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Alexa responding with "I'm not quite sure what went wrong"


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For any Alexa commands that I am using (with the ISY Skill), Alexa is responding with "I'm not quite sure what went wrong" after several seconds of spinning.  All other Alexa smarthome commands work fine (talking to other NON-ISY Skills).  When I try turning on/off/dim the devices using the Alexa app, the App says "Contacting UDI..." for awhile, and then comes back with "Server is unresponsive".

Seems like some issue on the UDI side. 

Please advise.   (See attached screenshots)



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Same here since about the last ISY Portal upgrade. Alexa doesn't seem to understand the device descriptions well and  reports a lot of "I don't know what went wrong". There is also a lot of "I don't know that device", even though the device has already changed state via ISY.

It would seem something isn't working correctly between ISY Portal and the Alexa portal handshaking.

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Yesterday, we had an outage of about an hour on one of the proxy servers. This has affected communication to some ISYs.

Our servers are hosted on AWS, and this is usually very reliable, but somehow the instance stopped responding and was restarted by AWS automatically an hour later.


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5 hours ago, bmercier said:

Yesterday, we had an outage of about an hour on one of the proxy servers. This has affected communication to some ISYs.

Our servers are hosted on AWS, and this is usually very reliable, but somehow the instance stopped responding and was restarted by AWS automatically an hour later.


Mine has been doing this for about a week or more. Looks like GH has some similar problems and a possible screw up in the handshake systems??



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11 minutes ago, MarkJames said:

My issue with google home has been going on for weeks.  


Please open a ticket with your uuid, a specific UTC time when it failed, and a link to this thread, and I can investigate the logs to see what is happening.


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For what its worth, there have been times when I have gotten the "I'm not quite sure what went wrong" message. In most such cases I have found that only one of seven Alexa devices was having a problem. I disconnect power to that device and reboot it. That has resolved the problem for me on several occasions.,

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