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WeatherflowPoly not updating from Tempest


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2021-09-18 10:37:06,212 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     polylogger:set_basic_config: set_basic_config: enable=True level=30
2021-09-18 10:37:07,301 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:init_interface: Received Config from STDIN.
2021-09-18 10:37:07,303 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     __init__:<module>: UDI Polyglot v2 Interface 2.1.0 Starting...
2021-09-18 10:37:07,707 MainThread polyinterface      DEBUG    polyinterface:get_network_interface: gws: {'default': {2: ('', 'igb0')}, 2: [('', 'igb0', True)]}
2021-09-18 10:37:07,708 MainThread polyinterface      DEBUG    polyinterface:get_network_interface: gw: default=('', 'igb0')
2021-09-18 10:37:07,709 MainThread polyinterface      DEBUG    polyinterface:get_network_interface: ifad: igb0=[{'addr': '', 'netmask': '', 'broadcast': ''}]
2021-09-18 10:37:07,710 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:__init__: Connect: Network Interface: {'addr': '', 'netmask': '', 'broadcast': ''}
2021-09-18 10:37:07,712 Interface  polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_startMqtt: Connecting to MQTT... localhost:1883
2021-09-18 10:37:08,205 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: MQTT Connected with result code 0 (Success)
2021-09-18 10:37:08,210 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: MQTT Subscribing to topic: udi/polyglot/ns/1 -  MID: 1 Result: 0
2021-09-18 10:37:08,211 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: MQTT Subscribing to topic: udi/polyglot/connections/polyglot -  MID: 2 Result: 0
2021-09-18 10:37:08,212 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: Sent Connected message to Polyglot
2021-09-18 10:37:08,424 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_subscribe: MQTT Subscribed Succesfully for Message ID: 1 - QoS: (0,)
2021-09-18 10:37:08,747 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_subscribe: MQTT Subscribed Succesfully for Message ID: 2 - QoS: (0,)
2021-09-18 10:37:09,223 NodeServer polyinterface      INFO     weatherflow:start: Starting WeatherFlow Node Server
2021-09-18 10:37:09,224 MQTT       polyinterface      DEBUG    weatherflow:process_config: -- configuration is valid
2021-09-18 10:37:09,225 NodeServer polyinterface      ERROR    node_funcs:get_saved_log_level: Found saved log level 30
2021-09-18 10:37:09,227 NodeServer polyinterface      ERROR    node_funcs:save_log_level: saving log level to customdata
2021-09-18 10:37:09,228 NodeServer polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:saveCustomData: Sending customData to Polyglot.
2021-09-18 10:37:09,366 NodeServer polyinterface      INFO     node_funcs:set_logging_level: set_logging_level: Setting log level to 30
2021-09-18 10:37:09,729 NodeServer polyinterface      ERROR    weatherflow:query_wf: Failed to get rain for month 1
2021-09-18 10:37:09,783 NodeServer polyinterface      ERROR    weatherflow:query_wf: Failed to get rain for month 2
2021-09-18 10:37:09,843 NodeServer polyinterface      ERROR    weatherflow:query_wf: Failed to get rain for month 3
2021-09-18 10:37:09,901 NodeServer polyinterface      ERROR    weatherflow:query_wf: Failed to get rain for month 4
2021-09-18 10:37:09,956 NodeServer polyinterface      ERROR    weatherflow:query_wf: Failed to get rain for month 5
2021-09-18 10:37:10,013 NodeServer polyinterface      ERROR    weatherflow:query_wf: Failed to get rain for month 6
2021-09-18 10:37:10,411 Thread-1   polyinterface      ERROR    polyinterface:write: Exception in thread Thread-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 926, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 870, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/var/polyglot/nodeservers/WeatherFlowPoly/nodes/weatherflow.py", line 769, in udp_data
    s.bind(('', self.params.get('ListenPort')))
OSError: [Errno 48] Address already in use
2021-09-18 10:37:10,414 Thread-1   py.warnings        WARNING  warnings:_showwarnmsg: /usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py:960: ResourceWarning: unclosed <socket.socket fd=7, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_DGRAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 0)>
2021-09-18 10:37:10,414 Thread-1   py.warnings        WARNING  warnings:_showwarnmsg: /usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py:960: ResourceWarning: unclosed <socket.socket fd=7, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_DGRAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 0)>
2021-09-18 10:37:41,482 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     polylogger:set_basic_config: set_basic_config: enable=True level=30
2021-09-18 10:37:42,677 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:init_interface: Received Config from STDIN.
2021-09-18 10:37:42,678 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     __init__:<module>: UDI Polyglot v2 Interface 2.1.0 Starting...
2021-09-18 10:37:43,085 MainThread polyinterface      DEBUG    polyinterface:get_network_interface: gws: {'default': {2: ('', 'igb0')}, 2: [('', 'igb0', True)]}
2021-09-18 10:37:43,086 MainThread polyinterface      DEBUG    polyinterface:get_network_interface: gw: default=('', 'igb0')
2021-09-18 10:37:43,088 MainThread polyinterface      DEBUG    polyinterface:get_network_interface: ifad: igb0=[{'addr': '', 'netmask': '', 'broadcast': ''}]
2021-09-18 10:37:43,088 MainThread polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:__init__: Connect: Network Interface: {'addr': '', 'netmask': '', 'broadcast': ''}
2021-09-18 10:37:43,091 Interface  polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_startMqtt: Connecting to MQTT... localhost:1883
2021-09-18 10:37:43,654 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: MQTT Connected with result code 0 (Success)
2021-09-18 10:37:43,657 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: MQTT Subscribing to topic: udi/polyglot/ns/1 -  MID: 1 Result: 0
2021-09-18 10:37:43,657 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: MQTT Subscribing to topic: udi/polyglot/connections/polyglot -  MID: 2 Result: 0
2021-09-18 10:37:43,659 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_connect: Sent Connected message to Polyglot
2021-09-18 10:37:43,881 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_subscribe: MQTT Subscribed Succesfully for Message ID: 1 - QoS: (0,)
2021-09-18 10:37:43,999 MQTT       polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:_subscribe: MQTT Subscribed Succesfully for Message ID: 2 - QoS: (0,)
2021-09-18 10:37:44,490 NodeServer polyinterface      INFO     weatherflow:start: Starting WeatherFlow Node Server
2021-09-18 10:37:44,491 MQTT       polyinterface      DEBUG    weatherflow:process_config: -- configuration is valid
2021-09-18 10:37:44,491 NodeServer polyinterface      ERROR    node_funcs:get_saved_log_level: Found saved log level 30
2021-09-18 10:37:44,493 NodeServer polyinterface      ERROR    node_funcs:save_log_level: saving log level to customdata
2021-09-18 10:37:44,493 NodeServer polyinterface      INFO     polyinterface:saveCustomData: Sending customData to Polyglot.
2021-09-18 10:37:44,642 NodeServer polyinterface      INFO     node_funcs:set_logging_level: set_logging_level: Setting log level to 30
2021-09-18 10:37:45,009 NodeServer polyinterface      ERROR    weatherflow:query_wf: Failed to get rain for month 1
2021-09-18 10:37:45,067 NodeServer polyinterface      ERROR    weatherflow:query_wf: Failed to get rain for month 2
2021-09-18 10:37:45,130 NodeServer polyinterface      ERROR    weatherflow:query_wf: Failed to get rain for month 3
2021-09-18 10:37:45,186 NodeServer polyinterface      ERROR    weatherflow:query_wf: Failed to get rain for month 4
2021-09-18 10:37:45,244 NodeServer polyinterface      ERROR    weatherflow:query_wf: Failed to get rain for month 5
2021-09-18 10:37:45,303 NodeServer polyinterface      ERROR    weatherflow:query_wf: Failed to get rain for month 6
2021-09-18 10:37:48,719 Thread-1   polyinterface      ERROR    polyinterface:write: Exception in thread Thread-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 926, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 870, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/var/polyglot/nodeservers/WeatherFlowPoly/nodes/weatherflow.py", line 769, in udp_data
    s.bind(('', self.params.get('ListenPort')))
OSError: [Errno 48] Address already in use
2021-09-18 10:37:48,720 Thread-1   py.warnings        WARNING  warnings:_showwarnmsg: /usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py:960: ResourceWarning: unclosed <socket.socket fd=7, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_DGRAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 0)>
2021-09-18 10:37:48,720 Thread-1   py.warnings        WARNING  warnings:_showwarnmsg: /usr/local/lib/python3.7/threading.py:960: ResourceWarning: unclosed <socket.socket fd=7, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_DGRAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 0)>

