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Configuration issues


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Setting up for the first time.


Have local connection, but when I sync I get a number of errors and there is nothing in the home tab.


When I go to manage modules I get error optional (207 bytes)


Hi @JGoldstein,

Is this iOS or Android? Are there any synchronization errors which do not say "disregard if none exist"?  If there are please let us know the error message.

If you are only using the local connection do you get errors when pressing "Test System on local Connection" under Local Connection Settings? Also make sure the IP Address does not end with "/".

If this is iOS please be sure you are on the latest version as the previous version had a  refresh bug after initial setup which left the screen blank.  This was not a major issue as users would just need to press the home screen tab again to show their system, and only need to be done one time.

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43 minutes ago, Envirogreen said:

iOS. Lots of sync errors (attached)


That said I just needed to update to get it working. 

any view on the errors or if they matter?

Glad it's working.  There is a bug in the error log as the index did not change, it will be corrected in the next update and include the node address (if present). The two first errors may be safe, the 31 replicated errors may be an issue.

#1) Do you have zwave devices?  If you do not then disregard.

#2)Which Node Server do you have in slot 4?  There appears to be a missing editor file, I take a look to see is this should be defined.  It may be the case it is not need.

#3)It appears that your system has 33 nodes which are missing a node definition.  If you subscribe to ISY Portal we can run a remote diagnostic, if you do not we will need the output of <ipaddress>/rest/nodes to see if this is in fact the case. Please open a ticket, include the output of /rest/nodes if not a portal subscriber, and we will look into this issue. According to the notes for this error it has only been encountered with a corrupted system, so if the app is not functioning correctly this may be the cause.

<node flag="128" nodeDefId="RelayLampSwitch_ADV">   <- nodeDefId appears to be missing
<address>2D 86 94 1</address>
<name>Office Lamp</name>
<pnode>2D 86 94 1</pnode>
<property id="ST" value="0" formatted="Off" uom="100"/>


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