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Lamplinc at 100% OK as Appliancelinc replacement?


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I never use dimmers on things that don't dim. From the LampLinc dual band owner's manual:


# Don't use LampLinc to control low-voltage lighting, fluorescent light, or motors. These are inductive Loads, which LampLinc is not designed to control. Use a non-dimming INSTEON ApplianceLinc instead.


# To reduce the risk of overheating and possible damage to other equipment, use LampLinc to control 110V incandescent lamps only. Dimming an inductive Load, such as a fan or transformer, could cause damage to the dimmer, the Load device, or both. If the manufacturer of the Load device does not recommend dimming, use a non-dimming ApplianceLinc instead. USER ASSUMES ALL RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH DIMMING AN INDUCTIVE LOAD.

As far as I know, even if you only switch between 0 and 100%, the device still ramps up from 0 to 100% and back down again at the rate specified in the setup (which defaults at 0.1 sec). This is not the same as flipping a relay on and off. I've also had experience where LampLinc's spontaneously change their ramp rates. I don't know if mine is an isolated experience, but if your LampLinc changed its ramp rate to something like 10 seconds I think you run the risk of damaging the LampLinc, your lighting transformer, or both.


I suppose you could do it, but why risk it?

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I would not use a LampLinc even at 100%


With an inductive load. The load current lags the load voltage. Even at 100%; if the triac circuit is not designed for an inductive load. You could damage the load; the LampLinc or both.


Also it is possible for a large spike to be generated when the LampLinc is turned off.


I can not say about the new dual mesh version but the older ones have a internal fuse. It could also blow if the inductive load acts strange.

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