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1 hour ago, dbwarner5 said:

OSError: [Errno 48] Address already in use

Something else running on that machine is already listening for WeatherFlow data and has been configured for exclusive use.  This blocks the node server from receiving data from the hub.

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On 9/18/2021 at 11:45 AM, bpwwer said:

Something else running on that machine is already listening for WeatherFlow data and has been configured for exclusive use.  This blocks the node server from receiving data from the hub.

Hmm.. not sure where to start with that information. Can you define "machine"?  is that the isy, the tempest hub or the polisy? 

As far as I know the only thing running on the tempest hub is the polisy and the tempest app. 

Any suggestions to move forward? thanks

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Machine is the machine the node server is executing on, in this case the Polisy. 

The log shows that something external to the node server is blocking the node server such that it can't open the socket connection needed to listen for data from the hub. 

When run on RPi instead of Polisy, this would typically be caused by some other weather software, but that shouldn't be the case the on a Polisy.   Thus, I really don't know what to do next.  I don't know enough about the FreeBSD OS running on the Polisy to know if this could be a network configuration issue, a bug, or some other software running on the Polisy that's impacting this.  

I do know that this is normal since many people, including me, run this on a Polisy without any issues.


Googling the error provides this:



Simple solution:

1. Find the process using port 50222:
sudo lsof -i:50222
2. Kill the process on that port:
kill $PID

kill -9 $PID  //to forcefully kill the port
PID is got from step 1's output.


so you could try that. 

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