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KeypadLink 8 and non standard Scenes


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Given I am limited to 8 buttons, but have many more devices I would like to control; I would like to program my 8 button KeyPad link to light up if any light in the living room is on and then pressing the lit button will turn all lights of in the living room.  Pressing the button when the button is not lit, would simply turn on the scene with all lights in the living room.  I would like to do this for each room in the house (Dining Room, Family Room. Kitchen, Outdoors, Basement).  The main use would be to understand where lights are still on at night and simply shutting off an area at night without having to go to that specific room to do so.  

Anyone have a suggestion on the most efficient way to program this?

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Create a scene with one of the buttons in it as a responder only and call it 'Room X button' (or similar).

You can turn on / off the button light in a program by turning that scene on or off.

Also create a scene with that button as a controller and all the lights in the room you want to control as responders set as you like.  Call this scene 'Room X'

Create a program:


room X light 1 status in on

or room X light 2 status is on

or room X light 3 status is on



turn on scene 'Room X button'


turn off scene 'Room X button'

Repeat for the other rooms.

If you have a load connected to the keypad (controlled by button A), I'm not sure if it will work the same.  (turning on the button scene, may also turn on the light controlled by the keypad?)

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