.  The same seems to be the case with the sensor.

In the 2450 I have Momentary A and LED on TX and Trigger Reverse checked.

Any thought on what I might be doing wrong?

Thanks very much.

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Use the admin console to "restore" the IO/Linc

If that doesn't do it, unplug your GDO and disconnect the mechanism (pull the cord) so you can trigger the sensor and send an open and close signal to your ISY manually by lifting the garage door a few inches.
My guess is your GDO is generating so much noise your Insteon signal is being clobbered.

GDOs are notorious for killing Insteon signals. Try unscrewing the bulb(s) and if any of that works, get some FilterLincs and plug them in.

Right Chamberlain?

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36 minutes ago, larryllix said:

Use the admin console to "restore" the IO/Linc

If that doesn't do it, unplug your GDO and disconnect the mechanism (pull the cord) so you can trigger the sensor and send an open and close signal to your ISY manually by lifting the garage door a few inches.
My guess is your GDO is generating so much noise your Insteon signal is being clobbered.

GDOs are notorious for killing Insteon signals. Try unscrewing the bulb(s) and if any of that works, get some FilterLincs and plug them in.

Right Chamberlain?

Thanks for the idea, but it didn't work.  Neither status changed.

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2 hours ago, AnthemAVM said:

Thanks for the idea, but it didn't work.  Neither status changed.

Disconnect the wires and take it somewhere closer to your PLM, or another dual band Insteon device at the other end of the house, restore it, from there, and use a jumper to short out the connection from input to ground and/or live +5vdc. I am not sure which polarity to use off-hand but you can try both and watch the admin console response.

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If you are talking about the status of the relay. When using momentary modes, the IO linc doesn’t send status of the change back to off. Create a program that queries the device 5-10 seconds after it detects a status change to on. That will keep the ISY in sync.

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I am having the same type issue.....  Just moved my system from the Insteon Hub to this system.  Now the garage door status of open / closed does not seem to work right. 

 The status of the Sensor in the Admin C. stays "ON" when I open the door.... should say "OFF" , even after waiting several minuets. 

BUT WAIT TILL YOU HERE THIS..... Then... when I close the door,,,,,  it changes to "OFF".... but the door is closed.  It is like it takes two hits (or changes of state) to make a change on the sensor status.  the door goes up and down just fine, right away.  

If I do a manual query of the status of a garage door sensor... the status changes to "On or "OFF" when as it should,  but it does not seem to want to change by itself.  Every night when the unit does a full system query,  the status is not right.  Old Hub worked just fine,  3 garage doors have worked with the hub,  the open close status has always show up quickly.  

HOLD ON.......   just figured it out.....   It seems like it needed a cycle of the doors going up and down to link it up and be reliable.

strange... but it now works. 


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Sounds like some bad communications there ad you have lost the link that updates the PLM status when it changes.

Right click on the device in the admin console device tree and select upload the links from the device (forget the exact syntax). After the chart loads click on the compare button at the bottom. If they disagree, select the device again, and select Restore. Check again.

You may need some FilterLincs as GDOs are notorious for creating Insteon noise.

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