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Program logic conflicts


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I have a simple program to run when I leave the house and one when I arrive. Neither run properly. I am not understanding the ISY logic as programs don't appear to run when they are suppose to or not suppose to. I am using the Program Summary, wait and notification commands to help me debug and understand the logic.

Program 'Leave'
    Control 'Kit Vacation D' is switched on
    Run Program 'All Off' (Then Path)
    Wait 2 minutes 30 seconds
    Run Program 'Flag Away' (Then Path)
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') 

Button D was pushed Sat Nov 28 08:45:48 PST 2009. The Wait command delays setting a flag so my Arrive program is not run, that seems to work. But Notification that my Away flag was set was 11/28/2009 08:46:13. Shouldn't this time be 08:48:18 when ‘Leave’ finishes execution?

Program 'Flag Away'
   - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') 
    Send Notification to all
    Send Notification to all

Based on the results of running these programs, why doesn't my Away flag set 2'30" after the Leave program executes?

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