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Weatherbit on Polyglot Cloud showing status as unmanaged


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When Polyglot shows a node server as 'unmanaged' that means that it thinks some other instance of Polyglot owns it.  Once it sets it's database entry for that node server to 'unmanaged', I don't believe there is any way to correct it.

It has to either be deleted using the owning instance of Polyglot or removed from the ISY using the admin console (node servers -> configuration -> slot x -> delete)

Once it is removed from the ISY, Polyglot will re-query the ISY and notice that it is gone and update  it's database to show that slot as empty. Polyglot queries the ISY every few minutes so it's not immediate. 


*** I believe this is all correct for the cloud version.  I'm less familiar with how PGC works than PG2/PG3. 


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9 hours ago, bpwwer said:

When Polyglot shows a node server as 'unmanaged' that means that it thinks some other instance of Polyglot owns it.  Once it sets it's database entry for that node server to 'unmanaged', I don't believe there is any way to correct it.

It has to either be deleted using the owning instance of Polyglot or removed from the ISY using the admin console (node servers -> configuration -> slot x -> delete)

Once it is removed from the ISY, Polyglot will re-query the ISY and notice that it is gone and update  it's database to show that slot as empty. Polyglot queries the ISY every few minutes so it's not immediate. 


*** I believe this is all correct for the cloud version.  I'm less familiar with how PGC works than PG2/PG3. 


Thanks.  I deleted it in the ISY and reinstalled.  Working fine again.

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