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Insteon Range extenders, 2992-222

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Please Help,

Just installed a new ISY system and migrated over from my existing Hub.    I have a few range extenders,   they don't show up in the Admin. Console when I try to add them. 

When doing a auto discover,  the system says they are not supported....  Don't we need these range extenders for good communications  ?

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Yes. You can use them for better communications. I have two of the older style 2443 Access Points.

In the ISY994i system. You don't add them or the Access Points to the Administrative Console. Just plug them in. You can use their built in communications test if you want to see how well they are communicating. If you care too.

I can't comment on how a HUB handles them as I never use a HUB.

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The Range Extenders just work. They don't have to be linked to the PLM that the ISY uses. The only setup is the phase bridge, and I believe that is more of a verification routine then an actual linking between the devices.

The way the ISY works (and the Hub, for that matter), is that EVERY device is in a scene with the PLM as a controller. But range extenders are passive devices that operate down at the network level to repeat signals, and thus don't take part in the scene communications of the PLM and devices.

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