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Z-Wave Program Control Issue - Schlage Lock


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I am attempting to create a simple program to send an alert when a user unlocks.

I currently have 15 users.

I have created 15 programs, (one for each user) and 15 custom emails.

The IF of the program is:

Status   'ZW 003 Schlage Door Lock' is Access Code 1
    And [Control] 'ZW 003 Schlage Door Lock' is switched [alarm] Unlocked by Keypad


I am unable to use 'control' without including "alarm", which I do not believe I need.

I have tried the logic both ways and tried with variables.

The "alarm" appears on a second line and may be an error in the GUI logic?

F/W 5.3.0

Anyone else having the same issue?




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I helped someone else work this out, and I can't find the thread to link.

the short answer is you need multiple daisy chained programs:

Program: Door_is_unlocked

If Status door is unlocked


Run program User_1 (if)


Program User_1 (disabled)

If access code is 1


   notification user 1


   Run Program User_2 (if)

Program User_2 (disabled)

If access code is 2


   notification user 2


   Run Program User_3 (if)

.....and so on


A disabled program runs if run by another program, but not if the IF condition is met.


The problem with using 'ZW 003 Schlage Door Lock' User Number is 1'  alone is that the user number doesn't always change, and to activate an If statement it needs to change.

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If it helps anyone with a similar problem....

After adding several repeaters successfully, notifications still did not work.

I tried every option, including/excluding the lock, tried repairing, updating neighbors, synchronizing, etc. and nothing seemed to work.

After all of the repeaters were set up properly,  I factory reset the lock and added it back to the ISY.

Everything is now working as expected.

Hope this helps someone from enduring the same pain!





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