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ISY on Polisy v5.0.2 Is Now Available

Michel Kohanim

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1 hour ago, kzboray said:

Is there a way to remove easily ISY from the Polisy? If so I can do that until I have a 2413U to play with. Thanks guys! Appreciate the fast (as always) help!


I'd like to know this too before I take the leap. Either remove/uninstall or disable such that it doesn't restart at next reboot. In case it causes more grief than its worth and I need to wait until all the kinks are worked out.

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@gzahar Thank you for the suggestion. Unfortunately while sudo service isy disable did in fact disable the service it didn't help with the Polisy wanting a password for the ISY. I also tried removing the ISY service per Michel, but no joy. I then tried changing the password of my main ISY to the same as the Polisy ISY, no go. I'm gonna wait for the 2413U to arrive and swap things over to the Polisy and see if that solves the issue. if not I'll put in a ticket.

I still have a weird issue with DNS that needs to be resolved as well, so it will probably be a toofer.


Thank you again!

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