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Polisy loses Credentials to ISY with Power Outage


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Not sure how much experience there is with my issue.

I had a 5 minute power outage this morning.  After both my ISY and Polisy stabilized after power was restored, I found that my node servers were not working and, after logging into the Polisy, it asked me to re-enter my ISY credentials.

I have these node servers on the Polisy.  After adding my credentials, I had to restart all of them to get data back into the ISY.

  • Tags
  • Notification Node Server
  • OpenWeatherMap
  • ISY Inventory

Just wonder if anyone has experienced this problem and if they had, how they were able to fix it.

  • Running Firmware and UI 5.3.0
  • Polyglot Version 2.2.13
  • Windows 10
  • CenturyLink Modem/Router
  • I replaced my ISY recently but both of them responded this way with a Power Outage
  • I have 8 programs that run at start-up.  A Leak Detector Program that took 16 seconds to run for 4 insteon leak detectors (program from WIKI), a calendar program that checks the day of the week - no seconds recorded for these checks and the ISY Start Up program that sends messages that the ISY was restarted - 7 minutes and 24 seconds.

Thanks to anyone having any ideas on how to fix.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thought I would close this issue with a solution that I implemented in case anyone else ever has this issue.

I bought an Aeotec Zwave Smart Switch 7 which has the ability to set a parameter to have the device in the off position when power is restored after a power outage.

I put this device on my Polisy and 20 minutes after the ISY reboots and stabilizes, I have the ISY energize this Smart Switch.  With this procedure, I do not lose my credentials and my node servers do not need to be restarted.

This will be a short-term solution since I am looking forward to having my ISY on the Polisy.

Hope this is useful to someone else.

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I have had this issue with the loss of my credentials with three different ISY's so it has to be something in my setup.

I have tried a number of things including slowing down the startup process with the ISY, but the Polisy always loses my credentials. 

I just happened to have the ISY running and I unplugged the Polisy to move it, when I started it up, I did not have to reenter my credentials and the node servers were connected.

After that experience, I bought the switch and delayed the energizing of the switch until the ISY stabilized.  This just works but I have no idea why.  Hopefully once everything is in one box, it won't matter any more.

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What I can do later this week is simulate a total power outage.  That means having the ISY reboot and have it energize the switch that tuns on the Polisy 20 minutes later  

I know my solution works with the ISY running and the Polisy turned on and off but I have not tried with both units having to reboot.  

Would this be helpful?

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@Michel Kohanim

Here are the results of the simulated Power Outage this afternoon.  All times are PM CDT

  • 1:28 Power off - Includes ISY, Polisy, Router/Modem and Tag Manager

  • 1:35 Power On

  • 1:38 Internet Available

  • 1:52:38 ISY Startup - PushOver Message direct from their site

  • 2:04:45 Zwave Switch Energized and Polisy Started

  • 2:05:40 Polisy Completed Start up

  • 2:07:09 Push Message from Polyglot Node Server on Polisy

  • 2:09       Started ISY Admin Console
  • Note:  Some of the seconds are estimates

The following are the results after looking at the Admin Console

  • Inventory Node Sever has no data entries but indicates true in Total Nodes
  • Tag Node Server updates and is connected
  • Notification Node Server has 7 nodes, 1 has an exclamation Point Icon in Red, but when testing that node, it pushes a message with the default tone.  The other 6 nodes have the correct information and push the correct tone
  • TimeDate Node Server has some information and that information is correct.  But nothing populated in Sun Rise and Sun Set Screen
  • OpenWeather Node Server has data populated and it appears correct

Not sure if this is a correct assumption, but I bet once we have a complete 24 hour cycle, data will be populated in these Node Servers where there is none.  But this could cause a problem for those using the vacant information in programs.

Hope this information is helpful

Here are the ISY programs I am using:





Here is screen shot for the TimeData node server


Here is a screen shot of the Notification Node Server screen for the node that does not populate correctly and has the red icon.


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@Michel Kohanim

Just noticed this.  None of the 6 nodes for the Notification Node Server that work correctly and have the correct tone when tested, have any data shown for them.  I also tested one of them by running the "then" in a program and it works correctly.  So tomorrow I will restart the node server if no information shows up over night.  As I said I am still getting messages so not worried about missign something overnight.


This is screen shot of the node controller


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@Michel Kohanim

What I did this morning was restart the Notification, TimeDate and Inventory Node Servers and, after that, performed a Query.  I know I should have tried the Query first but got ahead of myself.  Note, even though I restarted these node servers, the Query was needed to populate the fields.

I have everything populated except the LeapYear Field in the TimeData.  Not a major issue for me but maybe for others.

But in Summary, with the switch in place to keep the Polisy from Starting before the ISY stabilizes, that does solve the lost Credentials Problem.  And even though the Screens are not populated in the Admin Console without a restart or a Query, the Nodes still have data behind them so programs and Network Resources do work.

If anyone else wants to use this approach, I used this Zwave Device which can be programmed to be off with loss of power.


Thanks for letting me be part of your debug process.

Have a great day.

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